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 May 2018
Brandi R Lowry
Happy belated birthday
My dearly missed friend.
I'm sure you had a heavenly party
That I regretfully didn't attend.

I couldn't think of you yesterday
It still hurts to say your name.
They say time will heal the ache
But it lingers yet the same.

I say a silent prayer for your soul
And push the thought away.
Time is only a theif.
It isn't any easier today.
Dedicated to my late best friend, Amanda Gresser
 May 2018
Megan Parson
If becoming Tarzan, wmylm,
I'd do the stunts, in every movie.
If practicing magic, wmylm,
I'd go to Hogwarts to study.
If exploring the ocean, wmylm,
I'd invent the Nautilus, for us to flee.

If becoming Beyoncé, wmylm,
Jay-Z, you surely will be.
If living in fantasy, wmylm,
In candy castles, we'll live in ecstacy.
If giving you the world, wmylm,
Sherry Crow, I'll add to the symphony.

If a thing of beauty, wmylm,
A mirror mansion, I'll build sans vanity.
If jewels and gold, wmylm,
Zeuses bolt, I'll bring, forever pretty.
Enfin, if all you want is me,
I truthfully say, I'm ready !!
*wmylm. A dreamy write :)
 May 2018
I have been away for too long
In a solitude, burried with remorse
For I've lost a very close loved one
And the situation got worse

I prayed to be taken away
For my life to end
As soon as possible
Coz nothing much was left to mend

Tears rolled down my cheeks
To stop the negative thoughts
Got taken back many times
To untie the invisible knots

Voices got into my ears
That ached to explode my temple
Closing my eyes eveytime
A picture painted, to resemble

It's you, O'mum...that I can't get over with
Life seems, more like a lego
Feelings that can't be put into words
Every bit pierces through the core

Your smile, your beauty, your essence
Has all been captured by this heart
Now, in troubled weak times
Another scene peeps as an art

How will I ever, comfort myself
That now I am all alone
None that are left by my side
All have fallen and gone

May your soul rest in peace
Exactly, a month today
Missing you heaps in this crowded shell
Hope to meet you, someday...

Voices from my weak heart.
 May 2018
You were the dimlit star
I am trying to reach.

You've lost much
of your glow
how I wish
my light would reach you, and
teach you
     that in life
you're ever so beautiful.

How the harsh words of the world
barricades you soft spoken heart
into stones.
thank you all in reading my lightly lit star in my so dim world.

ive secluded much of my world into the four corners of my home, hated to see how harsh can the world judge me. also hated this part of me, a coward. I needed to remind myself of this feeling to move forward even a little step will do.
Scared of how i feel
Scared its not real
Scared its all a dream
Scared i might scream
Scared of what you might say
Scared you wouldnt stay
Scared i might blurt out
Scared i might shout
Scared of three words
I love you
Scary but true
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