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 Nov 2015
brandon nagley
Yearning her
Needing her
Wanting her
Loving her;

Adoring her
Kissing her
Holding her
Feeling her;

Making her
Mine wife;
With one ring
Romantic poetic life.

Diving down
Into her core;
Inside mine reyna
Mine true amour'.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated-Filipino rose
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley

Into her warmth
Into her warmth;
Is where I seeketh to be.


Into her soul
Mine home;
Where I canst be alive
And free.


Into her warmth
O' the place of her torch;
That burneth brightly and free.


Into her soul
Mine safety abode;
Where there's a spiritual bed
For Me and mine queen.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley-Filipino rose dedication
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley

Elated, I'm afar from the aqua sphere beneath mine toe's,
I've been taken up by flight, an angel in the night;
A woman, a queen, a mystical paranormal beam,
God heard mine weeping, and with her he sent,
She dried mine Tear's clean.


I sniveled for eon's, with none hopeful lover's future
Mine joint's were weak, from the lack of nutritional feature's;
At mine lowest point, after imploring mine lord for help,
He sent me mine other half, Earl Jane Nagley, an Asiatic path,
Mine beloved, mine darling, mine seraphic helper.


I found wholeness, the other purpose to mine sustenance,
She's not for sale, she's not a slave, she's a cherub; not some anecdotal tale. She's not one to taketh man's bribery, she's not a peasant sold and payed for rent: tis she's heavensent- the answer to mine prayer's, she's delicate, she's an empress doth thou seeith, I was birthed for her, as she for me, both made for another, to cherish each other, on cloud nine we shalt be seen.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedication-Filipino rose
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley

O' mine asawa, mine novel put away for millennia,
Brute man hast hidden thee from view, thou hast been burdened by men's crucifying, thy fear's art of lonesomeness; as many hast left thee, As I've known thine tears. I've seen and watched thy fear's, over the year's thine heart was bleeding.


Though whilst thou was leaking from thine wound's, I was keeping track on high, from the moon, and universal sky, from the nebula they calleth God's eye; I made plan's to cometh near. Thither below where I hadst none purpose, other than thee; I asked ourn maker to pusheth me into the sea of the great Pacific ocean, I hadst come with mine love, and incorporeal potion's.


Afore thine nativity, I hadst known thee a whilst, though as an angel thy falling to the atmosphere madeth thee forget thy memory; and divine self. Though I remembered thou, as thy soulmate from ages passed: I waited, with the great originator, I hadst beseeched him to seeing thee again; mine beloved, mine consort of other realm related. As Elohim kneweth thou was mine Filipino rose, mine all, and best friend: he granted me back heaven, as I landed into thy hand's.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley-Filipino rose dedicated
asawa means wife in Filipino tongue also known as Tagalog tongue...
Afore means before in archaic...
Elohim is another Hebrew name used for god as also is Jehovah and Yahweh..,
Thanks for reading!!!
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley

Detained, I am not
Enslaved in chain's;
I've broken those long ago;
Twas I was loosed,
By mine Earl Jane.
Mine Zion
Mine nirvana
From God.


Abandon her I shan't
She's the aye, in wholesome array;
Filipino by morn', winged one born,
Atop her green mountain view way.
Her baguette flake's falleth from her spanned plumule shadowy shade: whilst I kiss her feet, mine joyous tear's cleaneth her toe's, whilst on mine knee's, she smileth at me, whilst I sayest " I loveth thee more" she argue's back its her most.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedication ( filipino rose)
Aye is arcahic for yes... Nirvana means paradise.., Zion is holy hill in Jerusalem though also a thing holy to do with god as I used it as shes a Holy being to me,, an Angel...
Shan't means shall not,.
Plumule has to do with wings.. Parts of the feathers,,
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley

She cometh from
The kingdom of God;
A gape to the eye's
A key to living life,
Mine soulmate:
Mine wife.


She cometh from
Thence the stardust;
She's me, I'm her
Ourn loving kindness for another
Is a must: tis her do I trust,
Her loyalty is momentum ******;
In which all happiness was created by ourn God:
Released in the cosmic dimension's.

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedication ( Filipino rose)
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley

Her affection I needeth
To sustain mine living's;


Her smile I beseecheth
Which is vital to mine breathing;


Her laughter is mine medication
The herb to mine being;


Her blood everafter
Is lifeforce, is life to mine eyesight and seeing;


Her loyalty meaneth the world
O' how perfect she is a woman, the image of a queen, a real girl;


Her amour' is the path on which I abode
O' mine wife, mine soulmate and life, without thee I wouldst not be whole;

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane Nagley-Filipino rose dedication
©Lonesome poets poetry
 Oct 2015
brandon nagley

How sprightly I am once in her company, she's all a king seeketh, she is the wealth of mine ethic's; She is mine sun rising, she is the sea's tide, coming and arriving. She is the universe in mine eye's: she is the mind in which I think, she is the rose, the petal gold, the crowned queen distinct. She is the ancient, extinct; the treasure hidden, the extraterrestrial's searcheth for one as her, she's the angelic one, arrayed in yellow ink. She hast an halo, her hand's holes art from nail's, as tis I taketh her pain: in the rain for her smile once again. She's mine lover, amour', peace, comfort, best friend. She is the beginning, not end; for there shalt never be an ending with her: for an eternity we shalt abode. She is mine all, mine calling, mine wife;
Verily she is mine Earl Jane Nagley; verily she's mine life.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
 Oct 2015
brandon nagley

Her orient smile
Canst maketh a sick child
Walk if once was lame;


Tis she's wild
With an innocent smile
O' how heaven's untamed.


Her name's sweet Jane
A cherub of oriental flame;
She drive's me mad, crazy, insane in a good way.


Thence back to her smile
I jump back inside her aisle;
O' heaven is sweet,
O' how heaven is sweet in sweet Jane!!!

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose)
 Oct 2015
brandon nagley
Queen, O' Queen, thou art more than good enough,
Thou art mine life, in struggle's we wilt strive, we wilt survive the horned one's push; we art conjoined by ourn love, and stitched in by ourn kisses. We wilt maketh dream's cometh to reality, bypassing wisher's and wishes. Thou shalt cometh home from work, I shalt hath cleaned the house, fixed dinner: done the dishes. Taper's shalt be set, myrrh oil shalt be burning, Napkin's folded in place, the chicken over the fire shalt be turning. Ourn amour' shalt none more be faraway; we shalt be close, holding, kissing another, ourn anguish shalt decay. Mine Queen, O' dearest queen, I shalt wait; thou art not losing me, mine loyal empress of Asian sea's, I'm proud to be thy king, O' how happy I am with thee. Earl Jane Nagley: mine Filipino rose, and treat.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedication-Filipino rose
 Oct 2015
brandon nagley

Her apparition with me
With me intertwined;
With me seeith
She's mine queen, mine wife, she's mine.


Her specter is the atmosphere
Betwixt I cross on through;
The devil's scurry, when they seeith us lurking
For ourn amare is on the move.


We hath none shoe's
Ourn feet art bare and ****;
Were tribal's, upon the sky's arrival, making love upon cloud dunes.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
 Oct 2015
Earl Jane

Dear Mrs. Nagley

Oh my dearest mother-in-law,
Did Brandon my king write you?
I am in my utmost state of agitation,
I don’t know what to do, I’m going “non compos mentis”.

Did he left a letter for me before he go?
He said he’ll be in my arms for less than a week,
Oh my goodness it’s been more than 2 weeks!
Oh, this throe is burying me alive in my grave.

Mother-in-law, Oh, mother-in-law,
I am in extreme dejection,
Oh where is my soulmate, my king, my all?
Where is he, please tell me where is he.

Please assure me nothing bad happened,
Oh this eyes shed bucket of tears,
They’re swollen and I am so weary,
Please mother-in-law, tell me what’s going on.

Sincerely your daughter-in-law
Earl Jane Nagley
September 27th, 1876

(Mrs. Nagley's response letter)

Dearest daughter in law Jane........

He left over two week's ago, didst he not correspond?
Mineself either hath no way to knoweth;
I'm worried mineself, me and his father,
We hast not heard one word from ourn son, dearest daughter.

Do not fret Jane, maby mine son's cruise ship is late
If he doth get there, telleth him to write his mum;
I'm crying now from this stress, there art no word's to calm,
Me and his father heard a storm was coming in, I'm anxious.

We need to hath faith mine son wilt maketh it.
Maby the captain's running late, maby the ocean's shaking;
Mine baby is strong, as I prayest he mayest hold on to the thunderous lightning that's hitting the dawn, I want mine son.

Im on mine knee's now, begging God to bringeth him to thee
If he dost not maketh it to thee Jane, mine daughter and sweet;
I wouldst not knoweth what to do without thy king, mine son!
I'm beseeching Yahweh's mercy, mayest god protect his ship run.

Your Mother in law, Juna Nagley............
October 9th, 1876


Dearest daughter in law Jane.........

Me and mine husband hath received news on mine son, and thine king, I'm heartbroken to telleth thee, but the ship succumbed to the storm's ferocious sting; I prayed and begged to god, yet mine son no longer couldst cling, he passed at twenty-seven. The front half of the vessel broke into many pieces, the lightning struck the sail as tis all the men were flung west and east: Mine baby found some wood to grasp onto, though shark's were around, as ******* they made there move. He was taken by the man-eater's and sunk into the deep blue. O' how saddened I am, O' how I miss mine son, this ****'s mine soul and break's me in ways more than one...... Here is the letter mine son left when they found him floating by the blood of his vest.
Sincerely mom ...
October 16, 1876

( Brandon's letter to his wife Jane Nagley)

Dear amour', I canst not write thee much, mine limbs art bleeding out from the shark bites and cuts. Mine ship went down, as tis this is God's will, please if thou shalt get this letter please knoweth thou art mine queen, mine body shalt be renewed in the presence of the Lord's feet; thou art not losing me, remember? No goodbye's, if I'm to goeth now and if I'm to die, smileth for me lass, drieth thine eye's; I'll meeteth thee in the third celestial, i'll meet thee there.... By the pearly gate's. On cloud nine.

Thy king and soulmate, always and forever

© Earl Jane - Brandon Collaborations
♥ Lovers Incorporated
fourth collab with my king Brandon <3

I suggested to Brandon to have  a collab with him again, he gave me this idea,... though this is sooo much heartbreaking, it turned out to be interestingly amazing and genius! i knew he is genius :)))

i love you lots Brandon! me most! <3 :)))
 Oct 2015
Earl Jane

(Earl Jane Nagley)


My sweetest king,
I am here waiting for you,
I clasp on to our love.


All my life I’ve been searching for you,
Now I have you in my arms,
I’ll never let you go.


Don’t be weary my love,
Let my love kiss your fears away,
My warmth as assurance I’ll stay.


My eyes wander in the skies,
As my heart shouts your name,
I’ll wait, I knew we’ll meet.


Oh my darling,
No matter how long it will take,
I’ll take all risk, just to be with you.


So soon my soulmate,
Our patience in love will be rewarded,
We’ll be together, forever.


When we’ll meet,
I’ll enclose you tight,
Nothing will ever take us apart.

(Brandon Nagley)


Mine saccharine select
I'm here mine pet;
I grasp thy breath.


All mine day's
I've groaned in pains;
Now thou art mine, a meteoric grace.


Now thou art here
Mine eye's hath dried, I'm over mine tear's;
For comfort hast given me a home in thee.


O' love, lover, queen
O' verily we shalt, we shalt meet;
Whilst conquering the demonic beast's, with armour divinity.


If it takes a thousand light year's
Please knoweth mine soul, mine spirit is near;
As tis eternity I wilt be with thou.


On the many moon's, in a kingdom high room,
Where there's no need for a tomb, nor the news, no deathly hellion there, Mocker's nor baboon's; just ourn swoon.


We shalt meeteth
O' we shalt meeteth;
And when we do, may the heaven's open and the ark showeth it's gold, mine queen Jane, mine soul.

© Earl Jane - Brandon Collaborations
♥ Lovers Incorporated
third collab with my king Brandon <3
awwww, i really love your part my king, soo amazing!!! i love you soo much! sorry for my ****** part
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