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 Jun 2016
Got two poems up for plating
Lines in layers, piled in waiting
Even if they've been outdated-
That never stopped me baking.

A chocolate-centered senryu
A haiku pastry, maybe two
I'll throw in a little freestyle verse
To feed some hungry youth.
Sitting in a posh cafè;
sipping on a white hot chocolate;
Fudge cake in my stomach: I got inspired.
 Jun 2016
Pauline Morris
A square that was a little twisted
Didn't want to lay on his side like everyone insisted
Instead he wanted to stand on his pointy end
Look and see just what become of him
Because he did not want to be like all those that had come before
He'll now be a diamond, forever more
 Apr 2016
I am here
Yet most times I'm not
Likened to a fleeting zephyr
Perchance may be caught

Beyond the bend, it's hard to see
Uncertain, unpredictable, unsure
There are chances however unlikely
To chart life's trot and canter

Awaiting the moment I would voraciously savour
The fullness of my being that's rare and transitory
Because almost always,
I'm drowning in doubt and clamour
With fevered breaths drawn more quickly
 Feb 2016
As the minutes tick by
Seconds taking hours
To reach their goal
I ask myself
Is he here?!

Standing alone in a sea full of faces
People turning from my
Penetrating gaze
And I ask myself
Is he here?!

Eyes closing, inwardly searching
Thwarting the **** of noise
Head against the wall
And I tell myself
He   is   here!

The countdown begins

Ten, nine, eight
Eyes open

Seven, six, five
Mind uncloaked

Four, three, two
Red wine smile plastered on

One ....

A quick prayer

I do not care
He   is   not   here

Raising glasses, toasting in
The New Year
With new hopes and dreams
Untrodden - unbroken
I ask myself
Am I here?

The universe opens its arms
Asking for wishes
Promising fulfilment,
And I ask myself
Am I here?

The old year is gone - mine to
I kiss it farewell
With no regret
And I tell myself
I      am     here!

And here               And here



(C) Pixievic 2016
Bizarre I know to post a poem about the new year in Febuary - but who am I to question my own madness!!
 Feb 2016
phil roberts
Coughing like a cold start
Wheezing like a bag
Spitting through the back door
Have another ***
Doing the dying thing

Filling up an ash-tray
Feeding a fat face
Drinking cans of lager
Getting in a state
Doing the dying thing

Reading ****** papers
**** and bingo cards
Have another lager
Another pound of lard
Doing the dying thing

Sitting watching game shows
Rattling paper bags
Looking bored and farting
How the sofa sags
Doing the dying thing

Working for a *******
For very little pay
Yes boss and no boss
For eight hours a day
Doing the dying thing

Safely empty headed
Dull of thought and eye
Ignorant and vacant
There are many ways to die
Doing the dying thing

                                       By Phil Roberts
 Feb 2016
Willard Wells
returning back home
gathering of family
like the migration
of birds then great feast of food
year of Red Fire Monkey
 Feb 2016
brandon nagley
Beaugelic quempress,
A Serentifying archipelago
We shalt repose; nearby a
Bryefire, burning liquid's
Of scented rose. Gardenia
Perfume, to sheen ourn
Outer layer's; scribing
Of the almighty, inscribed
Into ourn conscious, galaping
Another's inviting. Extraciting-
Anjarising, O' flambustic passing;
Her cherithronius' marble foundation,
Hast given me solid ground, wherein
I heareth the most karstrett of once was
Lost, now found. Darshaying in Romanticism's
Prism; making drum beat's to **** street's,
And archaic rhythm's.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl jane Nagley dedication ( Filipino rose)
Beaugelic- is a word I made up. It means ( beautiful and angelic)
Quempress- another word I made,,, ( means queen and empress) .
Serentifying means- serenity sanctifying ( word I made up) also means calm and holy).
archipelago means- a group of islands..,
Repose means - rest.
Bryefire means- a bright fire... ( a word I made up to)(^~^)
Scribing means ( writing) archaic form.
Inscribed means- carved.
Galaping means- staring intensely at another, as if today's our last day on earth,( a word I made up) (^~^)....
Extraditing means- extra exciting. ( word made by me)
Anjarising- means angel rising ( word made by me)“ψ(`∇´)ψ
flambustic- a hot flame no one can cross,but two soulmates...( word made by me)
cherithronius ( means cherubic like throne, or cherubs throne, I mean her cherub like throne.) Word I made up.
karstrett- is another word I made. It means musical terms meaning ( the most reverberating beauty of sound, that is from the firmament.)
Darshaying- another word I made. That means ( cuddling like children) “ψ(`∇´)ψ.
 Feb 2016
Awkward astronomer-lover.
Your nebulae concept:
The universe drawing together,
A delighted animation.
We ruefully laughed onshore,
That profound abstruse oxygen.
Their unappetizing myopia,
Misguided eye sockets.
I picked out words that stood out to me in the book I was reading and arranged them as best I could. This is the result. It's refreshing. I might do it again.
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