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 Jul 2015
I want to bite the flesh of your words
And let the juice of your truth trickle down my throat.
I want to inhale the scent of your joy
And graze upon your sadness
I want to devour your pain
And consume your pleasure
I want to feast on all parts of you
And relish every mouthful
Until my belly can take no more
 Jun 2015
Snigdha Banerjee
you                 don't            know

my                    love!

it              doesn't    whisp­er,

or speaks quietly    in        traffic        

where   it               might            not              be         heard.

my         ­      love
                         ­             SCREAMS
                                            ­         LOUDLY even in the hush of the evening!

you            say               
                   ­you                 know me,
but                   you,              
                          you don't know me.


it's in my work
                                  it's in my love
                                                            ­       sometimes they are the same.

                            for whom I love
                                                            ­              it's in my kiss

let me
                                                  introduce     ­ you to bliss.

                            if I am your friend
                                                          ­          you know it...YOU KNOW IT!

you will see it in my eyes
                                      a highway deep

an EXplosiON inTENse!


if I love you,

             you know it,

                             I'll be your full moon every night!

you think you know me

                then call me by my name...

                      when I write , it requires surgery

I have to split open the rib cage.

                           Break every bone.

It is the only way to get to the heart,

                                              then you have to remove it

expose it,
                                   it s~q~u~i~r~m~s as it is pumping.

It leaves a mess

                       blood is spilled everywhere.

The bones heal
                                       you hear the sound of metal
                                                           ­                           on metal

the gate shuts behind you.
­                                         There is a horrendous sound

it echoes in your skull,

                                     in your mind.

                                    There are sleepless nights.

There is a cost

                      a heavy cost.

                   If you want to speak to me,

after your punctuation is in place,

                            once your meter is formed perfectly,

                                                   I mean I don't mind.


                  I want to see your heart,                        your love,

                                                       I want to see


You say you know me, then address me by my name...
I know this may seem odd.
You’ve probably heard stories about me, some of them may not be such good ones.
That’s why I’m writing this.

Don’t make the same mistake as me.

She likes someone who cares enough to be there but also lets her be free.

Don’t make the same mistake as me.

She’s not a materialistic person but remember it’s the little things that count.
Buy her flowers, surprise her with candy. She loves chocolate but not the dark kind so be sure you don’t get it or she’ll give you that grumpy look that is adorable but still means business.

Don’t make the same mistake as me.

She has a great sense of humor, is loyal beyond belief, has more beauty than meets the eye, and a smile that could end a war.
Admire everything about her.
The way she drinks from a cup as if she was a small child.
The way her eyes crinkle at the corner when she smiles.
The way that she laughs, because you can tell it is so genuine and filled with love.

Don’t make the same mistake as me.

She is more of an indoors type of girl. She likes to stay home, relax, maybe watch some tv shows while snuggled up against you.
Though, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t like to go out.
Take her to a funny movie, take her to a fancy dinner, entice her with a picnic in a park.

Don’t make the same mistake as me.

Don’t take her for granted.
Don’t flirt around with other girls if you get bored.
Don’t **** up your second chance if she gives you on, because she is just that loyal and loving that she will give you one.

Don’t you dare make her cry.

Her tears are the most depressing thing you could possibly witness.
The terrifying sound she makes when she sobs heavily is too much to bare.
f you make her cry, be there for her.
Hold her and apologize as she grabs your shirt and pushes her face into your chest.
Console her.
Make a promise to make everything better and actually keep it.

But most importantly of all, don’t make the same mistake as me

Don’t leave her.
My first poem
 May 2015
you created us, humans, one after the other trying to perfect the creation you defined as imperfect. you thought of this as a way to show us that your power holds no limitations. flawed species; and alone, we have created a civilization. we live to create a more damaged environment for us to die in. 

and i was destructive. an emptiness so vast took hold of my being and no one i encountered could rid me of it. no one could make me feel.

until i knew of her existence, or lack there of. and now every atom in my fragile body lusts over every cell her celestial figure withholds. i unconcsiously cannot stop wanting her, because my heart pumps desire into my system rather than blood and no ***** that makes me up can function without her. 

i've always felt dead inside..i've always felt that my days were of no purpose, until i met her, and i could ask for no bigger purpose than to love her. 

she awakened my soul; the soul that was burried so deep in that i misconceived dislocation with it's nonexistence.

i never was interested in astronomy but i've always loved the idea of everything that exists beyond this earth. i speak of her beauty, and god, i can't help but compare her to the galaxies. i know the stars don't hear me, but that doesn't limit me. sometimes i wonder if they do because everytime her name rolls off my tounge, i can see them flicker. i think it's because they're in awe. they never saw someone feel so much for someone else before, and they never heard of someone as beautiful as her; not in centuries past and definitely not for centuries to come. her eyes hold universes within them and i want to study her instead. i'm fascinated with every detail there's to her. i never held interest in anyone before her and no one after her could measure up. she's everything everyone wants to be, but nothing anyone can be; because she's the perfect you were aiming for. isn't she?

she taught my lungs how to breathe.
"and i'm so glad i held onto my life long enough for her to be in it. -@whorefrost" and although the weight of this life is heavy on my chest, it's worth it. loving her is worth it.

i've been asked to describe art, and every thought in my head screamed her name louder than the other wanting to be heard. but she's more than just art, she's reason. 

she's my reason.

i see her, and i believe.
i believe in you.
 May 2015
Angie S
tomorrow i want to steal someone's heart
and i want them to steal mine
i want to trace constellations on their palm with my finger,
paint symphonies out of heart tickling laughter,
dance a slow waltz with our lips intertwined,
and gaze into their eyes and see a universe

dear 11:11
tomorrow i want to be in love
i want to feel the tip of it with my toes
let it crawl up my leg and body
and wrap me up from the inside out
sink into oblivious bliss

today i spent alone but
tomorrow i want love to knock at my door
sing me a tune i know by heart
and let me hum the harmonies
tear up the clouds and let the sun rain down
i felt like this a while ago and still do, i think. anyways, this poem is pretty raw and i'm probably going to post a revised version later. but for now, enjoy the thoughts i have and keep to myself.

— The End —