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 Sep 2
Alexis K
Undoubtfully Beautiful and so Painfully Fleeting.
 Sep 2
Alexis K
I love seeing happy.
The way eyes light up with joy and smiles spread.
The feeling of weightlessness and comfortable warmth.
I just wish I could see it on me.
I vie to feel that feeling once again.
 Sep 2
Alexis K
I could write a rhyme,
Because that wont take much time.
Or I could write a song,
This way you could sing along.
 Sep 2
Alexis K
You may not be a bad guy
But you are the bad guy
 Sep 2
Alexis K
The wind is in your face.
It's cool and the sun is warm against your skin.
Your hair is just barely blowing in the wind behind you.
The trees are green and the grass stands at attention for you.
The fluffy clouds dance above you as the squirrels scramble.
The flowers are in bloom and colors surround you.
The serenity envelops you and all cares fly away.
Because for at least today you can be one with nature.
 Sep 2
Alexis K
I was always so mad that you wouldn't be able to see me graduate with my class.
I did'nt have to worry about that though, since we graduated alone.
 Sep 2
Alexis K
In a world of good versus evil
Where the evil believe they're good
and the good believe they are the good ones
Which one are you?
 Sep 2
Alexis K
When did I get so old?
Too old to kiss my mom on the lips??
Too old to tell my sister I love her???
Too old to even hug her????
When did I get so old?????
So old my back kills me??????
So old my knees buckle???????
So old I’m losing my thoughts,
As if my cards are constantly being shuffled.
Why did I have to grow?
 Sep 2
Alexis K
I could write

A simple rhyme
Simply to take up time.


A quiet novel
Whispering about a lover who grovels.  


A bold song
To share what’s been on my mind so long.


This is just a simple rhyme.
Simply because I have the time.
 Sep 2
Alexis K
"I'm getting bullied by my wife." He said.
His voice was soft, his tone was light.
It was joke, no harm was in sight.

I just smiled and walked away.
But I begin to wonder.
Should I have stayed?
 Sep 2
Alexis K
"You need a good education to live a full and happy life."
                  "You'll never make it without a degree."
                                 "Be reasonable."
                                          "Have a plan B."
                                                     "Be realistic."

What's realistic to me is different than what's realistic to you.
        I don't want a plan B, my heart is set on one thing.
               If being reasonable means working a dead end job,
                     consider me the contrary.
                            No degree means no me? What about Brian Adams,
                                Adele, David Bowe, Thomas Edison and even
                                    nine US presidents with no degree and
                                       amazing lives.
                                         Some people I know dropped out of high
                                          school, barely know how to sign their name
                                        and living their lives to the fullest.

So do not tell me what to do or who I am or who I have to be.
         I will be me, even if that means I am a starving artist at fifty-
                 Even if that means I am couch surfing half my life while
                     finding my dream job.
                         Even if that means I am unrealistically hopeful my
                             whole life.
                                At least I am not a pessimistic, discouraging, sad
                                    being. Like you want me to be.
 Sep 2
Alexis K
(To the tune of the 12 Days of Christmas) *

On the first day of Christmas my mommy made me
               A batch of my favorite cookies

On the second day of Christmas my mommy made me
                                           Two apple pies

On the third day of Christmas my mommy made me
                               Three basted turkeys

On the fourth day of Christmas my mommy made me
                                  Four deviled eggs

On the fifth day of Christmas my mommy made me
                           Five pumpkin pies!!!

On the sixth day of Christmas my mommy made me
                                    Six honey hams

On the seventh day of Christmas my mommy made me
                             Seven gooey brownies

On the eighth day of Christmas my mommy made me
                         Eight malted milkshakes

On the ninth day of Christmas my mommy made me
                           Nine banana muffins

On the tenth day of Christmas my mommy made me
                                    Ten yucky yams

On the eleventh day of Christmas my mommy made me
                           Eleven pickled peppers

On the twelfth day of Christmas my mommy made me
                               Twelve ears of corn
From a couple of foodies to a couple of more! Merry Christmas / Happy holidays.
 Sep 2
Alexis K
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