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 Jan 2016
Dorothy A
Love is more than...

A feeling
An emotion
A romantic notion

Love is often...

Quite a challenge
Painful - like a sore to heal  
Not always the real deal

Love sometimes...

Is lacking
Has no appeal
Is falsely based on how you feel

Love certainly...

Requires risk
Will not always be returned
Is a gift - cannot be earned

For without love...

We would not be human
But merely beasts
Therefore, love must increase

Nobody is...

Hopeless in a desire for its reach
For shattered lives can be made whole
Love can penetrate a broken soul!   

Love is...

Not a tired, worn-out cliche
But not as carefree as it is told
A treasure I'd never trade for money or gold

Love ...

Banishes hatred
A state of being and mind
Truly, of values, sublime
 Dec 2015
Jude kyrie
Wounded Knee--December 29 1890

The icy wind blows through the trees
The Lakota tribe brought to its knees
Red stained snow marks the shame
No one left to take the blame
History of a settlement marked in blood
Euphemized for the common good
In all of time the land defiled
with the spilled blood of a native child
In Washington the politicians sleep
But I know why the willow trees weep
125 years ago today

Wounded Knee
(December 29  1890)
The day was icy cold as winter gripped
The Lakota Sioux were on their reservation
The division of the 7th cavalry
arrived to disarm the tribe
the weapons were handed over
in general compliance to the order
An older tribesman was deaf
he did not understand
and refused to give up his rifle
insisting he paid much money for it.
In the altercation his rifle was discharged
The cavalry started firing indiscriminately
at the mostly unarmed Lakota
the few remaining armed tribesmen
were quickly suppressed
men women and children
were killed and wounded
Blood covered snow
strewn with bodies
was the final scene
in all at least
150 men, women and children
of the Lakota tribe lay massacred
some state the number to 300
The bodies of the Lakota
were buried in a mass grave
later twenty cavalrymen of the 7th
were awarded the Medal of Honor
It Hurts believing your words  
then finding out it is all a Lie

It Hurts knowing a person I love
can become a person
I would Despise

It Hurts being told you are Clean
then findin' out your *****
It Hurts that you feel Entitled
yet at the same time
feel Unworthy

It Hurts knowing you could Die
be brought Back and Die
Be brought Back and Die
It Hurts wondering
every Moment
of every Day and Night
If you are still Alive

~MoonFlower~Fluer de Luna~April 2015
Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
♡■♡■ It Hurts ■♡■♡
 Sep 2015
Mysterious Aries
Looking for another acting award
An actor asked one poor, what his shoe looks like
The unfortunate caught off guard
But he smiled, then answered with no fright

Well, today it doesn’t look so well
You see I don’t wear it now
Looping sun and rain hurt it like hell
But it is tough and survive somehow

It stands tall against the mighty storm
I really appreciate its endurance
But as time goes by, its look deformed
I don’t know if it can take another resistance

So here I am now walking on the street barefooted
But may I ask you sir, why are you asking for my shoe
You see I can’t buy one, my pocket is so wounded
Hence believe me about my footwear, it’s all true

Looking for another acting award
An actor asked one poor, what his shoe looks like
Now he got the best trophy reward
A teary eye, a lesson that deeply strikes

Mysterious Aries
An actor may claim that they know what’s the poor shoe looks like
Little they know that some aren't wearing one...
 Jul 2015
I am more concerned
About your starry eyes.
Lest the shiny moon,
Adds them to her
Own collection,
In confusion!
 Jun 2015
Ignatius Hosiana
Fear sleeping for with it my ideas might be gone
By either dying or reverting to where they were born
I hold each piece of memory like slides up a microscope
Nursing them tenderly so that they don't lose hope
And I walk my little fingers over my phone screen
While words from all corners of my mind scream
Can't risk the cacophony in my head turning into a maze
'Cause my mental universe is a cow I must always graze
Sleep tries to have her finger pressing my eyes
I fight back because I can't stand watching my good as it dies
Drowning into hours of foolish immobility
Losing a time I could have maximized my ability
So I keep scribbling a pen when I tire of tapping
Satisfying my ***** obsession so it doesn't think about eloping
I think I'm not a poet but an addict to glamourous words
Probably hoping to come across one that will glue the shards
I'm playing with the hand fate's delt and the cards
Can we blame them for soaring when they were given wings,the birds?*,
Trying to find sleep ... :o
 Jun 2015
brandon nagley
Yes I must say
Tis I must say
I seeith the world coming
To its final end,

In dreams I see the asteroids
Plummeting in hellish descent
I see the horsemen
Riding by storms
Get ready to mourn
The saints await
Prying on clouds
Pray dear man!!!

Thy country's becometh sand

Thy faces
Shalt praise
The one thou hast rejected
The year of thefinal blood moon( number four)
An Antichrist is upon us
New world order at thy door
The american dollar shalt topple
A 666 chip shalt be enforced(already ready and made,r.f.I.d chip)
Mothers wilt howl for their babies
Father's will repent in remorse
I saw the dream
In a mall
The meteor
Striking the trench
Let down thy coffee cup
Smell the blood stench
Dont be fooled
By false doctrine
Tend to mine words
Mine birthday month
A shaking to the world!!!

I always knew mine birth day
(9/23 )
Had most signicant
Of importance

Thou crucified thy god
Got lost in the mob
As the scribes found out
Whence the temple curtain ripped in Twain!!!

To much for thy brain?
Calleth me insane
Scientists hast called it
The government plans for it
As missles are on the move (China,Russia, USA)
To shoot that rock down

Oh yes
I must address
(Bennu's) that flying boulders name( directly coming in earth's path)
Two miles long
On a Jewish holiday

As at that time
The pope shalt speaketh amongst congress
False prophet arrisen!!!!

Speaking peace to thy ears
Splendor thy tears
Awake to the bombs
Tell mother and father
Say goodbye to thine sun

The sun shalt be blackened
The moon wilt be blood red
These signs were from long ago
I'm just relaying thine end!!!

Prophecies already have happened
The start was 1948
When is Israel becameth a nation(had to happen for events to occur)

As counties showed their hate
As this sphere of a hell
Shalt soon find out
The stars shalt fall from heaven
With a trumpet to shout
Martial law shalt take affect
Hast thou watched the news?
Murders against cops
And cops killing innocents ,

Hatred they choose!!!

But anyone can turn
Away from all their sins
If they'd seek the one and true god!!!

The alpha
And end!!

Pay attention to thy tube
The one with false media relayer's
The one who posts for the ones above them
The massive swept dicatators

The world is in perplexion
Wars are all around
Blood fills the battlefields
Of middle eastern sounds

Thou canst feel it in ourn weather?
Its cold in mid June(rainy as well)
This weather is not normal
For its end shalt be soon

Dope addiction
False idols
Are all on the horizon
Again I'm just relaying
Something to thou
Not satisfying!!!

Though if thou shalt call me silly
He's gone and lost his head (one sais)
Ive seen this far and coming
And this country and world's own bend

The fortoken chips have been dropped
As country's right now do war games
(North Korea threatens nukes)
(Russia new cold war,)
(China warships practicing...)
(Hezbollah,Hama's shooting rockets at isreal)

Our presidents insane!!!

As false he is to
I have a feeling who he is
Thou myswell shalt not vote
Its all coming to an end..

Thy votes dont count anyways
Bilderbergs put in who they will
A front as (Osama)

They hide all from thou
A mystery indeed
But I'm not blind
I prophesize
What thou verily needeth!!!

Listen to none of this
Though it will cometh as a thief in night
Want to know more?

I have an inbox please do write..

Prophecy told isreal
When thou seeith them come by sword(claiming to do god a service) (,Isis)
Know the end is near

Sorry just prophetic verses

Yes maby I know to much
And others way to little
But I'm just passing on this knowledge
So thou shalt know
When the storm comes in and trickles
And thou shalt think safety is here and peace!!!!!
Sorry just prophetic verses and coming events.. Awake!
Thou wilt feel the blast
Of gods divine heat!!!
Dont care for harassment! Just relaying truth! Thanks for reading!!! On YouTube look up asteroid 2015. And four blood moons!! Awake world!! Awake.. And don't care if no one likes this!! All factual!! All coming soon!! Prophecies already done!! More to come.. As pope was prophezied by st malachai to be last and 113th Jesuit pope! One who shall decieve his church and all religions!! Wake wake wake
 Jun 2015
The Nevada hillside
led me down
among the Pinion Pines
past the filled in
silver mine,
the cowboy coffee ***
on the ground.

The wind blew
through the trees
without a sound-
before my eyes,
I saw a sight,
as spider webs
one by one
one after another
glimmering in the afternoon sun,
Spider webs
spiraling past,
Thinner than thin
stronger than strong,
Blowing from where?
Blowing to where?
Spun and spun
through that air.

A mustang came through the trees,
I looked at him
he looked at me -

These mountain hills
the echoes of  dreams,
come and gone,
Spider webs blowing through the sun,
riding upon the horses of the silent winds.
 Jun 2015
Joe Cole
I once wrote about the chrystal stream
Where poets wrote and young lovers dreamed
Of the beautiful years to come
But the chrystal stream became a fetid place
Of sewage and industrial waste
And so the poets no longer wrote
And young lovers no longer dreamed
Of beautiful years to come
But now I sit beside a chrystal bay
The sun forming diamonds on rippling waves
Bird song sounding in my ears
Peace washing away years of stress and fear
This now is the place where poets write
Now the place where young lovers can dream
Of beautiful years to come
Tranquil here is the early morn
With the rising sun reborn
This now the place to sit and think
Take up the pen make bold the ink
But I'll never forget that chrystal stream
Where poets once wrote and young lovers once dreamed
Of the beautiful years to come

Memories long past. Dreams yet to be fulfilled

(The original chrystal stream poem)

No More The Chrystal Stream

We search once more for the chrystal stream
Where poets once wrote and young lovers once dreamed
Of the beautiful years to come

But no more now is the chrystal stream
Where poets wrote and lovers dreamed
Of beautiful years to come

The chrystal stream now a fetid place
Of sewage and industrial waste
The hedgerows long ripped out and gone
Once green fields now barren ground
What legacy do we leave for our unborn sons
Now the beautiful years have gone

But we poets still can sit and dream
And write of things that might have been
In our minds we still see the chrystal stream
And dream of the beautiful years to come
No more is the chrystal stream

I added the original poem to give a better understanding of my latest write
 Jun 2015
This morning i had to wake up.
curled right next to you
bottoms gone tops my legs twisted around yours like red vines
the feeling sweeter then anything
you woke me with kisses,
soft as hershies
and i giggled bubbly like lemonade
i hope this feeling never fades
waking up
every morning
in sweet sweet love with you
 Jun 2015
Joshua Haines
And I want to tell her that I understand
what it feels like to be fake, insignificant,
and a shadow on the sidewalk of society.

And I want to tell her that I also borrow
the experiences of others --
that I, too, learn feelings
by stopping and staring at personal wreckage,
like a tourist of emotions,
like an inevitable wish of a human being.
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