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As a child, faith is the only thing you’ll ever have.  You’ll have faith in your parents to protect you and love you.  Faith in your friends to make you smile.  And you might even have faith in God.  But when you become a teenager your faith will leave you. The faith you have in your parents will disappear the first time they say they hate you for a mistake you made.  The faith you have in your friends will disappear when they leave you for their boyfriend.  And the faith you have in God will disappear when he lets her die.  But you’ll still have faith in yourself.  You’ll have faith to know when you’ve done too much or you’ve done too little. You’ll have faith to know if you’re ok or not.  And you will have faith to love. To love your parents even though they’ve made mistakes.  To love your friends even though they might be gone. And if you want love god because why not.  And have faith to love yourself. Because the faith you have in yourself will never be diminished. Whether its a flicker of a candle in the back of your mind or a raging forest fire in your eyes. It is there. You will never loose it.
Sitting in my bed
Notebook on my lap
Writing a poem
Emotions trying to tap

Trying to put
A thought into a word
I have no talent
This is absurd

Everything I do
I'm riddled with doubt
But when I write
My feelings come out

Creating poems
About love and pain
Such a cool way
To empty my brain

I write for you
It is me you inspire
You are the fuel
To my creative fire
Picking the lock
That you keep around your heart
If I were a locksmith
That would be a start

I don't know the code
I haven't a key
I will keep on trying
For all eternity

I must never stop
Those chains I must break
Not to have you
Is something I can't take

An emotionless prison
That's where I'll be
I must get out
I must be set free

By any means necessary
This job I'll get done
Nothing can stop me
Not even a gun

Sooner or later
Your love I will win
I will be patient
For our life to begin

You shouldn't worry
Don't have a fear
Whenever you need me
I always be there
Thank you for bringing me into this  world.
Thank you for putting up with me
I know I’m hard to handle, with my episodes
My episodes when I’m too sad to get out of bed
Or when I won’t sleep for days because there's too much to do
Or my episodes when I won’t speak to you at all
Or when I'll talk to you for hours at a time
I know I’m such a pain
Yet you still love me
Thank you for everything
Thank you for being my mother
I love you
I meant to write this for Mother's Day but I couldn't get one to come to mind. But anyway, happy late Mother's Day mom.
The last word in every one of my sentences to you
The first thing out of my mouth in the morning
Sorry is the the most frequent word in my vocabulary
Sorry is my lifeline
Sorry is my safe place

Don’t be
The first word in every one of your sentences to me
The last thing out of your mouth at night
Don’t be is the most frequent phrase in your vocabulary
Don’t be is your reassurance
Don’t be is your consolation

One day when I said sorry
You didn’t respond with don’t be
That's how I knew that it was over
I cried over you but never cut.
When you asked me why I told you that the pain of heartbreak hurt more than razor blades.
When I tell you that I love you. You cry because you know for once I'm telling the truth.
When I tell you I worry about you. You cry because you know that I would die for you.
When I tell you that you are everything to me. I cry because I know that you feel the same way.
I want to make Love to you, like the flame to the wick
Wrapping around you
                                        Caressing you
                                                                 Lighting You UP
                    revealing      YOU
The Real                              YOU
Not that silly facade you show the world -- cold and lightless
We are shapeless and flowing... dangerous and beautiful...
Love and Lust
Consuming Each Other
Awake and Alive
Tasting the Divine as our Temple burns
This is Life.
This is Death.
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