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Jun 2015 · 543
Last Hug 6-5-15
In that moment,I was the only one who saw how alone you were.
Without verbal agreement we both understood that
I shouldn't leave you alone,but it was also understood
that you needed a moment alone to grieve in silence.
Right before me stood the man I had feared
& idolized since I was a child.
Right before my eyes you became undone.
With that understanding in mind I left you alone,
but not before giving you an awkward yet necessary hug .
In the years to come, I would have never imagined
that it would be our last one.
Cree Scythe
Mar 2015 · 813
Day 4
I wish i could quit you cold turkey.
you are a form of escapism
and i am seeking sobriety
please please sweet addictions let go of me..
-Cihannah F.-
Nov 2014 · 2.8k
Somewhere is a coward still in the closet ,
or laying next to you in the bed.
The  biggest cowards are disguised in uniform
Powerful cowards on pedal stools,hidden in congress.
Most cowards often promise to be lovers
but will run when you sing their name
cowards holding hands
rubbing their" happiness" in your face
cowards who were supposed to be parents
cowards who promised to be friends
careless cowards who wanted commitment
but never saw it through till the end
cowards buying flowers
cowards falling in love
there are cowards 6 feet under
yet some cowards make it above
I see a coward in the mirror
There is a coward in all of us
Nov 2014 · 1.6k
The Burning Man
He left her with two of his favorite sweaters
one t shirt ,a pair of jeans and new Adidas
Yet he had no intention on returning.
In the first week of waiting
she would fold the clothes in a corner
smiling foolishly to herself
thinking of how he would have
something to wear when he returns.
In the second week of waiting
her smile started to fade
Shed sit in the corner of her bed
with one of his favorite sweaters on and wait.
She found a little reason to smile again,
for the clothes still carried his scent.
she would crawl in her the corner of her bed
and draw the hoodie strings and
suffocate herself in soaked sweater sleeves
till she drifted off to sleep.
In the third week of waiting
she washed his clothes
for the scent was overwhelmingly repugnant.
now they belonged to no one
She laid the clothes out on the floor
placed a cigarette in her lips and lit a match
threw the flame to the floor
and watched the burning man
He trapped my spirit in a lead decanter.
Whether to indulge ,alone or
while entertaining company that is never my own,
every time he calls I come pouring out
in a sea of salt water and toxic feelings
We'll probably both die from this.
But what tastes better and
what is more sweet than
spirits on the rocks?
I will not be bitter this time.
As I only better with age,I will
'be sweeter than your 'sweet talk';
The most delicious tasting poison
known to man
Oct 2014 · 489
R.F.R pt 2.
I would hate to find fragments of you spread too thin across their cliche coffee stained poetry books .
They'll tell you how smooth you go down and place you on the top shelf
When in reality you are a cheap shot of ***** that burns,but gets the job done
and that's what makes you all the more alluring
-Cihannah F.
Oct 2014 · 535
In the past twenty four I realized
you'll fall pitifully hard before you fly
Thought I felt the pain taking away every bit of my inner being
looked in the mirror & caught a glimpse of my wings
I wont take counsel from fallen angels
who've made a home in the ground
they'd hate to see my fly higher than where they've been
and when the joy ride is over, they wont want me around
I wont take counsel from fallen angels
who no longer know who they are now
Oct 2014 · 2.5k
Shes no "Mustang Sally"
Volume up,lights out
Tolerance up just to drown him out
Everyone's dancing in circles
She's stuck in the perverse perimeter,so no one sees her around .
Hopped off on circles & hallow cylinders just to survive when shes around
She used to come alive in the moon light
When the high beams shined she used to see the light .
Now she's struggling w strategies to leave .
Trying to find an amusing excuse to satisfy their surprise
Something like :
"I'm a vampire I need to get home before the sun rises "
Pass her a lighter , So she could add
fuel to the fire ;makes for better burn holes in her pantyhose
Chain link boots ,skin tight leather coat
Mustang Sally , make tonight your own..
Oct 2014 · 989
The Inscription
I know you'll find this story to be as
inexhaustibly motivating as I view your story  .
And such a motivation should be perpetuated.
Promise me that for every "battle" along your journey, that you fight relentlessly but always love incessantly.[uninterrupted!]*
An inscription written in a copy Hank Moodys "God  Hates Us All" bought for a  friend.
Sep 2014 · 681
They might turn you into one of those catchy radio hits with a cheesy chorus that consists of two repetitive words  like "baby oh" if you let them.
Spend hours analyzing the lyrics to your favorite songs hoping to juxtapose the meanings to your every move
as if your favorite songs were a guide to you
The real you is hidden among the staticky stations that only work
on trucker radios and cars with broken antennas.
don't ask me how I know this;just believe me like you always do
Sep 2014 · 757
Midnight Marauders
Two midnight marauders howling at the moon
As I lay on my back tonight hope you give me a chance
to count each and every star in the sky.
Please wait a while before you arrive…
Putting up a fight cause I love to let you win,
I love to let you in..
You put this pressure on my insides that
make me buckle at the knees.
This pressure fills me literally& spiritually.
Even with all my tension ,somehow
you manage to put me at ease.
& As you ease in I’m relieved
Then you pick up the speed &
I’m screaming for God
You’re so blessed at the waist.
As you continue to pick up the pace ,I
Can feel my spirit elevate
I think I’m closer to the stars..
Sep 2014 · 521
Shes my friend...
In my waking thoughts and dreams
I'm haunted not by the things that won't,
but by the things that could be
Haunted because they'll never be for you & me .
I see the way she lights up your face
and I am happy for you and so sad for myself
I think about you at home at work on my way to work on my way to the store and then I torture myself some more with
thoughts of how much she must be making you laugh right now
I get a hold of myself & wonder, how could I feel this way about a friend?
I can't be in love with a friend
I can't resent my friend.
It hurts to watch the way you & I unknowingly became us
happen all over again with someone new
you said you'd never do it
you asked me how could you fall for a friend
as if it was a stupid question
I  see the signs ,I can feel the feelings you deny
Watching it happen again with anyone but me kills me inside
But I am your friend
She is your friend
She's my friend.
I want you guys to be happy;
even if that means my happiness will cease to exist.

— The End —