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Began falling apart,
with every word you failed to say.
oceans blue and waters deep
adventure hides while i seek
vast clean space that doesn't age
new beginnings turn the page
the world is out for me to find
faces and names to which i’m blind
the world, she calls and beckons me
persuading me gently out to sea.

                                                              ­          the new man

•       •

naked I come into the world

With a blanket wrapped around me
I go to jail

for indecent exposure

such is

The True Poet 's


•   •

( metaphorically speaking )


                ///                             ///

she wandered naked into my bedroom

I thought :

What should I do first

**** her ?


Ask her her name ?


I looked into her eyes and thought :

Or maybe wrap a blanket around her

And get the **** outta here ?


I love to make love with the sky and stars

With the holy mountains !

With the sacred waters !

With the open fields !

With the city streets !

When embodied within a lovely woman

Or within the dancing eyes of a laughing girl



( uh oh

Here come da police ! )
<   <    o   >  >  

                                                      ­    ( upon reading WOLF SPIRIT 's
                                                              ­BLACK CAT PARANOIA )


And I was sitting on this chair

And above me to my left

Was this SHINNING !
( which I knew as GOD !)

And below me to my right

Was this grotesque shape

( this UGLINESS ! )

which I came to think of as



I turned toward GOD and the glowing light

HE stared straight ahead !

I turned toward the hideous shape !

It was disgusting

But as I did so

GOD turned toward me


I thought :

Why am I looking at this lowly creature when
I could be looking at GOD ?

But as I turned toward HIM
He turned away !

So I turned back toward the man
And again GOD turned toward me

And then the ugly thing turned toward me

I was amazed !
( it was a lovely smile )

But then I realized that he wasn't smiling
AT me

But was smiling THRU me at GOD

who was smiling THRU me toward the man !


And the longer I held the gaze of the man

The greater was the light !

The greater was the love !


And then I turned toward GOD






and the Light exploded and filled my body

And there was no difference between



and the MAN

And I awoke

and even an idiot like me

Knew what it meant

And the FEELING  is still with me

To this day




Let us all thank WOLF SPIRIT

for reminding us

Of our true nature

And who we really are
(         <^>         )
0      0
        /\ ---/\


walkin alone
( it's a quiet evening )

Ain't no dreams / ain't no hope

Ain't nobody on the streets seeing


Anyone any more


( Ain't nothin

To be feelin )

•       •



The silence cannot hide

The deeper meaning


Walkin alone
( it's a deadly sense of scheming )

Ain't nothin but the siren sound
Of the Police Man

and the broken life of the streeted child

And the whip lash back he's carrying


Walkin alone
( slave quarters of the demons )

Ain't been no hope nor joy round here

For years and years


Only soul fire hell and bleeding


And the siren sound
Of the Police Man


The Police Man


I could tell a story bout you and me

But would even we

Bother to believe

In ourselves any more ?


I could sing of the possibility

Of being free by morning !

But I am walking all alone

And it seems

Everyone's asleep

But no one's a dreaming


Ain't no hope / not even a prayer

Nobody seems to care

Everone simply is fleeing


Simply fleeing
I forget I'm a person
And I think I'd rather be
The wind
Or a tree
Or a bird
And not a person
Who has so much to think about
And so much to do
When none of it really matters in the end
All the stress we feel now will one day be for nothing
We won't exist
We won't make an impact like the way a tree
or the wind
or a bird shapes the earth
We won't change the world significantly enough
To make our time here important
And that's a lot of things to think about
And most of the time I don't want to think at all
I just want to feel
But only in the good ways
I only want to feel free
And happy
And useful
And good
And I can't when everyone is telling me you have to work for all these feelings
But do we?

I prayed for light, He sent me sun
I prayed for moisture, He sent me dew
I prayed for beauty, He sent me flowers
I prayed for love, He sent me you
I miss you. I miss you so. ****. much.

I miss you with every step and breath I take.
But no.
I miss you more than that. So much more.

I miss your fingers entwined with mine, your thumb doodling patterns across my knuckles.

I miss your voice, the inflection and emphasis of your carefully chosen words, hearing you laugh when I laugh.

I miss your breath tickling my neck at 2 AM, and waking you at 3. Kisses, love, and challenges to follow.

I miss once-in-a-while 4 AM kitchen dances. Aaliyah serenading our modest rendezvous.

We believed it was the perfect time for a dance. Not quite morning, not quite night. But for us, it was just right. The essential in-between moment of blurred clarity.

I miss our blurred clarity.

Our oxymoron.
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