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I'm down
Hit the bottom
Nothing seems to be working out
Families fighting
People Distant
"I'm Fine"
"I'm just tired"
"I'm okay"
"Just a bit cold"
I am tired
I am cold
I'm not fine though
I dont even know
What I am now
A hug from a friend
Well needed
You have no idea how much I needed it
I wonder if like a storm you are
unaware of the damage you inflict.
Flooding these walls with screams,
shattering the fragility of our home.

I assume you are too caught up
within your own struggles to break free.
The wrath of your thoughts and those
calculating fingers rake your flesh.

Etching violent artistry's to your soulless
voids. Little needles which pin-***** at
the dark corners of your mind; awakening
the dormant cruelty sheltered within.

It is only through the cusp of night that
apologies emerge as you feign delicacy.
Your liquid skies fade to hellish hues as
you tell me not to lust after hurricanes.
© copyright
Cover the sun
Cover the moon
Shrouding in darkness
The world calls you beautiful
But I need the light
 May 2015 Chelsea Patton
The leaves fall off the vine
crinkled and brown
and so very dry
that they crunch under footsteps
of strangers walking together.

Those trees over there are thin
the branches are so brittle
and the grass beneath has died off
for there's no shade
and the sun is too hot.

And the crater in the ground
was once a lake
but those streams dried up
leaving stones and debris
to rest in the dust.

Those strangers' bodies scream for water
that no longer exists
with trembling hands
they grab hold
as the wasteland claims another.

With one less person
they walk away from the sun
that beats on their heads
that hang so low
from this wicked, cruel, abuse.
Our passions are fueled
By actions in practice
Our discoveries can be lost
In arguments of semantics
What is discovery
What is passion
Why do I feel
This sense of abstraction

And chance
What a beautiful combination
A happenstance circumstance
That brought you to culmination
as the sun rose
in the April of love
we let light become
a fountain of dayrise
and love set flame
in the grasses laid
in the April of love
we let kiss be free
slow down the sun
honeyed in the grass
with blossom and bee
and foliage season
held us in burn of green
in the April of love
christen of showers
warmest hearts alight
eyes of lit candles
flowers wild in fire
we let to love kindled
Your words masked with sweetness.
May you hold someone closer?

Your romantic verses may do wonders.
May wheel all the planets in its orbits.

I know you when you are cool and calm.
The sweetness of breeze does no harm.

I know you not,
when your ego hurts.
It will never leave without hitting an earthquake.
Know not how many lives still your ego holds!

I know you, still I know you not! Oh man
As still you always remains a stranger to me

Yet I am stranger to myself
As I too falls under the classification of man
In animal kingdom!

I'm very sorry
I must have
Read the dictionary wrong

You see,
I was under the impression that

Forever meant
For the rest of time
Never ending
The rest of my life and beyond

Truth meant
Not lying
Meaning what you say
Being straight with me

Sorry meant
You feel bad
An apology
That you didn't mean it

So I apologize
For the miscommunication
I must have been
Reading the dictionary wrong
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