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Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
He bites his ears clean off  
And swallows them bite by bite
Since he isn't full yet
He starts to bite each one of our ears
Then before we can breathe
Without even speaking
Just as he's finishing devouring our flesh  
Moves his tongue behind hid lips in a a circular motion  
Then once more
"With a frosty cool around my glass
Your blood would freeze well to my tongue, amazing!"
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
It was an ****** thought
Of Milk and Rice Crispies
With a yearning between out eyes
The first time is magic
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
You always smelled like
evergreen over winter,
But I'm tired of hoping for
dreams that aren't real,
Because on stormy nights like these,
tears might never fall,
Always sleeping in our beds
and hiding from the shadows
from this torch
dry and crumbling hearts,
to love another
subtle scent of peach
under a broken cast
keep me close.
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
It took me a few months to see that star
And when it shined, it was blackened
from a star to a supernova
So I drank my can of monster
just enough to keep me energized
I wasn't scared of what was out there
or the absence of planets with life
but the chance of seeing another earth looking back at us...
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
Orchids grow from
black holes without light
Crushed down into singularities
from the pressure of being the only stars that were never loved
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
There are two types of guys
Those that look through telescopes, and those who don't
Albert Einstein could undress the universe with a single thought
Your only achievements were in the shadows of that dream
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
Draining their drink
fingertips, counting seeds
The apples on the trees
Like mount everest
and its peak
The ripples of your lips made shadows
You took me down faster than light
But how can I blame such a thirsty fiend
I should have known to see
before you got on top of me
It was hurting me inside
But you made rain
You said that word
More than you ever meant It
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
You are out of this world hot;
Inside and out
You do not get in stupid fights, you do not hit people and smile

You are out of this world hot;
Inner beauty and heart
Perfect and a star  

You are out of this world hot;
Pretty and full of fun stories
Stares with butterflies, silent, always speechless

You are out of this world hot;
Mystic and true
Kisses sweeter than strawberries dipped in chocolate

You are out of this world hot...
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
Take my chains and I'll take yours
We'll toss these into the woods together
You'll take me as I rest in your arms like so
And you'll hold my knife close to yours when I'm shaking  
I didn't think it would be so hard to stop  
But with my poems, I can do pretty much anything                            
Our eyes sense the magic that's hidden
We clear our minds and write again
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
Being a liar has its ups and downs
But some things you just don't know
There's been guys I've dumped, and guys I've lied too
Telling the truth and hoping they'll understand gets you no where, you must move on without them and just stop loving them completely
Suicide, attempting it, cutting deeper until that friend who said they loved you is finally gone
Not even arguing or speaking to you anymore
Still doing what I want to be me,  making me out to be bad is so childish that I don't even say a peep no more
Freaking out over me being bad or whatever, nothing less or more will ever change me so give up and die

I've been through some crazy relationships so far with people who swore they would protect me                          
I've been thrown on the street by my mother over money
I didn't even have the chance to buy a car or find an apartment
Not looking forward to you or anyone like you talking smack behind my back either

I still have to listen to you text me asking if I'm alright or if I forgive you
These promises are called Lies...150 mg's truthful sounding bs
I have to have my own dreams apart from yours even if you think I'm not doing what's right, I've ignored every text and deleted you from my heart
At this age I'm alone with barely enough money to make it out alive, no one like you will ever understand me so please get out of my life before I really do **** myself because now that I'm alone...I can't be stopped
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
I savour suicide itself with a martian flame
And fall right into its valleys of Ett
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
When the wolf opens his mouth
I will be gone
A journey to the stars
And some worlds to change

Don't follow me          
Just go away
To run

Leave me behind
After I stop waiting for you
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
Don't worry about saying you're sorry,
I've already apologized for you.
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
I'll wear long sleeves 
Across my arm
As if
It never was
Last time
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
Bathrooms are the most peaceful places ever
Laying in the tub
Looking at stuff online
Looking for sites that no one's seen before
Behind it all, down really deep
The bathroom is my only place to read
I never need to rush
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
(I don't know, just explaining why I don't talk much)
There's a thing such as beavis talk
You only know he's there when he's there
And, there's much more to him than that...
You can't respond  
Then your words  
Lose their power
You don't want          
Anyone to troll you
You don't even
Ignore them yourself
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
I'm better off without you
To be so small
One day I'll be so
Covered in blood
That when I cry,
No one will notice
Or ask why
Or even pretend to sympathize
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
If pain is pleasure then I don't like it,
I'd rather see red than black.
Set sail on a tea party for double,
with you and the tooth fairy-
wondering which will serve the next dish.
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
The cuts don't stop
They just rain down my skin
Close your minds to what I'm saying
Lock your heart
****** hands, go numb
When the vein's slit            
The key to my perfect insanity            
Burns a wind scar throughout my heart
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
As Ozzy once put it in his Black Sabbath song 'Children of the Grave'-
"you must be brave...
or you children of today (the world)
are the children of the grave..."
consider me burnt
the embers of the sky
an ashtray in your heart
the curls of smoke behind your lips
the darkness in your eyes
the lightning in the clouds
the skeletons lost to time
a lonely corpse
left to rot

like the children of the light
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
Met him at Target staring at baby Ciels
He made her heart beat faster than a racecar engine
And he's so dreamy
He looked at her and nodded  
At the check out
Before she made it to her mom's car, he was in her mind
Everytime she stops to think  
In further detail, she sees
Him and how they can't be together because he's always dating someone else
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
Raised by many nations,
but raised for different reasons
A lot of nations
Die for different reasons
But only because
There is a reason
If there were no reasons
There would be no lies
If there was no lies
There would be
No truth  

Raised by the people
Throughout their beliefs
Holding their medals
Bronze stars and more
Against their chest
With no regard for anything else
Shooting down all whom seem weak
They rule with their art of
With hidden meanings so plain to see
Fighting for money
Fighting for honor
It's not for peace
It's all for
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
Grilled and cheese.
Tomato soup.
Applewood Bacon.
All melted together.
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
My eyes can never be fully opened
So let's all go draw anime
In a manga of our own
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
Warm wet hands lather my smooth face,
Peeling away each layer of grime,
The texture of the water mixes with my eyes,
Making me feel a strangely smooth sensation stronger than ever
Pimples slowly melt away inside the hot steam,
Appearing then disappearing again
What a waste of steam,
What a waste of complexion
So wonderfully smooth and tempting like...
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
I've always thought I'd be ready
But I actually wasn't
It's sickening
No matter how hard I try
And the warm fluids in your mouth
Burns and tingles inside
Makes you want to gag all over the place
And you try to be polite and say that you'd love it
So you don't sound rude
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
Cutting could be an emo's second death, or cutting could be an emo's second chance at life...
Just a dream
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
Turn on the ac
Freeze my worries away
Turn off the basement lights
Hide from the monsters in my closet
Close the dark windows and shades
Forget about those blood hounds tracking my history
Close the curtain on their act of disbeliefs
Work without truthful sounding distractions
Unplug the life support on all my exes  
Save the love for someone who wants it
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
Today is going to blow
I want to **** a lemon
Can't wait til it's over
This day is over and it's now dark out
In my bed with my phone, I'll fall asleep texting  
Without you responding
Maybe I'll die without meaning    
Maybe I'll attract fruit flies with fruit baskets instead
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015


Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
My cruel intentions were to break us up
But I think to be honest
It sounds more like a duck
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
What moves me more,
is not your lips,
but under your eyes.

What contacts you take out,
I place back in.
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
My salt and vinegar chips glaze my lips
To the point of pure golden bliss
I will miss every chip even more when they're gone  
But I cannot let my tears fill this empty bag
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
You've made me look like a complete idiot around my exes
More than I ever have  
The first time got me laughing and feeling sorry for your future with them
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
Slit open my lips
(Just can't erase)
Soak up the blood
(Just won't erase)
Burn the kiss twice
(Make me feel this erase)
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
Feeling blood from between my legs monthly
Removing band-aids every few hours    
I notice "Hey, this never ends"  
Even my friend's dogs seem to notice
Not that I could ever stop this form of self-harm
Do you think it's better not to have a friend?
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
A boy once roasted me
that if I thought of pokemon
the way I thought of reality
my mouth would stop
But loose monsters sink boats
and I was the first girl trainer on the S.S. Anne
for I would rather drown in defeat
than smell him later
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
When you smile
You cause
To travel          
Further up        
My neck
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
Let's listen
To Disturbed
While exchanging
Another Way To Lie between
Each other
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
My heart is beating
Pumping in your blood
Cut me open
Enter me
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
Part of me will never forget
for not loving you

But another part                           
feels like you wanted me to
Causing me to   

Part of me was already on the way to the bakery
to find cupcake making supplies

when my reflection appeared, realized you don’t have a sweetheart

Unless the reflection was made with darkness, 
there was no way you would see clearly now 
I wonder why you had wanted something else    
when all you love is lost

Thinking you were hoping that I could be there with you
back into the graveyard tracks

so that these echoes
made sense like a song again

I believe things are better now  
but it is like blowing on a candle the days of your life

Definitely not worth it   
though I understand your truths and words left unsaid. 

I would have given you my heart 
within the reflections of a sweet sweet ghost
Chelsea Spears Sep 2015
They say it like they know it,
And you've always kept quiet,
But you've got poetry,
Right down to the louve,
It's now just a hall,
In your mind's eye,
To see,
And not like what is there,
The picture in your word blackens,
But it won't let you speak it,
You gave up on being perfect,      
A long time ago,
Flowers in a tomb,
Keep watch by Egypt,
Yet you still feel their shadow,
Though their spirits are gone,
If they were real,
They'd leave memories too,
But love only lasts so long,
By a dream like you,
Although your spirits are still here,
And mysteries remain unknown,    
You're only seeing your words,
While the earth sees your hope.
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
between graceland and never
is a small door
growing up faster than you want,
into something better.
keeping someone too close.
playing with guitar strings, without a loose chord.
love, to question the dream
and never find another
somewhere in destiny, or between eventual and alternate realities.
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
I <3 u
I <3 u so
I <3 u so so much
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
The only thoughts to express
The emotions I have for me
Are not thought to exist
True as they should sound
Would you love me
If I said it out
Loud? I don't know.
Listen to me, would you ever understand what I'm trying to say without me having to say it?
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
No matter how  
Much I rhyme
I will never be a poet
Concrete Angel
or Bring Me To Life
But I still write  
For maybe the truth is change
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
This dull blue razor by my side
Is nothing compared to the broken glass                            
That hides beneath these red eyes
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
Right now I’m honestly struggling with my weight  
I hate how I look
I’m always comparing myself to everyone else
to the point where this hole in my heart becomes deeper and deeper
I don’t have what she has
my ***** are too big
my stomach is disgusting and gross
I can’t wear anything without feeling like I'm not right
Sometimes I wish I could stop cutting
so I can be happy with what I have now
I sit in the shower and try to hide underwater
as I cry it all out for an hour or so
I feel like nobody wants me
whenever I go out to school I'm scared for my life
I feel so worthless next to everyone else
so I hide in the halls by myself during lunch    
I wish this knife in my hands would go away        
I hate cutting my body and just want to die
I just wish I was smaller like all other girls I've seen
so I can stop feeling like such a loser all the time
WRITTEN BY: Chelsea Rae Spears 
WRITTEN ON: August. 17, 2015 Thursday 12:47 A.M.
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
I can't handle this
It's definitely not a turn on
I pull down my tight pink *******    
Sliding them off and tossing them aside
Noticing something happening between my thighs  
Catching me by surprise
I thought it was tommorrow
I clench my fist and scream inside
Stepping into the shower and sitting down in the water

**** it        
I knew I shouldn't have worn those
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