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  Oct 2021 Chelsea Rae
And with a sincere smile,
she looked to the stars
knowing the future was worthwhile,
even, with a thousand scars.
Chelsea Rae Oct 2021
I scream inside a body

That feels it is not mine.

I scream in soul.

I scream in mind.

I beg and weep for suffering to end.

For clarity to strike me.

I feel I am on a strange planet I do not yet recognize,

in a foreign land,

in a struggling body.

End it.

Please, if you must,

End it ALL.
Just be done with it.
Chelsea Rae Oct 2021
See the deepest beauty in things

The simple minded never could.

Simple minds lead to shallow hearts.

Artists create

Just like God creates.

We are all artists within because we are One with the All.

If you don't see beauty, feel beauty,
You don't create or express, and if you don't create, you are seperated from the God Self within.

Express the Soul within
And show em your work of Art.
Where is the deep artist soul?
Chelsea Rae Oct 2021
Stars begin to doubt their shine

When surrounded by the blind.
Chelsea Rae Sep 2021
The cry it out method must have
Stemmed from God.

Because you know
They hear the wails
yet they do nothing.
Cry it Out Method
Chelsea Rae Sep 2021
I saw weeds peaking through cement cracks, and I thought,

"Thank god humans could never bury you, Mother Earth,
Even if we tried."

I gazed along the leaves and long vines stretching out for sun,
And my eyes landed on a small, pretty, yellow flower growing too.

I looked to the sun and smiled and back at the flower and saw
A fly had landed there, washing his paws.

And then I wondered if flies ever wish they were bees
and instead of living in ****, wish they made honey.
Sometimes I feel like a fly just tryin to be a Bee.
Chelsea Rae Aug 2021
They let themselves feed off my light
So that they could remain sustainable in their void.

Choke on the darkness.
Get your own magic bruh
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