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3.7k · Mar 2016
Aquarius Haiku
Chantal Mar 2016
Pulling away when
closeness is overwhelming;
Always the lone wolf.
3.6k · Apr 2016
Heartbreak Haiku
Chantal Apr 2016
With time, the pain is
only deepening; this heart-
break is forever.
2.2k · Jun 2013
Chantal Jun 2013
One will never know hunger
like the hungry

Painful aching
just for a grain
A mere edible substance

One should never know
such desperation
2.0k · Jul 2013
Love & Freedom Haiku
Chantal Jul 2013
Flying free tonight
Free falling without meaning
Landing in your love
1.4k · Apr 2016
Chantal Apr 2016
He exists, showing
moral uprightness in the
past, present, future.
Chantal Jul 2013
My soul longs for you
Your spirit cries out
Our hearts should lie together
Beating until the silence calls
561 · Mar 2016
Chantal Mar 2016
Clutching fantasies,
distractions, to ease the pain;
Time to fully heal.
538 · Jul 2015
Our Despises
Chantal Jul 2015
In pondering how one can attain such attributes
A flash in the mirror returns a vision
Could it be that what we despise is in our very own eyes?
378 · Mar 2016
Evolution of Dark-Light
Chantal Mar 2016
A door closes shut
The sun caves in
Darkness climbs atop
Still coolness rushes through
Weakness takes over

A fool to the world
No more light to save
No place to hide

Hope considers the brain
A tinge of citrine seeps through
The deep hue chooses flight
Breeze gives rise to a window
Finally allowing light to reach inside
361 · Apr 2016
Chantal Apr 2016
Holding you for the
final time; our setting sun
never rose again.
341 · May 2016
Haiku Inspired by D.L.R.
Chantal May 2016
Windows of sea green
Dark roots, light within the frame
Never fly away.
224 · Jul 2015
Chantal Jul 2015
The bird soars
without realizing
what it's leaving behind

Freedom calls
endless flights
through the night

To see hope fade
then reappear at light

— The End —