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Alexis Apr 2014
I'm so sorry.

For avoiding you,
Ignoring you.

Feeling jealous
When you talk to other girls.
Yet not bothering
To make the first move.

When I do,
I'm sorry
If I appear clingy.

I'm not good enough for you.

But I wonder,

Does all this matter to you?

Sorry, for disturbing you.
Dug out some old stuff I'd written.
Alexis Apr 2014
Satisfied smirk on my face,
I revel
In your misery.
What horrible people we are.
Alexis Apr 2014
When I like a song
I'll play it a hundred thousand times
And when that's done,
I'll avoid it like the plague,
Skipping it on my iPod.

When I like a craft
I'll put my all in it,
And when that's done,
I'll slowly lose interest,
Finding another hobby.

I'm fickle-minded
Can't make up my mind,
Jumping from one thing
To the next.

That's why
I've never told you that
I love you.
I have commitment issues, really.
Alexis Apr 2014
Just like the sun,
He burst
Into fiery red flames.
Z is coming slow so I'll just start with my ten word story challenge. :)
  Apr 2014 Alexis
You’re like that cup of coffee,
At six in the morning,
Before a long day begins.
You keep me going,
For a few hours,
And then at night,
I crash.
I still freeze
when I hear
your name.

Nothing haunts me more
than the what-ifs
that churn around in my mind
caused by you.

Your azure eyes
that burned me
everyday in choir
have branded
permanent marks
in my mind.

Now, each day,
I must look into the mirror
and face the fact that
although I can see you,
you will never be a part of my life.
Alexis Apr 2014

Whose thoughts
I yearned to know back then.

Whose prolonged gaze
Would make me blush, in those days.


Whom I never got to say goodbye to.


Whose path
I hope to cross again, one day.

I may have moved on,
But I'll never forget you.
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