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The icy embrace of checkered tiles
sends goosebumps up my spine
The rusty handle of the sink is positioned uncomfortably
between my shoulder blades
Above me
the third incandescent bulb trembles
like a child preparing to burst into tears
I hear the routine drip of water
falling from the ****** shower head
Drugstore mascara smeared below my eyelids
With every breath
I sink lower into the puddle that engulfs me
Here, I lay
Here, I am safe
and ignorant
 Nov 2016 Kasey Blue
Melanie Kate
Put me on your boat Mr Pirate man
And sail me away to the edge.
And if we fall off at the sunset
I promise I won't be upset.

I'm sure we'd land in the stars
And cruise along molten black waves,
Under the light of our lady Moon
Each swell rolling us into our dreams.

Just be sure Mr Pirate man
That you've courage enough for adventure
And passion a'plenty for the timeless
The unknowns and my own zest for living.

Because I'm sorry Mr Pirate man
I cannot tolerate bland crusades
And frivolous words lost to the winds.
The fiery within needs no fear, only honesty.
For I am free to drift like the currents,
So don't hold onto me
Just sail with me to the beyond.
sail adventure courage passion unknown life
 Nov 2016 Kasey Blue
Arlo Miller
This here in my hands is a small stone
That I will carry on my own
Building a mountain one by one
I won't stop until it's done

Striving forward my muscles ache
What I'm building is not fake
I'm building strength, true and free
What I am building is a better me

A Me that can weather storms and loss
towards optimistic progress at whatever the cost
A hammer and chisel in my hand
From this rock I emerge a self-made man

Not just a body but more a mind
One that is powerful and fiercely kind
Focused on spreading the mindset of its fashion
Expand happiness and spread compassion
 Nov 2016 Kasey Blue
the fire you built
to keep us warm
is burning me to death.
Upon a huge, lush garden,
on a cold autumn day...
various leaves fall, in sweet surrender...
some still rise and go with the forceful wind
floating...along with dreams, wishes and prayers
murmured in the air...uttered fervently
...from near......or faraway places

papers, leaves, souls, sighs, and whispers
all circulate, dance in the air...blending with nature
like drifters...and seekers, far from their homes
their habitats...their comfort zones,
suspended, in the atmosphere of every season the will of the wind,
...while the wind obeys...the will of God
they, on new destinations
face new dimensions...
friendlier more running, just waiting,
while winds of change settle down
touching new base, new grass,
hoping, for a peaceful existence,
for some....the end of life's turbulent journey
..........on safe...tranquil grounds...

somewhere near, or far...huge gardens exist
where leaves fall, where some rise again,
where new beginnngs, new lives are offered...
havens that welcome and accommodate


Co­pyright August 27, 2016
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
#Not all dry  leaves on our lawn  come from our own trees,
      some are blown, from faraway places...
      the wind is a big net, catching molecules of prayers, wishes,
      bits and pieces of floating objects...
      some people see other places as a haven, compared to theirs...
      they try to flee...some succeed, while others keep trying...there
      are those who just want to finally rest, on peaceful grounds...#
 Oct 2016 Kasey Blue
 Oct 2016 Kasey Blue
The only faucet into which I pour out my inner thoughts
Has become silent
The handles are oxidizing and the pipes are frozen
Thousands of voices attack the metal walls in my mind
Echoing their thoughts until I swear up and down they're my own
October 10
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