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 Feb 2016 Carolynn
Emmy Dawn
My swollen face looks ugly in your mirror
I feel like my tears water my own personal hatred garden
and you pick its flowers
Maybe you should
New dirt is better than my drowning stems
I do not believe the sun is real, any more
And if it comes back it will burn us alive
 Feb 2016 Carolynn
I´d walk the streets
and paint the walls with my plum lips
I´d laugh without a reason
and smoke behind the school gates.
I´d climb fences, with joy
I´d kiss every stranger and tell them
To never wait, To never wait
My mom use to say "Come home sweetheart, Just come home"
Let me call home and tell
all my loved ones
That I´m coming home,
I´m on my way
Allow me to become  air
and fill  every dawn with
scented breeze
Let the ashes that  is me
wander  free  on this planet.
Let me go home.
 Dec 2015 Carolynn
Nathan Pival
When I met you,
I knew I was in trouble
You were a dream to me
Turned into reality

The things I had done in the past
To protect myself from being hurt
Shattered like glass
I had no powers against your affections
I fell in love with your soul

You were the first woman
To look at me, inside and out
And see me for who I am
You convinced me to give love
A chance again

I realize now is the wrong time
The right time may never be

My short time with you
Set the high water mark
That may never be broken
I can’t help but be thankful, however
Because of you
Things long dead inside have awoken

I have never experienced
A sweeter or more passionate love
I don’t have to wonder anymore
Because I know it’s possible and true

I may never find another
But I really enjoyed my time with you

You taught me how to love once more
I had long before shut that door
With that door opened
Other things broke free

I’ve been reminded of
What it’s like to have lost
To miss someone
The pain of having a hole in your heart
That can’t just be filled with anything or anyone

If even for a moment
I know what we had was true
The simple truth now
With all of my heart
I just miss you
 Dec 2015 Carolynn
A soul
Broke into two
While coming
To life
Two bodies
One soul
They are
A twin flame
Separated apart
Dying to meet
Feeling the torment
Of separation
Getting weak
Each passing second
Without each other
Like a missing piece
Of a puzzle
Though still alive
To meet and merge
Into one
Once again
About twin flame, as I know it
About It's journey
The ultimate love
 Nov 2015 Carolynn
I´ve had my fair share
of not wanting to exist
The sole purpose of my life
was to  eventually die out
on my own way.
Even though I´ve wished upon
death more times then I
congratulated my organs
for granting me one more day
of misery.
I will not be shame myself
for dreaming about death.
I  just wish I had woken up sooner.
 Nov 2015 Carolynn
You left me stranded in a world filled
with bodies, I warm myself
with an echo of your voice
You will never be mine
in this world, not in this body
Your heart is like the cold
frost , undying and ruthless
Drowning my heart,
killing my mood
You tie me to the stars
only to tear me down
like the  comet
I wish I could  
Take it all back.
And leave you at hello
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