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She can insult herself all she wants, but her protests won't stop me from convincing her about her true beauty. I know it's not the best idea to argue with a woman, and i hate every second of it, but i'm overly passionate i suppose.
Love is when you can't control your fast beating heart
Your sweat from the stress
The amount of words you can't digest
And the physical excitement from your body.
Have you ever seen those cartoons where a bullet goes through a ghost and it's this empty hole inside them?
That's how i feel when i go out without what i love the most for far too long
And i'm sitting here listening to the same old sad song
Have you ever wanted to be the other ghosts?
They're shells but they're not empty.
Still trying to figure out where this idea came from. Just go with it.
Some people think I'm some nerd who has no girlfriend
But I've had more than most of them
So, who's laughing now?
But then yet, why the hell should his be a game?
Because it's not
Either way, I'm good
They don't mean anything when it comes to their words
Dust and dirt have more meaning to me
So get off your invisible high horse
You won't make my confidence hoarse
Its not even making my day worse
I strike out a few times but I win in extra innings
They just win in extra sinnings
 Nov 2015 Cara Christie
Butterflies alive inside ..

 I thought that they all died..

I can't believe you make me yearn like this

Its an unmistaken Bliss

Life's been hard and numbed me down
But now a heartbeat can be found.

I could go on for hours attempting to unravel this

But for now , I will let it be
And revell in the beauty of its simplicity
Many guys want to get in your pants, but i'm trying to get in your heart.
I like to align my Stars like you like to brush your hair in the morning
I like to bury my problems like people bury the dead during mourning
I'm sorry to hear that your misery is morphing
I wish i could trap it with a jar
But i'm just a man
I can just try to let it die with my words of empowerment
I work day and night on myself
Using the right words
Cause half the time it's not the right ones
I'll keep trying
Regardless of how many people tell me i know exactly how to speak.
There's always room for improvement.
I like to align my Stars just right
Keep your dreams tight.
I can't afford to be mediocre*
*I can only afford to succeed
I want that chessboard love
Protect me from an army of demons trying to get to me
I want you to be what's left of me
But I'm not sure I'm the best King
You can't be a better Queen
I think you're from heaven
I can now count to eleven
Meet me at seven
We can be together until eleven
Doing whatever chessboard pieces do in their spare time.
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