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 Sep 2019 Cam Lucelo
I woke up happy today,
The clouds weren’t blue
The sun wasn’t out.
There was no sight of you.
But that’s not the point.
I woke up happy today.
 Sep 2019 Cam Lucelo
 Sep 2019 Cam Lucelo
Imagine the life of a plant,
Harmonizing oneself with nature.
Some are in a conrete jungle,
Slowly growing out of the pavement.

Imagine your life,
And it's continuous search for meaning.
Some days might be rough,
Yet you'll manage to get through.
September 3, 2019 - 03:52

Taking a rain check on them lonely days.
 Sep 2019 Cam Lucelo
starlit soul
 Sep 2019 Cam Lucelo
i've never met you and yet
i know that your soul is made of starlight
and at night i glimpse your rays arching through the skies
searching, ever searching for the warmth of another starlit soul
with which to collide

it hurts to watch it unfold
your shine instead collides with rock and darkness
siphoning parts of you away and yet still you light up the world
giving, always giving every inch of your being until your starlight fades to grey
for a friend light years away, you are beautiful all on your own, and everyone who meets you and doesnt immediately see your light and worth are crazy to live in darkness - i love you dearly, and i pray that one day your soul will find its matching star to collide with, making the most beautiful display of light and color the worlds ever seen
I kept chasing
you, as if
you were
a distant dream.
But dreams
are not always
Sometimes, we have
nightmares too.
When did those dreams turned into nightmares? When did I stop believing in the magic of dreams?
 Sep 2019 Cam Lucelo
 Sep 2019 Cam Lucelo
She had galaxies
In her eyes
And her tears
Were falling stars.
© XPY 2018

— The End —