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 Feb 2015 Caitlin
Patrick Sugarr
I write because
you exist.*

-Michael Faudet
 Feb 2015 Caitlin
 Feb 2015 Caitlin
wide  op-
en, glis-
in the li-
aiting to
this lone
piece of parch-
ment•on it i've scribbled
all my heart could write•bea-
ring sweet nothings, sure and si-
lent•now... take this scroll•down
your neck... it'll effortlessly slide...
•to the core of your very soul•my
message would  follow your gui-
de•your opening i'd then gladly
seal •so your contents would...
remain guarded • time is now
to set adrift all i feel...•
ride the waves through jour-
ney uncharted•let the curr-
ents take you• let the tides
and winds be your friends
• ...  my quiet well wishes
would see you through •
in hopes that you would
be received by my love's
deserving... and...  open

 Feb 2015 Caitlin
I should be laying beside you,
with my hand between your legs,
my head on your ***** - while listening to you
murmur out your dreams.

I should be laying beside you,
carving your sleeping body
with things I would like us to do;
to each other when you wake up.

I should be laying beside you,
listening to you tell me about the times;
in your life;
when you and I were strangers.

I should be laying beside you;
for when you and I were born,
the empty sides of our beds -
are place holders for when we are finally together.

I should be laying beside you,
because that’s where I want to be right now;
juxtaposed your body.
 Feb 2015 Caitlin
Alice Morris
Tonight I had trouble sleeping,

because my heart was a weeping.

so I decided to take a moonlit walk,

to ponder on my thoughts.

It was like the trees were moving me along,

before I knew it the path was gone.

The cold wind made me shiver,

in the distance I could hear the trickling of a river.

Rustling noises echoed around me,

but I wasn't afraid, what was to become of me.

My heart has been broken,

words left unspoken.

So if tonight I was to die,

I wouldn't cry.

I came to rest in a small clearing,

suddenly mounds with crosses on started appearing.

I was drawn to this one cross,

it was different, new not covered in moss.

Like magic I was there reading the name,

it was mine, I must be going insane.

Violently I was swung around,

I screamed at what I found.

Hanging from a single tree,

my lifeless body was all I could see.

Then a voice spoke though the wind,

this is the message it did bring.

Is this how you want to be found?

hanging from a tree, then buried in the ground.

All these graves belong to people like you,

left broken not knowing what to do.

But there is one difference, you are strong,

this isn't where you belong.

They didn't have your choices,

their lovers cut their voices.

You need to go home and see,

how much you are loved, just trust in me.

Then NEVER return to this place,

or else next time a different fate you will face.
 Feb 2015 Caitlin
the sun shines upon
the glass of my soul
and all I can feel
is your presence
glowing through all I perceive,
continuously projecting
into me,
into every
experience of mine,
every thought in my mind

with your essence, I feel
like I'm flying
to new planes
of beingness,
where all
is blossoming
and blooming
to the rhythm
of our streams
eternal flow..

and all I can taste
is your lips,
with every breath
we take,
and all I can sense
is our bliss
soaking into
evey moment we make

see our love,
will forever
brighten up the sky
& with you
I am immortal
baby, tell me how could this die
and if u had an answer
I'd gently tell you
"There's no need to tell a lie"
Cause when it's all said and done,
we'll always be together ,
like stars, endlessly floating on by..
 Feb 2015 Caitlin
Maddie Borisov
a single sight of you is just like
inhaling after breathlessness
trapped without air
just to come into utopia

a single touch of your skin is like
an electric shock to the heart
a defibrillator reanimating me
breathing spirit into my lifelessness

a single kiss is like
all I’ve waited for
my hopes and dreams suddenly settle
at the touch of your flawless lips

but without you is like
being ripped of all dignity
destroying me slowly from the inside because

*i need you
Once upon a time
There was a fallen angel
And her smile was the world
And her laugh was genuine until it wasn't
And she gave all the love in the world
Until she couldn't bear the weight of past loves
And she began to go insane
Her smile became weak
Sometimes painful
Her beauty started to

.... Decompose ....

And with it went everyone else
Ten people saying i love you's in one day wasn't enough
She wanted more
All she got was more insanity
She almost deserved it
She started to hurt herself in the
Cruelest ways
And there was no way to stop it
She started to blank out for hours at a time

But no
The fallen angel had one more trick up her sleeve
She would make the Devil fall in Love with Her
And it would be the best part of the last few somethings of her life
He became all that was really important
And when the circumstances wouldn't allow talking
She was forced to go oh so insane again
But all will be alright
There will be fresh red marks on the thumbs
There might be a scar eventually
But all will be well
The fallen angel will live
Sort of
This was a bad idea
 Feb 2015 Caitlin
PK Wakefield
the dark thing that you are inside:

                    i love it

that it is
salt thin
blood wonderful
to press apart

as like to press apart
the darling stocks
of naked flowers


it is like
it likes to be

within hand
to uncurl
the little strange song
of its **** throat

(and i love it
its quiet
and small intensity

burning 'gainst palm
the enormously delicate flicker
of its rough flame)

my dear
(and i love you that)
you are

horrible to touch
and painful

to release,





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