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 Feb 2015 Caitlin
Aisrah Misch
The leaves are falling as if from far up,
as if orchards were dying high in space.
Each leaf falls as if it were motioning "no".

And tonight the heavy earth is falling
away from all other stars in the loneliness.

We're all falling. This hand here is falling.
And look at the other one. It's in them all.

And yet there is Someone, whose hands
infinitely calm, holding up all this falling.

Rainer Maria Rilke
She who did not come, wasn't she determined
nonetheless to organize and decorate my heart?
If we had to exist to become the one we love,
what would the heart have to create?

Lovely joy left blank, perhaps you are
the center of all my labors and my loves.
If I've wept for you so much, it's because
I preferred you among so many outlined joys.
 Feb 2015 Caitlin
Marclesza Gee
I really did love you,
but you're a bookworm
and I was just another book you read

I really did love you,
but you have a sweet-tooth
and I was just another chocolate you ate

I really did love you,
but you love to play fire
and I was just another match you lit

I really did love you,
but you were a chain-smoker
and I was just another pack of cigarettes

                                               - Marclesza Gee
He's cute.
His soul is beautiful, despite every imperfection, forcing me to crave the moments he opens up and takes me into it.

He has gorgeous brown eyes.
Under a layer of determination, arrogance and confidence, his eyes tell the story of rejection and self doubt. They are strong. They tell a story.

Messy hair, don’t care.
I’ve never known someone who could care less and seem so beautiful for it. Captivation without trying shows the true person.

His hands are strong.**
Yet for every twisted weakness within, I can melt in his arms. I wish I could stay there forever.
i don't think my feelings for you will ever go away. i can't stop. i'm addicted to you.
 Feb 2015 Caitlin
Some Person
I could dance
dance dance
all night long
night in and night out,
but when I come home,
I'm still alone
and it's taboo these days
to need anyone,
but I need you,
whoever you are
and wherever you are
I wish you would
show your face
so I could hold it
in my hands,
look into your eyes,
be known,
and know you
 Feb 2015 Caitlin
Winter Green
I was just an obsession to you
A hobby, a toy
That you could play with one day
exploit all of its wonders
see what it could give to you
And the next day just casually toss in a shadowy attic
To be forgotten
To be found far in the future
Old, and dusty
Not broken, just dark from disuse
and abandonment

This is what you thought of me
This is how you treated me
Like a novelty, a child's toy
I can't believe I fell for your casual ways
The way you made me feel special
But I was never special
I was just another brief obsession of yours
A curiosity
I drew your attention, piqued your interest
But now you've found a new toy to play with
And I'm left here collecting dust
This is my first poem ever and I'm new to writing poetry. Any advice is appreciated.
 Feb 2015 Caitlin
Flita Fernandes
If you ever doubt my love,
Spin the wheels of time,
And dive into the past,
where seconds and eternity collide.

Where they said love was hell;
The never-ending fire of betrayal,
Loomed over us like a veil,
Sewn with guilt and regrets.

We swayed  in the inferno,
Waltzed on the ashes, to the melody of
Eternal love, blemishes, and scars;
A badge of chaos.

But we walked through the darkness,
And undressed our souls,
The naked sorrow and agony,
We could ever disguise.

In the end,
If you still ever doubt, my love
Know that your stars are the reason,
My galaxy exists, in this infinite universe.

— The End —