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 Mar 2017 brandon nagley
through words,
I heal my wounds
by completely exposing them
Say it!

What's my name

Say it!

Loud and clear

Say it!

Like you mean it

"Happy happy happy!"

*Now be like that.
You said it! Not me! X )
lover, melt my kiss
like mist drifting from the sea
on the tide's dark leaves.
I could feel the tension
I could feel all the blood in me
settling to the bottom, within my feet
my feet, now red, under pressure
pulling me down, I could not seem
to fight the weight that was
pulling me down, down and down

my feet now full, now red, like a bucket
full of water, ready to spill, ready to give way
my feet now ready to burst and set free
the tensed blood for once and for all

I heard my mother's song,
Sounds of breakfast,the kitchen radio,
Smell of bacon on the rattling stove,
Heard the slapping wood and wire screen door.

Window open to the sounds of birds:
Liquid flute-songs of meadowlarks,
Chirruping robins on the lawn,
Raucous coughing calls of crows,
The rooster bragging out his strutting call.

Breezes lifted the wet scent of sod,
The ever present smells of earth fresh tilled,
And musty odors of last year's hay.
Life on the farm moving twilight to day...
Everything conspiring to call me to play.
bring no sad song here or near
our haven darling
no cold winds
just the silken folds
the smile I first saw those lips
the woven truths of love's first bliss
blushing through
the first soft kiss
of lips
on mine
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