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axstrohostonaut Mar 2020
Have you ever heard of Jcarpenter?
Her nickname is Jcar,
I dont know what does her name mean, maybe Carpenter,
But i really like the name, and i give it a 5 star.

Me and her are best friends,
We understand each other's troubles,
She is a friend who has a hand which lends,
We are best friends, and our friendship day after day doubles.

Maybe we are different and not the same,
It doesnt matter if we live away from each other too far,
We never fight never on each other we blame,
We are always happy and best friends we are.

(To my friend)

~Mishka Wayz~
To one of my best friends
axstrohostonaut Jan 2020
Your mind is hurting your mind is in pain,
Struggle, fight on, but in vain,
I will make you see the truth that you are nothing but rain,
Your mind is turning crazy you're going insane!!!!

Find me in the murky forest full of dark secrets and gloom,
Go quick for while you search for me the thorns will bloom,
The darkness will rise, the forests will go cursed and old,
If you won't be quick enough you will turn to nothing but mold…

Quick enough to accept me as a friend,
Don't worry I have a hand that will lend,
But at the same time I'm a ghoul who is not even worth to be sand,
You are a saint, and!?

I curse the dark and the golden,
Make minds go messed up and all molden,
I deceive and hurt, coz I'm just trash,
I slay others, and I spread pain like rash…

The emerald forest is my happiest mood,
Find me there and I will be good,
I will explain why the darkness is my food,
I will explain why I'm so twisted, dark, and rude…

I always knew I was not worth enough,
Everything was ruined and broken when I tried to work out the stuff,
I hurt others and made others cry,
I knew it was better to hurt thyself and live than just quickly die…

So that's why I took myself to the role of cutting,
My mind is going crazy, my thoughts are rotting,
Turning cruel evil and cold as stone,
Dark thoughts and hatred are surging through my every bone…

I hurt the mind till they get angry and in rage,
Or if not, then I hurt them till the tears wet the page,
I show them how life is hard when you care,
Start living for yourself and finding joy in hurting, it's an order, not a dare!!!!

When you care you got no time for yourself and your troubles,
They pile up and they won't pop away like bubbles,
You get hurt when you care, you feel pain,
You always have thoughts of drowning in rain!!

So why don't you come and join the fun?
Brush away those silly thoughts of suicide and drop your gun,
Come on, live for yourself and only care about your life,
Someone bothering or annoying you? Well don't be stupid, stab them with a knife!!!!

We all have a dark side, we all have a piece of mind,
Why don't we start thinking only of ourselves and come to bind?
We can leave the emerald forest and share our secrets not,
We all, all are just meat that should just rot…

That's right, if you feel hurt, useless, and alone,
Then love the feeling, for you have the cruelty and darkness that you own!!
You know you are trash,
But at least you can spread on others the pain like rash…

Make them be lower than your soul,
It's alright. We are trash, but here is the cruelty and the darkness that plays the role,
We can hurt others till they go screaming and crazy,
Make them see the truth, make their vision be to the reality not foggy and  hazy…

Show them what they really are,
Whether it takes a time of peace or a ****** war,
We will be trash from near and far,
Like reality shows us, we are a rusty nail, not a shining bright star…

We all hurt and deceive, hurting with truth and not lies,
Isn't it always pleasing to watch a child who knows the truth and cries?
We all are ghouls to the people who don't need to die,
We are demons and ***** to darkness, we make others scream in anger and from pain just cry…

I am just a rusty nail that hangs off from the belt,
Oh if you knew how much the pain felt,
Come on, I wanna say hello, open up the door,
Who is it? It's me, the thing that is nothing but to the darkness a simple nasty *****…

~Mishka Wayz~
Do you get what I mean?
axstrohostonaut Jan 2020
A life is a path, on which you go on,
Go on, till you are done,
A life consists of one life,
Not two three four or five…

So choose wisely how to survive on this land,
There are many ways to go, either to be the one who hunts, or the one who lends a hand,
There are moments we shall pass,
There will be moments where we will want to beat up someone's ***.

Life is full of turns and twists, full of hate and lust,
It's full of pain, full of people whom will be calling you a "just",
There we will be times we want to die,
And to the heartless Earth, say bye…

But there is always a struggle and a fight,
We wade through pain and hate, we try with all our might,
If there is the bad everywhere, that doesn't mean there will be no good,
Good is everywhere, whether you are hurt or not in the mood…

You will always stumble upon things you will hate,
There will be moments where you want to turn back and switch the story but alas it will be too late,
We are one, we are everything, and we have a reason,
We have a reason to breath, whether it's for a year or only the season…

We were all created equally, and we all share the same breath,
We are all humans, who will need to face the same wrath,
If you think you are ugly, don't worry,
There is no such thing as being ugly and young, for there ahead is such a whole waiting story…

Nobody is ugly, everybody is pretty and beautiful in each different way,
You know that you're different from others, and you don't need to listen to what others say,
If you get bullied, that means they are jealous of you,
That means they wish to be amazing like you too…

Nobody is ugly, let me tell you that,
And plus, looks don't matter about this and that,
It's the insides that matter,
You can be full of beauty outside, but inside you can be a ***** who will bring pain like the rain going pitter-patter…

Looks don't matter, it's the heart and the soul,
The mind and the character, will play the role,
You can look worse than many other girls but bring so much joy,
Or you can be looking the best amongst the guys but inside be such a heartless cold boy…

We all people will stumble on things we don't want to see or hear,
Feel or to think about, or not even be near,
But we all got to pass through the gates that block our path,
Or we can be left behind and be swollen by the wrath…

If one is hurting you, find out why,
Don't just let them hurt you and then cry,
No matter how much it hurts, either ignore them or break their nose,
Either one works in some way, but giving friendship no matter what is like giving a lovely rose…

There will be moments when the ones we love have to pass away,
To us the clouds will pour hateful rain and the sky will turn black and gray,
But you have got to tell yourself that the ones who passed away are now smiling and living a happy life,
They passed their troubles, struggled on through the hard times, and now earn their time, high five.

Some don't find friends, those who can speak and smile with you,
But don't worry, the nature is your friend too,
Feeling lonely is not pleasant, but everything teaches and shows,
We got to learn and to understand, while the memory grows…

Love is the strongest force of all,
It can change your life, and it is stronger than any wall,
Love can be dangerous and can be amazing, depending on the person you love and you,
If love hurts, that means it's true…

Everything has a reason, be the happening good or bad,
It will make you feel hurt at first, but at the end you had be glad,
Nothing goes the wrong way if you just do what is right,
Even in darkness, you can see a tiny spark of hope being so bright…

Life is full of unexplained things and adventure and a great story,
Life is full of things we hate and full of glory,
Just press on and never give up no matter what or in that case, why,
The one thing that is not an option for a golden person, is to easily or wrongly die…

-Mishka Wayz.

To Radiant_Aurora (My friend)

(Sorry If There Are Any Typos)
axstrohostonaut Jan 2020
The drums in my ears, the galloping of horses right behind my back,
I stand looking at the murky thick fog, with the word ringing in my ears, "Attack!"
I stand still, pondering of what to do and why,
Pondering in my head, why don't I just die…

The black hooded riders gallop on their horses right behind me,
There is a legion of them, thick as smoke with no hope of being free,
Ravens screech above my head, smoke pours from my head, back and shoulders,
I want to reach out, want to give up with this feeling of me being crushed by a million boulders…

My head drums, my temples throb, my vision goes blurry and hazy,
My eyes cloud with a murky green color of insaneness, I'm going crazy,
I grab my sharp big knife, and start to stroke it absent mindly,
Meanwhile, I struggle on, with the hooded riders behind my back whle I stumble on-ward blindly…

I still have hope in my heart, as my feet carry me,
I look at the dim pale objects of people, walking happily and free,
While I… stumble in this murky thick fog, and behind me there is hooded figures with their swords,
The numbers so many of them, it's like black thick smoke, except of the figures there is hordes and hordes and hordes………

I fall on my knees, stumbling over ****** grass,
I see holy-water ahead, but the smoke atop my head tells me to pass,
Falling on my face, I give up, breathing hard and almost dead,
I give my last efforts, when a figure gallops up to me on a stallion and with it's sword just cleanly slices off my head…

The blood paints the grass, as my hand is holding the knife,
The blade is stabbed deep inside my chest, taking away my life,
My eyes go pale and my body stays motionless, in a death-like freeze,
The fog clears, the figures disappears as the smoke gets blow away by the soft gentle breeze......

~Mishka Wayz~
(The fog is caused by my thinking vision, the hooded figures are dark thoughts and wishes, the smoke above my head is my depressions, the Holy water is a friend who will really care about me, the boulders are the bad things that I remember I did in the past, and the Ravens are tauntings from my low-self esteem self)
axstrohostonaut Jan 2020
Ruined by memories, ****** by life,
Burned with a torch, stabbed with a knife,
Standing on the mountain and staring at the blue,
Remembering how I killed you, thinking of you ~

My face burned with hate, my voice gone,
I'm all alone, a quadrillion against one,
I was born with death inside me, coz I'm a ghoul,
But I'm still a slayer, not a fool…

Remembering how I came to life coz of you,
You made me, you loved me too,
But I was born with darkness inside, whispering in the deepest corners,
Having thoughts to **** the weak, I wasn't into mourners…

I remember how you gifted me with a soul,
I was dying before, my heart a gaping emtpy hole,
You made me see love, see what is life,
But I was born a psychopath, so when I had a chance I stabbed you with my knife…

The soul you gave me, I made it dark,
Made it lifeless, cruel, and rough like hard bark,
I know I played my cards like losing Hell,
But hey, at least now, I live so well…

Getting to leave simpleness behind, getting to be crazy,
To the troubles and pain, my vision is going hazy,
I no longer care about others, I am all on my own,
The world against me, look at what I have grown…

Killing my mother gave me joy,
Coz I'm no longer a mother-******* boy,
I'm a ghoul, a psychopathic *****, who loves gore and pain,
I have now only one thing in mind; the blood is my rain…

Chewing on the gold I steal and get,
About what I did I never regret,
Coz a life is a life, it is not two three four five six seven, but only one,
Better enjoy it before it is gone…

Using the streets as a toy, by hurting ignoring and lying,
Wishing to **** someone, wishing to see them dying,
As I pull the hood over my face, I remember one thing,
My name is Illanth, and I stand as one, and live like a king.…

~ Mishka Wayz ~
My made up character
axstrohostonaut Nov 2019
Listen, mate, have you ever wondered what is the life of a knight?
If yes, then listen with your ears just right,
If not, then you can leave and let me be,
For a warrior's and a knight's life is never free~

When I was ten I have been a small wee lad before in the days of the old,
I was used to hard labour, and I looked at it enoughly bold,
I grew up with no family, except for my brother,
He left our family long time ago, taking everything from my aged father and mother~

Leaving my family to die, in the harsh days being so cold,
He went away across the far lands, his pockets stuffed with our gold,
Soon my parents passed away, leaving me alone in the house,
But I was a well strong lad, not a small wimpy mouse~

I made my own farm, had my harvest and goods,
I collected berries and wood from the woods,
Cleaned the house and enjoyed my days,
When I had be done with chores, I had lie down by the grass and enjoy the sunlight rays~

But then one day, a heavy storm and flood washed off my little wooden house,
I couldn't do a thing so I had to leave, ateast I was not stupid enough to stand and watch, like giving an applause,
I left everything I had, except for my dagger and clothes, if not mentioning my empty book,
It was like a notebook, and I have no idea why it I took~

Soon I moved to a nearby town,
Found an abounded barn and settled right in and down,
There I grew up to be humble, helped the people around,
I was used to help but not being helped, for that's how I  just lived on the ground~

I humbly ate bread every day,
Worked at a farm, for my food I had to pay,
Lived in a broken old barn, hidden away from the cold and the rain,
Had my little storage there, starting from my clothes, and ending in wheat grain~

Once when I was sixteen, I was munching on a piece of bread,
Thinking of life, when suddenly there is a bell bonging in my head!
I opened the door of my barn, and actually, the bonging was everywhere!
Here were people running, and there the bell was bonging so near!

As I stood, an arrow zipped by my head and pierced the wood,
I hid behind the barn wall. A war had come, and this is not good!!
The bell bonged away the warning; our town is under attack!!
There is a whole army rushing here, a whole pack!

I grabbed my dagger, and crouched in the grass,
Night was falling in, so me they might pass,
But then I had doubts, as ahead I saw a whole line of golden knights,
Marching at me, their sharp swords ready for any fights!

The barns, houses, forests and the fields were on fire,
As I watched them burning, I suddenly saw my brother in the clothes of a king, on his face written the admire,
I got angry that my brother was slaying his own people and taking our land!
Rage got me, and I sprung forward, the dagger tightly clutched in my hand~

I pounced on the first knight I saw and stabbed his eye,
Grabbing his sword, I didn't watch how he had die,
I sprung at the next, and drove him through with my new sword,
Arrows zipped right away at me as I was surrounded by the horde!

Rage didn't brought me down, so I went all insane,
I cut knights in pieces, my anger absorbing the arrows and swords that gave so much pain,
The villagers saw me fighting, and suddenly took up their weapons and tools,
The villagers are gonna make the knights drown in their own blood, they aren't fools!

With a battle-cry and a roar, the villagers rushed at the nearest knight,
They attacked him without mercy, him trying to slay one villager, trying as he might,
He was outnumbered in seconds, as the villagers moved to the next, their weapons sharp and strong,
The villagers attacked all the rest, one slaying the knight with a sword while one villager stabbing his enemy with an iron prong!

I fought my way through, trying to reach their king,
If I slay my brother the king, my soul from happiness will sing,
The anger that I had inside wasn't fake,
Cause of him my parents had died, and so now his life is at stake!

Fighting my way through, getting close,
I was about to grab a bow and arrow, when I froze,
There, was a young girl in the midst of fire in the burning town,
I had to choose, either **** the king and let the girl burn, or save the girl and him the villagers will drown~  

I decided to save the girl. I grabbed the bow and arrow,
And dashed for the burning house on the high hillside, like a zooming sparrow,
I broke inside and saved the girl, then ran out with her in my arms,
Looking into her beautiful blue eyes, in that ocean of blue I saw so much love and charms…

I placed her on the ground, and took out the bow,
I placed the arrow in place, and watched her eyes glow,
I told her, "Look away,
"With the bow and arrow I will quickly play…"

And as she looked away, I let the arrow fly,
To my surprise, with a whistle and a zip it was shot into the sky,
I saw my brother speeding away on his horse, having no other soldier left, accepting the defeat,
I stood, angry and wanting vengeance, looking at the target I missed, not at all neat…

But suddenly, the arrow flies in the air and drives through my brother's head!
It drove through his skull and pierced the ground below him, slaying him dead!
A hole in his skull, created by one arrow, shot fron me,
There was victory, victory all around to be!!

The girl gasped at what I did, but couldn't help looking at me in love,
"You saved my life from death, you are like the angel from above",
I dropped the bow and hugged her tight,
The villagers applausing and roaring out victory through the night~

Me and the girl shared a kiss, as I looked deep into her eyes that were as blue as the morning sky,
We shared a moment of love, me remembering about saving her from the moment where she was about to die,  
No words were said, but I right away knew we were meant to be together and forever,
We ignored the crowds, as from her eyes I wanted to look away never…

That night the whole town grew into a kingdom, as many hands helped to build and repair,
That week many kingdoms formed with ours, making a huge empire that doesn't needs to prepare,
That month I and the girl married,
And that year, fallen deeply into love, the life us two carried~~

We grew a family, while the empire was named after me,
I was the one who saved them, and saved their lifes to be,
So that decade I grew to be a warrior and a knight,
Being humble to others, found true love, brought vengeance, saved a town and made it into an empire, and am guarding it every night!  

So that's a real warrior and a knight who goes through life,
Passes through miserable times, defeats them, and never imagines ending life with a knife,
A warrior and a knight never falls on the ground,
No matter how hard may life sound,
A real warrior knows good comes from trying, no matters how it starts,
And when the warriors reaches the end, forgotten are all the miserable parts,
For there is good in trying, staying strong, no matter what and why,
Life is full of troubles, and we need to break through the walls of bad times, not quit and cry,
We were meant to live, were meant to be strong in oursevles and in life,
At least when one breaks through the walls, the gift is happiness and joy, not just a high five! ^^

-Mishka Wayz
I was bored and I had nothing to do,  so I wrote this  
At least in the end it shows what is this poem all about.
It's about a guy whose parents were too old to move, and the guy was too young to do real man's work at the time. His older brother left the familybwith nothing, and soon the parents died with nthing.
The guy loved his parents, and he somehow had made it to 16 years old later. Through miserable times ofc. And when he was about to enjoy his food, the war came. (Which was 6 years later)
During the war, he found out his brother was the king. When he was going to do what he wanted, he noticed a girl being in a burning house. He saved her, and thus later slayed his brother with an arrow. He achieved love, happiness, as he had slain the strongest army, gained his vengeance, and basically did what he wanted to do.

This poem is like real life. We all have miserable times, and we need to press onward no matter what. Whe we are fighting our way, (the part where the warrior wanted to **** his brother), we have to care for others and help them too, (the part where the guy saved the girl), and that will help us achieve our happiness faster and what we want, (the part where he shot the arrow and it killed his brother. The house was on higher ground so it was easier).

Such people, who fight their way, who strugfle on, meanwhile helping others and taking care of them, are real warriors. athose are those who deserve more than just friends  They deserve  a happy life forever.

But everyone deserve a happy life too

(sorry if there are any typos. this sounds lame to me tbh  Lol)
axstrohostonaut Nov 2019
(Part 1)

Standing on the mountain,
Slaying hordes, creating a blood-splashing fountain,
My sword slicing and slashing,
The bones broken, the bodies slayed, the blood gushing and splashing!!

When the foghorn blows, I know they want war,
My power will unleash itself, my sword will slay, no matter who they are,
Be it my mother or my brother,
For me, there is no such thing as fighting for each other…

I believe that in very corner there is anger and hate,
Talking about my sword, it you shall rate,
It is of fine diamond, sharp as the sharpest stone,
Swift enough to slice an apple in the air, and sharp enough to slice off any bone!

I watch with glee as the silver knights roar out the battlecry,
I watch as they grip their mighty swords, and start dashing, running to me, wanting to die,
They gallop on their horses, the ground shaking and trembling beneath their mighty army,
Maybe there is too much of a score, but surely to one knight I will make a death all charmy…

I grip my fine sword, as my eyes pierce the view, my head covered by my hood,
My face darkened by the hide covering my head, I'm death itself, standing on these lands for up to no good,
My green luminescent pupil-less eyes judge that of the knights there is a one-hundred four score,  
As I stand there, dressed in my black hide, my fur boots, I remembered how I used to say, "The more tough it is, the more gore…"

Suddenly, with a blink of an eye, we are face to face,
The horses shriek at me, as I leap at the knights,
A sword pointed at my heart, an arrow at my head, and swinging for my head, there is a rusty iron mace,
I grin, knowing that ****** will I make the nights!!

The eyes lock for a moment, the moment tenses,
There is anger in every heart as we stare, not just give nervous glances,
The time freezes, it's like in a slow-motion,
And suddenly, I basically activated an anger-rage potion!!

My jaws snap open, and air ripples around as my roar that is heard thousands of miles away explodes out of my jaws,
The knights' ears ring from the loudness of my roar,
The diamond sword tighter I grip with my finger-like claws,
And swing to my right at lightning speed, slicing the heads of the knghts' being four!

Blood gushes in a circle, while I give them no sign of good-luck,
My sword slashing, the clash of metal, my sword stabbing each knight like a duck,
Piercing the skin with my sword, I rip out their intestines with a flick of my hand,
The arrows zip at me, the arrowheads piercing my skin like it is sand…

I feel my bones snapping from the arrows, but pain doesn't brings me down,
Pain only makes me more angry and stronger, me it doesn't drown,
I'm a ghoul whose strength is not explained,
As I slice the knights and dodge the arrows, I remembered how when I fought, the blood rained!!

I stab a silver knight, driving my sword right through his ribs, ending his pain and troubles, then flick my hand and cut off one's head,
An arrow pierces my temples, but yet I'm still not dead,
Dodging swords and arrows, I slam my fist on the ground,
The air ripples around me, and the air pushes off the knights and arrows around!

My cloak swooshes from the force of the air,
I'm made of tough muscles and skin, fair?
You, an army of two-thousand-four knights, versing one thing that looks like a ghoul,
I'm too powerful, and already a thousand knights are slayed, ye fool!!

I came here for diamond, treasures and gold,
I'm a thing, I have no age, so I'm neither young nor old,
I'm empty inside due to my powerful god-like strength, making me heartless and cold,
As I stand there with muscles tense, blood pooled on the grass, I watch the knights standing, mighty and bold…

I call them warriors, I call myself a ghoul,
As I get back in battle, I slice off one's arms, making him from pain just drool,
He falls on the ground as my sword finds his head, the fall breaking his rib bone,
As I slice off heads and arms, legs and waists, dodging arrows and receiving blows of swords, I speak in a demonic voice, "You ain't alone!!!!"

Slicing bodies, smashing bones with my fists and legs,
My sword creating a gushing fountain of blood,
Smashing ribs like they are shells from eggs,
You are fighting someone, who in war is a god!!!

As the arrows slice right through my skin from the force of the archers' metal bows,
I squat, my legs bented as I dodge all the blows,
Suddenly I push off with my legs, zooming into the sky,
The air ripples around, pushing back the knights paces away, as I zoom to the stars, up so high…

I gradually slowen down cause of the gravity, as I start falling down through the mist,
I face the Earth as I start zooming and searing through air  back down, my diamond sword ahead of my head, clinched by my ****** fist,
I see the army of a thounsand, gawking and looking up at the speeding comet in the sky,
"Here I come to gain my gold and make you know only one word, 'die'!!!"

My sword finds the ****** ground, as the ground explodes in a tremendous explosion and boom,
The flame unleashes and covers the sky, covers the lands, bringing upon the army a burning doom,
From space one could see how a big chunk and piece of Earth has exploded with fire,
Few minutes pass, and the as the smoke and fire clears, the victory is given to the hooded figure, giving others what they deserve and need to desire…

Slayed is the army of two-thousand and four,
It was rather too quick, I wish for more,
At least mine is all the treasures and the ore,
There was no other way to gain my treasures, so I gained them with gore…

I stand in the crater, formed by my victorious fatality,
If they want to steal my gold, they deserve such a brutality,
I'm death itself, and a ghoul,
If you spot me, remember to give what I want and don't be a fool………

-Mishka Wayz
This is created by me,  yes. It was hard to do this but at least I did it. This is a fantasy which I created.

The ghoul, is a guy, but he is so sinful and evil, and full of darkness and gore, that he calls himself a ghoul. He thinks he is a thing. But anyway, his name is Scardebego Whipsidol. Yes, I created the name and poem myself and everything is created by me. Sorry if there are any typos or it doesn't makes sense.
Also, Scardebego's strength is unexplained, and he is selfish for treasures. He slays anyone who dares touch his gold. He had a mother btw, and a family, but he was cursed by his greed for gold and treasures, that's why he killed his family and that's why he is so powerful and god-like, but sadly, dark and monstrous.

He can breath underwater for 78 hours until death  (3 days) (He has fish gills also)
He can burn alive for 78 hours until death  
He is dead only after more than a billion arrows (The poem takes place in the times of LOTR, but if it was bullets, he would die after a million of them)
He dies in acid and lava and mercury after 78 hours
He can live without his body parts for 78 hours (Head, legs, arms) (Also if his chest is torned open)
His full speed is the speed of lightning
His voice can be demonic and deep at times, and sometimes he can roar so loud your ears will shriek from the loudness that you won't be able to hear after a time (You might go deaf)
He sometimes doesn't speaks at all
His bones only break if he falls from the height of the moon
If his bones is broken, he can easily snap it back into place and his bone heals over time
His eyes shine at random moments, but mostly his face is darkened by the hood, making a hollow black-like void

No copywriting please

There. Cheers Lol
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