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axstrohostonaut Nov 2019
The stars so beautiful, filled with beauty and light,
Sparkling and shining so bright,
Up in the vast starry beautiful night,
Oh, what a beautiful wondrous sight…

The wolfs howl at the moon,
The stars are so beautiful, the night far from noon,
The beautiful night is starry while the air being windless and cool,
To anyone who never seen stars, this beauty will make the person drool…

A comet zooms above in the night sky,
Speeding so fast, up so high,
A bunny hops by, such a little cutie,
An owl hoots by me, maybe like me too, enjoying the beauty…

The grass sways from the breeze,
As I stare at the sky I freeze,
The stars are so beautiful, like little sparkling white gems,
It's the Almighty One's creation, and the stars are one of His beautiful emblems…

The night sky, full of galaxies and inspiration,
I stare in awe, at the Almighty One's creation.
The oaks below the stars, lit by the soft gentle light of the moon,
As I stare in wonder, I know I will fall asleep soon…

I watch how a few light purple clouds by the moon pass,
I smile, laying by my camp tent on the cool Spring grass,
My eyelids start closing slowly over my eyes,
Closing my view from the beautiful night skies…

I fall asleep gently and slowly, my dreams showing me paranomas of the sky,
The wolfs howl at the moon, a bunny munches on the grass, while the owl hoots and soars so high,
Seen clearly by the beauty above,
While I miss the view by sleeping like a happy warm dove…

-Mishka Wayz
I had nothing to create, so I randomly created this. Sorry if there are any typos and / or it makes no sense. But otherwise, I tried ^^
axstrohostonaut Nov 2019
I have always wanted love, always wanted trust,
Have always wished for a person to care.
But alas my heart is made of rust,
And I'm a pervert being not rare…

This is all sad,
No love no life,
Dreaming of things I never would have or had,
Inside the ribcage hurt as with a knife…

Many times I wonder for my sakes,
Why did I become such a torn?
There are lots of mistakes,
But none are compared to me being born…

I have always wished to hug a friend,
And give a hand to lend,
Feel the circle of love and trust, and smile,
Bit I am nothing… nothing but a useless garbage pile…

I have always dreamed of having trust.
Of having people rely on me,
But I'm made of lust,
With one thing in mind, "I'm free."

My life makes me cry,
Everything in me is wild and ******,
I was given one big lie,
"You would be forever happy."

The girls I spot attract my thoughts and me,
I have nothing to do, I hate it,
I wish and want to let them be,
But my sinful eyes always want to stare a bit…

There are many borders,
Many that we can't cross there and here,
The mind gives us ideas and orders,
Which we never fear…

Let them be a thought to ****,
A thought to crime,
A thought to make your mind go ill;
Yes, nothing we fear… alas my mind reached the time…

My mind orders me to reach out,
But I hold on tight,
There's always a rout,
With a struggle and a fight…

"Why no one trusts?
Why no one listens either,
I dont want any lusts,
All I want is a bad mind neither."

These words are long ago forgotten,
They existed, helped, but now are rotten.
No one trusts me anymore,
I was pure and golden before, but now I'm a useless nasty *****…

All my smiles and creativity,
Zoomed off to trash and "simplicity".
My heart, my mouth, never missed a needing face,
But alas, my heart turned as spiky as a mace…

My face has a smirk, my eyes only show the dark,
My mouth is a b*tch,
In my reflection I search for a spartk,
But already my mouth cursed me to the oppsite of golden and rich…

I give up being good,
Before I feared being rude,
Now I struggle to have a happy mood,
I'm not trusted, it's done, now I'm only a bit more happy in my hood.…

Trust and love is always rare,
Fun and prises, always looks like a fare,
I can say only one thing as at the darkness I stare,
"It always ends with me ignoring to care…"

-Mishka Wayz"
When I had a depression back then, I created this poem. But now I wrote it here Lol. And I really do wish to have true friends, trust and care for someone ^^
axstrohostonaut Nov 2019
I was bored, so was you,
We were sitting on the bench in the empty park, staring at the blue,
I was depressed, my life was over,
I told you my depression, my troubles, but all you did was said, "Go get a four-leaf clover."

You laughed, I didn't. It wasn't funny,
For you it was like the topic of money,
For me it was the topic of life,
But all you did was said, "I got a win in a game, high five."

I said nothing, there was nothing to say,
I wanted to go home, if yet may,
I wanted to leave you, leave the breath, leave the life,
You paid no attention. Before you had been my best friend. It was like I had been stabbed with a knife…

I stood up and said, "Take care."
All you did was said, "You're so dull. Don't stumble upon a hare."
I did a fake smile, knowing nothing is worth to live.
Lost everything. Friends, you, lost the power to believe…

All the love, all the tries,
Buzzed away into the air like flies.
How many times I had been deceived, broken, lost,
Nothing is worth now, not the cost…

The thoughts kept sailing, over and over.
My depressions atop my head did nothing but trouble me and hover,
The rain poured endlessly while I stared at nothing but the dark,
My mind kept saying, "Die with a growing spark."

I pulled out my pistol, in my hand,
I had no bullets, but they appeared as of magic hand,
I placed the weapon to my head,
I saw you grinning, "You were never my friend. You are worth nothing, but to be lifeless and dead."

I had no strength, I wanted to die,
I knew that my Mother had said a beautiful white lie;
"You will have a great life and will be full of joy."
To me love and friends are something that I can't explain the importance of, but the others I cared for used it like a toy…

I let my last sad tear drop,
And squeezed the trigger with no stop,
Right away my world faded, and I saw the dark, I saw a hand,
The Death appeared, holding out it's skeleton hand, "Welcome child, welcome to the end."

Welcome. I appeared in Hell,
Time for my pains and depressions  to fade away that I hid so well,
Nothing but dark. And then it slipped away and faided,
I appeared in the humongous void of space, leaving me lost and unaided,
Nothing mattered  now, only the darkness and the vastness of the dark pit-full space,
The tears, the shattered memories, the hatred, and the pain, washed away my oh-so hoping face……

-Mishka Wayz
I had created this quite a time before when I had a depression, so I decided to share it now. It isn't meant to be a thing, but let me just say, the poem is not true. Even I agree with that. Everyone deserves love, trust, and friends. Everyone has a second chance too. There is no such thing of a person being single forever. He or she will find the perfect match sooner or later. You need time. Time is everything. Everything is time ^^
axstrohostonaut Nov 2019
I was angry,
And turned all dark and mad,
Without a taste of sweet tangy,
It's my new mood coming to say "Greetings!"
But I don't give a crap for those dark meetings…
I always feel how the darkness blows…
But only my real self knows…

-Mishka Wayz
This short silly poem is about a bad mood Lol. And um, I had nothing to post, so I posted this Lol
axstrohostonaut Nov 2019
I might leave, I might stay,  
Not forever,
Just for the day,
Maybe,  say,
I might leave forever if may,
I'm here for a minute, catch me if you can,
I'm sitting in my room, with the turned on fan.

Maybe I don't rhythm,
But gosh, sure I don't crime.

Blah blah blah.

See ya,
Ima leave or stay,
But only for a day.

I didn't even try,
Oh my,
The words just came,
Oh haha,
I try judge it lame!

-Mishka Wayz
A random silly poem I made a while ago. Makes no sense too. I was writing it on a chat forum, and some peeps were talking to me, so I wrote this, meaning that while I'm online, get my attention before I go offline. Lol
axstrohostonaut Nov 2019
The moon is bright,
It's a night with a cool breeze,
I see the moon from my window, it gives me the soft light,
It's a yellow circle of cheeze.

I love the stars in the night,
I love the breeze,
Oh what a beautiful sight,
My mommy used to say, "In your pajamas on the moon you will freeze."

Oh I wonder on the moon how much there is to explore,
I love the bright moon,
When mommy reads bedtime stories about it, I beg for more,
Soon it will wave a goodbye and go to sleep at noon.

-Mishka Wayz
I made this poem especially to my friend Syfy. It's a girl who asked me to make a poem about the moon for her, and here J made it. Lol
axstrohostonaut Nov 2019
The lush of life, the lush of green,
Oh, if the beauty had been seen,
Full of luminescent green flowers,
Full of great mighty oaks covered in moss and vines,
When the breeze blows the green leaves fall, thus creating emerald showers,
The forest is filled with true beauty, and deep unexplored ravines…

I somehow appeared in this mystic unknown place,
I know I wasn't dreaming, it was true to my face,
The place smelled of sweet mint leaves,
There a bird sings it's song, there a hue-ish green spider it's emerald web weaves,
The forest fills with noises of the woods,
Ravens soaring above the mossy oaks, looking for goods,
The rabbits, their fur covered in moss, munching on the bright emerald grass,
I strode through the fog, which more looked like the green thick and healthy gas…

The oaks' bark aged with years that passed and swept away,
The sky is a dim greenish hue, looks like it's day,
There is no sun, the green fog covers the sky,
I see strange twinkling blue stars, in the sky up so high,
I feel how I kicked something while I was walking,  as the thing rolled away,
I looked, and it was an emerald acorn, all shining like a gem, say,
It looked so beautiful, all shining and sparkling like a star,
Then something caught my keen eye in the far…

It was a wolf, the fur covered in moss, the fangs all green,  glassy shards of an emerald gem,
It looked mighty and strong, like in this emerald forest an emblem,
But it looked passive too, and I had the urge to stroke it's fur,
Hear something from it like a purr,
But I decided not to, this emerald forest looked strange enough,
The life of green, the lush of the woods, green being the stuff…

I continued walking ahead,
Having thoughts in my head,
How I came to be upon this place,
Such a place, unknown by any race,
Somewhere in the lost in the deep,
Maybe I'm still in my sleep?
I ignored my thoughts and got drowned by the fog,
Barely could see an oak here and there a fallen mossy log,
I passed through the lush of green and the woods, filled with life and green,
I searched around for any signs of people with my eye being keen,
But I found none,
Maybe here I'm the only one,
Ignoring my thoughts again I strolled  in deeper into the vast unknown forest,
Maybe I'm asleep, or maybe on me this is some kind of test…

-Mishka Wayz
Sorry if there are any typos. And it kinda doesn't makes sense. I'm bored right now, so I created this weird poem Lol. Anyway, enjoy it if you can, or hate it if you want to Lol
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