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Sep 2021 · 604
Why the Wind Whistles
Atrisia Sep 2021
Imagine traveling for miles and miles

walking in and out of life happening

one goes west where another goes south

one chooses life and gets death.

another doesn’t choose and time goes on.

We think we are so clever.

“Eureka! I know what to do now!”

and yes its true we do.

but for one that’s been through this and that.

and never pauses to take stock of it all.

they would whistle.

but if you trapped the wind in a jar.

it would be quiet.

drop its jaw in awe.

life in depth is simply complex.

it’s sometimes best to sit and watch –

the magic unfold.
nothing really matters, bohemian rhapsody. so do the things that matter.
Apr 2020 · 227
Who do you dance for?
Atrisia Apr 2020
Remember what it felt like to have eyes on you
Most of that is gone now.
But the anxiety isnt gone.
You have no audience but the show must go on
You still have to dance like everyone should be watching even though no body is.

Anxiety is a made up audience.
Make them a good and caring audience.
Don't sell your soul to people you wouldnt approve of.
Made up or real.

Dance so you know who you dance for even when they aren't there

Jul 2018 · 344
Atrisia Jul 2018
So maybe if I'd get excited about this thing we are doing for the both of us
You'd catch the fire and we would finally burn twice as bright.
But my dreams of my love for you are a treasure hidden in the ruin that is my heart.
They elude me like a great fairytale read in the middle of a war zone.
All I have for you is patience and a keen awareness of what we are doing-
Staring at each other, asking the other to say something less hope dries out.
But my patience is fading and in its place hails sensibility; the intelligence to move on from a possibility whose process will overwhelm the outcome negatively.
So either way, I stand to loose you;
My almost maybe love, but not quite.
For people in relationships where the loss outweighs the love and y'all are just both exhausted from previous hurt and willing this new love to work by telekinesis that you don't have. Take a deep breath and make a decision to either till the land or go where you mediocre energy level can atlas churn a profit.
Feb 2018 · 229
Atrisia Feb 2018
I don't want to be presentable,

I want to flow like a river,
bend around rocks,
struggle to get past broken logs in my path,
try to run up banks at a bend then glide back down hill,
carry things;
pebbles, dry leaves, sticks, seeds, lost items –
abandoned and missed alike..
find them new homes.
fall down cliffs,
form misty specks of upside down rain that refract light when I explode at the bottom.
Run past forests, towns and deserts, adapt and be adapted to.
get to the ocean and just pour myself into – something larger than myself...
a library of river stories,
a place of rest.
A poem for those unwinding from acting civil when they really want to explore being openly reactive.
Jun 2017 · 292
Atrisia Jun 2017
...drip drip drip drip
The rain is a blanket of sound, a theme song that empties my now, vanquishes me to dreams of two bodies entwined moving to the rhyme of hearts that beat until the melody synchronises to the tune of the rain drips...
...frequent and irregular...
...gasping, he lifts me up body and soul, to demonstrate he can handle me, and my crazy thoughts. I open up, abandon my reservations, then curl my limbs around him, till our souls be only separated by our skin. stretching our all to each other like rain drops do on window panes, willing themselves to reach that next droplet and then running the rest of eternity together...
...happily there after...
...which we all know its facing the world everyday as a unit. having bad days, but working through that pain Finding new heights of excitement and doing old things you like to do again. even when the rain comes and goes, I can always dance to the memory of us
drip drip drip drip...
Jan 2017 · 625
No title
Atrisia Jan 2017
I don't hate kissing you.
Wait let me start over again.
I love feeling your lips on mine
Like chocolate melting in my mouth
I can almost taste the weight of my worries turn to dust
And I don't know how to live without them.
They wake me up in the morning.

It's not right you know
To have someone else quiet your mind
Draw your attention to a singular moment
How do you do it though?
Will yourself a door in my wall.
Walk right into my space.
And tell me what do to.

It feels a lot like hypnosis.
Like I know the answer but I don't know how
Like I have these feelings but I didn't till for this emotion
Like you know this heart of mine a little too well
It's kind of creepy how bad I want to respond.
I need a second opinion.
I need to have one up you.
To be sure I have control.
You quiet my mind then leave me with questions
Dec 2016 · 423
An apple for your thoughts
Atrisia Dec 2016
It's hard to believe eating an apple got us here sometimes

That the blame game was in that which Eve ate.
That the tasting with ones mouth has a direct link to seeing how naked one can be...

Until your lips fall on another's...

'Cause I blame you for the way I feel, dear.
I've never felt this emotionally bare..
Now I need you to cloth me with love..

Why apples are great for practicing kissing
Nov 2016 · 375
Hearts Know
Atrisia Nov 2016
The last time I gave you my heart.
You broke it but I fixed it in the next second.
I didn’t weep, nor use my eyes to blame you.
I didn’t waste time in doubting myself or hating you.
I dont know how to do these things anymore.
I’ve been here to many times to let this be how my day goes.

The first time I gave you my heart.
it was shone like moon. You were its sun.
It was calm, peaceful, full, never crescent.
Next to it, the rest of me sparkled like the night sky.
I didn’t know the end from the beginning.
I had been a fool to think I had lived before.

My heart is like a radio now.
Picking on heart frequencies.
and I will only tune in if the signal is stable enough to listen.
I can only continue to listen if the signal is about love.
I can only love the things that are loveworthy.
but if the melody changes
I will leave, having experienced love.
knowing it exists is enough for me.
Some relationships are agree to disagree: on this lets go our separate ways.
Others are build on mutual respect and trust: I'll do this for you and will love it even though I hate it.
Others are partnerships: today we do my thing tomorrow your thing..but you owe me 6 days worth of things.
We dont always understand how we come to love the way we love.  but we know love like we know heaven. It is something good.
Oct 2016 · 261
Atrisia Oct 2016
Modesty is for things you already have, not things you hope to get.

Be more open to hoping, confidently present yourself to opportunity.

Don't let modesty veil you from the sun, make you a shadow, make you invisible.
Sep 2016 · 405
Wake me up
Atrisia Sep 2016
Wake me up, 

When the sun turns gray. I'm aware I'm dreaming For I walk through this realm without feeling its rays' resolve. 
When I hope the clouds would fly low and offer me a ride to another day.
When I've got time on my hands matching the things I have to do today,  but can't get the will to act until tomorrow.
When I need the world to pause for a minute,  and it feels like i'm falling behind. Running as if I were on a trendmill speaking but in a vacuum,  doing but having no effect

Wake me up to a perspective that sees it all, that know effort can't be measured at force value,  growth seizes to be about how tall you can get,  a perspective where life  sometimes goes in circle because you are trying to go too far yet home is living next door to you. 

When life is feeling empty and poetry saves you
Sep 2016 · 848
I will be home tomorrow
Atrisia Sep 2016
i'm a long way from home,
life sends me afloat through time,
it disrupts the foundation of my fears,
cools down the effect of my bad decision
swirls around my achievements in celebration,
rises above problems i need not face.
I'm at peace, yet still a long way from home.

my being turns to vapour,
i can't find me
reappears upon a throne of my great deeds
i am at ease.
the past, a heap of success upon success
the future, a cotton candy ball of opportunity
its like disaster is an unproven theory,
Aug 2016 · 399
by Nova Masango
Atrisia Aug 2016
...Women like me fear the quiet threat of an empty side of a bed...
-Nova Masango
I want to remember this so I can build on it
Jan 2016 · 416
Bird Spirit
Atrisia Jan 2016
Birds know, how to fly,
They hang out with gravity,
But still float away.

Birds know, how to hover,
They know what's up high
And what's down below

Birds know, how to float,
They know the taste of dirt
As well as the weight of air

They dont fly away to despise gravity,
They fall because they love it,
They know the ground will not feel rejected,
It will still make food for them.

#befree #normadicmind
Jan 2016 · 232
Maybe... Not
Atrisia Jan 2016
I think we should take it slow
You think there is too much and so little time

we both want this thing we've got to work
but we can't agree on the road to take

maybe we should go back to before this moment,
this decision
maybe we should buy into each others ideas

or maybe we dont believe each other each to follow each other blindly
the love is not enough to quiet the heart ache when this fails..

I think its time I walked away...
maybe love is waiting for me down my lane
he loves me, he loves me not.. he... he
Jan 2016 · 245
I love love
Atrisia Jan 2016
I love kisses,
I love hugs,
I love long stares,
I love cuddling
I love being in your arms
Dec 2015 · 346
dance to the thud
Atrisia Dec 2015
I could feel my heart beat so loudly
like what anything meant no longer mattered,
meaning had no influence on me
The rhythm of my heart is all i needed

its like being kissed by a stranger
and then waking up many years later
and walking through life a while
then realising the waking life is just as dreamy

they say love is blind
so maybe i should close my eyes
open my heart
and dance loves song with every beat

if heart may come my way
i want to grieve knowing
i my heart has known better days
after all
it is better to have loved and lost,
than to not have loved at all.
Dec 2015 · 330
Midnight blues
Atrisia Dec 2015
last night, the moon shone brighter,

my defences were blindsided

so a stranger walked into my heart

and somehow they knew where i kept the merchandise

i wanted to put up a fight

but then i noticed how his hand held my baby tight

and so I went back to watching the moon cause everything is alright.
Dec 2015 · 435
falling in love with sleep.
Atrisia Dec 2015
The dream world had its eye on me...
It came and whispered in my ears...
weakened all my senses
my eyelids started to fall.

My mind was silent,
I could any hear sleep speak,
and see what it meant,
in colours and patterns
that started to take shapes,
speak in familiar voices,
do things I'd though about.

Its like sleep knew my deepest thoughts and was willing to help me test them
in its virtual layer..

We talked for hours
swapping truths about inches of our selves
and hoping for validation.

But time arrived
Now it was in the form of birds chirping, reminding me i have to do some living. And sleep respectfully released me from its hold,
saying, " we'll meet again."
My friend asked me where I went in the middle of our texting. Lol
Nov 2015 · 670
Suicide by Kara Pardue
Atrisia Nov 2015
Whose smile is that?
Read the newspaper.
What month is it?
Another year goes by.
How does one survive?
Bombs, Drugs, Guns.
Will you hold me tight?
This rain stings.
What is happy?
Smoke, Drink, Cut.
Am I doing it wrong?
Show me again.
Numb out reality?
That's how we live.
Do you remember?
I cannot forget.
Strong piece, you have to listen..  by author of silent anger poem
Nov 2015 · 350
Atrisia Nov 2015
There is a forceful wind
... I am its next big meeting.

It sends my household hovering mid air
... I can't be distracted by its design

It's restless doesn't want me to sleep.
... I must match its vigour.
To my special friend, (Y.K)... A description of our current journey to literally anywhere
Nov 2015 · 1.0k
Chose joy daily
Atrisia Nov 2015
If I am ever just okay, hope you know am far away from where I need to be, which is being happy.
To fall in love with life, is what i choose to do everyday.

Okay is middle ground, for peachy and all the hazy shades of gray.
I move with a bucket of colour if gray i encounter today.
I want to be ready to face joy or hate any day
and always be in position to give some joy away each single day.

And to those that hate me for the stupid smile on my face
Because they think life hands me roses every morning
please note that these particular grapes are not sour.
chosen joy is sweet everyday.
And I challenge you to pick joy every day.
Okay is where I want to end up, in case of an emergency
Nov 2015 · 431
hopelessly in love.
Atrisia Nov 2015
When the stars sparkles, or the sun rises, all i can do is think of you
They say whispers can be careless, but mine simply care for you,
My heart can take a pounding from you, it clearly already beats for you.
I have no wills left in sentences when I speak to you, after so many years without you. I dont promise, I instantly just do things for you.
There are disputes over whether love is blind or not. I dont care, I feel you whether my eyes are closed or not.
But in all seriousness I'm at your mercy because you are my kryptonite. But somehow no one knows you've conquered me because you are my rock too and you have my best interests at heart. and that is why I love you
To fall in love is an artists dream... To be in love is an artists job.
Sep 2015 · 4.5k
Fragments self-portrait
Atrisia Sep 2015
I am sooooo tired,
My mind needs to be shut down,
my head hurts.
Words want to be said but my prides me wounded, my selfworth is burning low
there is a lump in my throat.
I'm haunted by to evanescent nature of my past joy.
Daunted but how far my seems to be.
Yesterday, last week, last month, last year and today have me in the center, wearing the same things, feeling the same,
worried I'm at my end, but a while older

my life seems to be rejecting me; or maybe I it..
I want to be free to exist but everything seems to come with a cost.
There are critics everywhere
even my thoughts have thoughts objecting to them before i receive them and make certain i don't need them.. So I'm running around in circles not knowing why i never got around to things my mind first thought whiles ago,

my will has become meek
my worth shrunk to camouflage with dust specks
I'm exhausted from playing this part,
misguided by the values of what's recently been made 'right'
distracted completely from the life i want to live.
And i don't have a clue which switch ***** it back to normal,
or which life i will leave for those which have grown accustomed to this timid version of me...
After all people aren't always happy when they say. " have changed..."
Aug 2015 · 341
On the move till
Atrisia Aug 2015
I have no walls for you to climb,
If you ever come looking i dont want to be hard to find.

I'm a nomad by nature, I dont have time to let things grow
but if you let me know tonight, maybe tomorrow I won't go

I could have met you already,
maybe i've blown my chances.

its just I don't want to be redundant no more.
sitting by my window waiting for you to show.

because its to much to ask to want you to go through hoops to win my love
so don't ask me to stay if you'll let the morning tide take you away.
till i'm tame, i'll be on the move
Atrisia Aug 2015
First it was the walk,
the way you came strolling into my life,
like it was casual,
the part of your story mentioned but not really needed.

Then it was the talk,
the things you said were so honest,
like you wanted to understand me,
the way you showed interest started plucking at my heart.

Now it is the actions
the use of your hands to show me you care
because words are no longer enough,
the time before now; a beautiful accident in the making...
The pieces fall together..
Atrisia Aug 2015
Too many things we are afraid to want
too much of ourselves drifts by feeling no love
too many cooks may spoil the soup
but one hire may have only one trick
what will you do when the order changes?

while you are young explore your trades
a fashionista, a driver, go wild in the circus
he/she won't came and make you have fun
he will come and explore it with you
Not following your dreams trying to be flexible will make you nothing special in a relationship..
Jul 2015 · 343
My first Haiku
Atrisia Jul 2015
written on 14th September 2011

The wea.ther chan.ges,
A ba.lloon tied to a fence
wind blows it a.way

The wea.ther chan.ges,
a ba.lloon stuck in a tree
wind blows it a.way
Jul 2015 · 503
crash not crush
Atrisia Jul 2015
You stole my heart
But left me behind
That's the one thing crushes never tell you
That they almost never end in love
And you lost bits of your future  lovers reward
For loving him back
Jul 2015 · 450
Atrisia Jul 2015
The voices of thoughts, ideas ringing before that last eye blink..the rhythm that sails worries away puts doubts at bay.. the perfect lullaby baby, rock your fears away baby, fly away
Jul 2015 · 276
the power of Love
Atrisia Jul 2015
setting my heart aflame
i'm loosing my will to you
more of you,
less of me
your love is worth my soul
light me up
you've made me home
heaven has set foot on earth to ransom me
worthy are you Lord
Jul 2015 · 279
A day living
Atrisia Jul 2015
I'm the wind, raging violently but they won't hear me,
i swirl off until i fell in the arms of the sea,
with waves that moved step and swirls alike to my rage,
till it died down now the melody is calm,
                                                                        the dusk has come,
the mood is intense but my spirit it light,
I am free at last,
I'm home and my task is to sleep in peace
                                                                         while peace lasts
the reckless life of fear
Apr 2015 · 409
Turn down the heat
Atrisia Apr 2015
if tears where cold,
would the eyes turn blue
would they sting less
and instead taste like sugar

Would they stop when i asked them to
turn warm instead of cold on my face
calm me down instead
and massage my face

My head shouldn't have to ache
when my heart's torn with rage
and face turn into a steamy mess
when soul's a confused wreck
Atrisia Feb 2015
I love the feeling love gives
when i dream up the way that we'll meet
joined together like a two piece puzzle
making sense when how hearts sync

i love the feeling that love leaves
when i'm searching and then our eyes meet,
my heart beats my soul melts
i'm all yours and you all mine.

since my dad died i've felt all alone,
but when we meet i'll know i was wrong.
not abandoned just finding me,
so when you get here, i more your own
Feb 2015 · 256
when you get here
Atrisia Feb 2015
they say to love like your here,
forget the world when it brings tears
watch the sun rise
dance in the rain,
but when my heart beats without you here
its not the same
its faint and it skips
there are parts you are supposed to chip in
and when i dance i get bruises
for you're not there to catch me.
but i'm glad i feel this way.
cause when you are finally here
i forget the rest.
to the one who can love me
Feb 2015 · 261
Atrisia Feb 2015
roses are read
violets are blown
those words you write
draw my soul here to you
to the one i will love
Jan 2015 · 360
Frozen in Art
Atrisia Jan 2015
Despite the suns efforts to shine,
The cold from within has a claim over my skin,
It sips through my pores and hovers over me like a protective layer,

It doesn’t protect me.
I'm but a vessel, a cup, an urn, beautifully moulded,
But never will I amount to that which I hold.

The ghost of me wants to escape the future and be one with me.
To silence me

The sun shows signs of cracking as if it were a wall painting
I begin to realise I am trapped in a frame,
Someone’s depiction of gloom…

I can have no emotion,
I only stir it up for you
You who sees me…
You know wants to know me…
You who's been cold under the blazing sun
If you were an image in an art piece, how would you feel, or would the things in life feel unreal to you
Nov 2014 · 361
Not in it for the long hall
Atrisia Nov 2014
I've been here a while,
I've tried to fall in love,
After all nothing worth something comes easy,
But the grass is greener on the lawn next door,
and my mind takes vacation when we are left alone,
I thought I picked you for forever, but its like a dice I rolled
'Cause instead of forever, the sands of time are pouring through the hour glass,
And I'm not speechless because you take my breath away,
I just can't lie, No, I won't give you hope..
because when the time runs out, I went to follow it out the door...
Find my self and my living too.
#StudentofArchitecture... My reveries about my relationship with design Architectural Design school:
Projects that pick you are the worse.. I need; to breath, to drink life through kind of living I choice.. and this current project's draining the smile from me.. Can't wait to finish it off..
Oct 2014 · 579
Giggles at Night
Atrisia Oct 2014
Giggles at night.

I couldn't sleep last night,
the fire in my soul was burning so **** bright,
and even thought the moon refused to give me light,
I knew I had you, so my spirit felt tickled all night

It could have be the way you seem to know what to say,
or that i had my mind made up about you anyway,
So when you called me at the crack of midnight to say "Hey"
in tiny chunks of  laughter on my bed I will lay
A close old friend of mine told me to write a poem with this title over a year ago.... I did.. just found it and I decided to share it..
Sep 2014 · 333
Atrisia Sep 2014
to find myself in the physical
in a world run by contests and pocket depth
the world below me begins to shake,
Am I worth every decision I make
Keeping in line with the trends they make..
they that take the power,

or do we give it to them,
admiring them like a second god,
we need to remember our perception is key,
and remind ourselves its just comments they make,
and that we were never meant to be the same,
just like the different talents in the city a top a hill,
or the ingredients that make up a meal,
different also means unique,
but more powerful as a team,
more perceptible to see God’s will,
One Body
And with Christ as our spinal cord
we ought to act on the impulses he gives
they are from the brain of life
they are a message of love.
They are who we were destined to be
for poetry night
Sep 2014 · 530
Shadowy Life
Atrisia Sep 2014
Lost between this moment and eternity,
The future you've escaped could have been ours
but now it will never be.
This empty space in my heart you have left is the distance between me and reality.
I can't replace you, I never want to.

The past has closed its door on me, It's given me all the time it could
And Tomorrow is  approaching, calling me daily to live.
But today is grey, the light is dim, the mood is right, but death's no longer in the market, And i'm stuck in my reveries of how great life should be with you here.
Lost a friend today..It reminded me of you.. the one who i keep around selfishly failing to move on. I love you Dad.
Atrisia Jun 2014
Some things, you know in your heart and not your head
Because in a world run on reason, peoples soulfelt dreams don't come true.
And being still is losing the lead in love's race
And who you are is really a question of what you have to offer, where everything, is not enough... but if they control you, then maybe, you are worth their while. for its their own solus they sold so flesh and bones is not a goldmine.. its your pounding hearts and hopeful souls they long after.
Maybe tonight i will craft one more dream.. and keep it safe behind the bars my ribs create.. i'll let it brew.. manifest in my dreams.. till like a bad habit i'm exposed and it becomes who i am.. a colourful butterfly whose cacooned past nolonger matters.
feeling caged. when i ask myself what else i have to offer. sometimes it feels like life on earth is demanding my soul.. not to keep it safe but to suffocate my concious and have me dance to it tune.. a tune my soul will see me dance and be lost to me for good this time
Apr 2014 · 313
Let me know...
Atrisia Apr 2014
I am two sides of one
I am strong, I am weak,
I can try and make us work
But on my own, Its bound to fail
For it takes two to tangle,
when am weak I'll need your strength
So if you believe we can work
do more than believe, show me you care

I am two side of one,
I am weak, I am strong,
I can't let my heart down again,
So please do catch me when I fall,
But if another you behold,
and your love for me is now hers
leave a cushion for my fall
and a bucket of ice-cream
to fill the empty you once filled
Let me know where we stand.
Atrisia Mar 2014
I want meet laugh and fall in love
Meet love at that piont where time stops and the heart forgets its song..
Where my eyes stop to realise they have been blind this whole time..
To meet and know there is no more goodbyes...
To meet laugh and fall, fall in love.

I want to stare into space and open doors with my mind.
Teleport to a realm where its just you and me, love.
Where we hold hands and dance even when your not around.
I want to dance sing and be in love

I need to heal from all the times before when love went wrong.
To erase the pain and find i'm free in love
Be released from bound existance and explore life in the name of love..
For love's my soul favourite food.. I want to aspire to love.

I want to dream, live and breathe in love.
And later when the time is right with all my heart I will make love. And hold baby love in my arms and rock love to sleep. From love you came and love you are. Kisses
Currently in a not so there yet relationship.. hoping maybe i wake up tomorrow and the first knock on the door is my true love..
Mar 2014 · 385
I need air to breathe
Atrisia Mar 2014
Around you I need armour to protect my soul from insanity.
You are no place to bank love, it seems to wither at the sight of you
You , spin they words around in your centrifuge-like mind till no sense or pattern could be humanly derived
And with your peanut sized brain seem to think you can comprehend our makers design.
Stop trying to destroy what's already built on rock, understand your fears, stop casting a shadow of fear on me
My hearts been sealed my minds in a cage: If one doesn't understand what light is, they won't know when they see it.
Nov 2013 · 390
#Turn Left
Atrisia Nov 2013
My soul is in turmoil,
It demands direction,
But my mind is at rest,
It's abandoned the affairs of my life.
I stand lost on a road,
A road with not clue of what is to come,
Just change assured, from what lies ahead.
The multitude of decisions have got my mind over worked,
and now it rests.
Waiting for the light of a new morn
To free me from this,
My recurring death..
Its dawned on me how I so very worked up by the difference in opinion between my conscious and what I see around. I need to stop living subconsciously and try living consciously.
Oct 2013 · 772
Atrisia Oct 2013
Puzzles, now these i like,
to figure out another's makes me feel wise,
but in the presence of knowlegde and all that is good,
i have only to know all is well.

When my hands feel tied,
and my minds runing around a closed room,
I realise the task in being still.
The budhist are onto sometime with all that humming
peace is a quietness, a loud silence.
A hidden treasure, a puzzle within a puzzle within a puzzle within a puzzle
Oct 2013 · 487
Atrisia Oct 2013
Memories, the wrong amount could get us either dwelling or lost..
As the only place you are sure to find answers if change isn't a part of you.
You were right to call me gullible,
but that said belongs in a time before now.

I'm sending my best strength,
to bail out and train my weaknesses.
I realise i can't be perfect,
but there isn't a thing wrong with being perfectly me.

In this state of life,
where everyones tryna score points of influence,
i havent gotten words out that i belong to me.
It can be seen in the things i look for and admire in people;
confidence in what they say.

Independance, and a strength to mask they faces.
And above all, LOVE, that state of heart thats been cloned and debased
With the boxes its framed with in. I want it so bad,
I've fallen victim to the ridiculously crazy.
That which hijacked love's identity and dissolved her luster...
Jun 2013 · 568
Back Number
Atrisia Jun 2013
Like oxygen is with fire,
Mornings heat me up with desire,
Silencing my resistant,
Robbing me of sleep.

Like a case profile,
I’m filled with images
Emotions raise up to speak
I’m possessed by what I feel.

Like a man buried alive,
In the void of hope
They scream relentlessly,
For with life by association is hope.

Will I battle my mind, and risk the loss of my soul,
If I listen to it today, will I silence it as a bargain for sleep tomorrow,
I thought I’d let it be, and truly forgotten you
And yet amidst my bliss, you feel up my empty
Spread to my senses and manifest your presence
Scream out like a ghost only I can see…

Like the sun compelled by morning,
Raised shall be the voices we see in the silence,
Our words will be haunted by the souls of the lost,
Our mission, you will see, taste, hear, breath – feel

Like the sun waking up in the morning,
We’ll force our way outta the embrace of resistance
Foe are the thoughts that alienate good intention,
Forcing us to standardize to fit in, and look out desperately.

Like the sun, waking up despite the rains,
Battling against so many because the cause is real
With a banner in form of a rainbow to show you – through your ways – what we made of.
For like the ignorant, you trash before you understand.

Like a sun, through time
So modest in its ways, It goes without saying,
greening the leaves and causing rain,
another day, another dollar

And now that we know, we will speak of it…
‘Cause like a child who has learnt things they previously reckoned
we no longer just think there are ghosts, we know what they are.
May this knowledge; cause the artists to sketch
Compel the philosophers to brood
Possess the poets into speech
Reminding us of that which we already thought about
You didn’t have a solution then, maybe you do now.
How can we make the world a better place.
Woke up with a urge to write about writing.. writing for a cause, something they feel so many you are overwhelm, Poems, Writers, Everyone.. Be honest and bliss will colour your day
Atrisia Jun 2013
As the world around me wails in the madness that is pain,
As the walls around me shake and threaten to crumple,
As the thoughts of tomorrow sway relentlessly in the mist of uncertainty,
As I selfishly ignore all else and focus on the creaks of my lovely bed,
The bed that knows me and has heard me cry,
The bed that has rocked me to sleep
The bed that has let me dream.
The bed I have come to love,
My bed

My bed that keeps me around from all that’s important,
My bed that doesn’t encourage me to go deal with life,
My bed that allows me watch deadlines go by
My bed that has made me selfish, made me lazy
How did it get to this time where I had to hide myself in the open
A time where my life was to obvious and yet I felt misunderstood,
A time were I settled with what I had because wanting was selfish.
I want to fly off to the desert I find water just because,
I want to live with the dolphins and come out to play only when I’m cheerful
And tomorrow whenever it chooses to come. Will remember today as my liberation day.
Bittersweet. caught between a rock and a hard place
Atrisia Jun 2013
Puzzles, Now these I like,
to figure out another's makes me feel wise,
But in the presence of knowledge of life and all that is good,
I have only to know all is well,
my hands are tied,
my mind runs around a closed room,
how can doing nothing be such a task,
the budhists are onto sometime with all that humming,
peace is quietness: a loud silence
a treasure hidden, a puzzle within a puzzle within a puzzle
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