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 Dec 2016 AprilDawn
American restoration....

While watching the program
American Restoration
An icebox was brought in
To restore, into a wine cooler.
A young man who was helping
To restore it, was puzzled.
Where did the ice come from?
There were no cords
We oldies forget that young people
Never had to use an ICEBOX.
This is my memory of
It was an insulated metal box,
Just like the one being restored.
Once a week THE ICEMAN
Came out to our cottage
In a big Insulated Truck.
To deliver a big block of ice.
I was always so excited to see him
Because he would always chip off
A large piece of ice for me.
That was what kids now call
A Popsicle.
The iceman would carry in the block of ice
And put it in the icebox for my mom.
And that ice would keep our
Milk, meat and eggs
Cold for a week....
Let me add that American Restoration
Did a beautiful job
Turning the icebox into a wine cooler...
They added refrigeration,
Shelving, and a cord.
and the ICEBOX it was no more...
American Restoration is a program on FYI station, and it will surely be back a memory or two...people bring in something they found at a sale for them to antique coca cola vending machine, an old antique coffe vending machine...turning them into something beautiful.
 Dec 2016 AprilDawn
The weeping willow, the maple
and the black walnut tree...

Reach out their branches
as if to say...

It's Spring! I just woke up
and I'm going to be...

The prettiest tree that
you will ever see...

The willow is weeping
for it's arms are very long...

They blow in the breeze
but they're not very strong...

The maple, her beauty
it shows in the fall...

Red, yellow, orange
and she grows very tall...

The black walnut it stretches
out over the field...

And is quite happy to provide
the squirrels next meal...

Their buds are just popping
as they reach for the sky...

Sharing their beauty
with the naked eye...

by ~ Judy
I wrote this poem last Spring....but I have moved and don't get to watch these trees bud any more...but I have this poem to remind me...another memory...
 Dec 2016 AprilDawn
Morning is my favorite time of the day.
I'm always up early, downing a *** of coffee.
Time to take my Buddy out to play.
The sun is just coming up.
Buddy grabs his stuffed animal.
Today it was a giraffe.
And off we go down the street.
Buddy and me with my coffee cup.
The birds are singing, it's music to my ears.
How can such a little creature sound so beautiful?
It's funny how while walking you can see
nature in action. Tree's poppin, birds singing,
squirrels racing around the tree, for one has that one
walnut that fell off the tree.
Oh look theres two, three, four Mallard ducks,
on the ground under an evergreen...yes
Walking by the creek I see a muskrat swimming,
and then dives into the hole on the side which would
be his home.
And Buddy look here comes another dog called Smokie
We meet and Buddy and Smokie wag tails and sniff
noses, and off we go in different directions.
By now I'm holding Buddys stuffed giraffe,
an empty coffee cup.
Home we go.
Now i'm ready to start my day.

by ~ judy
I wrote this last year...
 Dec 2016 AprilDawn
Change can mean
So many things.
The loss of a loved one...
The birth of a loved one..
The sale of a house
You grew up in.
All those childhood memories.
The sale of a house
You raised your kids in.
The yard that had maple trees
And flowers which was
Planted with love.
A firepit that was a place
For neighborhood gatherings.
Old home has new owner
New look, new yard
Everything has CHANGED..
CHANGE.....can be Sad, and beautiful.
New home, new friends
Added to old friends
A new set of memories to make....
CHANGE is just a way of life...

By judy
So many changes in life...I feel lucky to have been able to experience them, and keep them in my memory box called my brain...
 Dec 2016 AprilDawn

Finding an old friend
from years ago
when we were young
and not so slow...


We would pass in the hallway
on our way to class
saying "hi" with a smile
as we walked past..


It's Friday night
are you going to the game?
Of course lets meet
on the corner of Starr and Main


We would meet our classmates
in the stadium to cheer
Warm in our mouton coats
The 50's were good years...


The game would be over
we'd walk home in the dark
back to the corner
where we would then part...


Now to the stadium
we still go
but now our grandkids
are putting on the show...

by judy
Oh what a difference years make. When we could walk by ourself and never fear that danger was near. If i could bring back anything from the olden days it would be that feeling of never having to look behind you, or whats around the corner, and who to trust.
 Dec 2016 AprilDawn
When I was just a little girl
I'd wish with all my might...
That I might hear those jingle bells
Ringing in the night...
A stomping and a ** ** **
I'd know that he was real...
Oh yes, I do believe I heard
One of the reindeer squeal...

The room in which I spent the night
Was cold and filled with apples...
While hiding under the blankets so warm
I'd sneak a bite, well just to sample...
I finally fell a sleep that night
With dreams of what I'd find...
A bride doll, perhaps with brown hair
She was a beautiful sight...

Christmas morning I'd wake up at dawn
And creep on down the stairs...
The tree was lit with colored lights
And tinsel everywhere...
I'd hear a tinkling sound from bells
Bells hanging on the tree...
Oh I do believe in Santa Claus
For my bride doll was waiting for me...

by Judy
This is one of my favorite childhood Christmas memories...
 Dec 2016 AprilDawn
Those AUTUMN LEAVES keep falling down,
And around the corner you might see a clown.
Or perhaps a scary witch, with a green face,
Its a vision you might want to simply erase.
Oh look there's a princess wearing a crown,
Followed by a fairy, twirling around.
There's pumpkins, ghost, so many sights,
To help us remember it's HALLOWEEN night.

by judy
It seems like costumes have changed so much, not only scary, but gory...are you real?... And then you see a little child so cute, as cute as a honey bug...
 Nov 2016 AprilDawn
I feel like the color of
A post super moon sky
Like the last of the leaves on the wet,
Cold November tree
Hanging on for dear life
Like the flame that's too shy to really ignite
But breaks up the dark,
Grey dismal sky
Flashes of drowned out orange
Thrashing around
The post super moon sky

Poke at charred logs
Sparks lift and fall
With each gust of breath I blow
In the blink of an eye
Fire ignites
Warming my homeless bones
 Nov 2016 AprilDawn
bone yard
 Nov 2016 AprilDawn
everyday I pass the graveyard that will house my remains
and everyday I die a little more to coming close to being a resident
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