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 Sep 2016 Aprajita
don't bother
 Sep 2016 Aprajita
you have nothing worth living for.

holding a dream in the palm of your hand,
holding onto hope.
it seems worth it until
your heart slows,
your vision fogs,
your mind clouds;
you stop.

it’s not that you don’t have the time,
it’s not that you don’t have the energy.
your throat is gasping for fresh air,
your eyes for sunlight.
but nothing seems to be getting through,
like a translucent veil blurring the world around.
sheets of white –
no colors, no feelings,
just stillness.

soon laying in bed feels like
what you’ve been doing forever.
crying is a natural state.
not feeling
is a condition of your being.

and you stop forever.
 Sep 2016 Aprajita
JK Cabresos
Alone in the room,
my hands are stained
with poetry.
 Sep 2016 Aprajita
"There is nothing more beautiful than
A pink, orange, blue, yellow, purple sky of autumn."

There is so many things more beautiful than you.
 Sep 2016 Aprajita
gives exquisite attention
speaks with grace
flowing through the room
touching everyone
Groundhog day
six weeks later
telling you your life story
though you might have just met

I tell my son be careful son,
(also reminding this heart of mine,
you'd better not walk that line)

Look in the eyes
there's a white light shinning
focused right on you
feels so good
easy to misjudge what you're seeing
easy to take for granted

The day it's going to come

The white light blinking out
The exquisite attention
somewhere else

(This heart of mine, I put on notice)
I also tell my son,
be careful.
What if what you thought to be
a leap of faith
Was just slated for you by fate?
We're all puppets who think they're alive.
 Sep 2016 Aprajita
Your words can be sold
But time shall tear apart
Every walls and
unhide your flaws.

Let your actions speak
Your greatness,
Your weakness.

Words to explain
are no longer needed.

High expectations turned
shall diminish.

Surprise them what you can do
Surprise them who is the real
 Sep 2016 Aprajita
Kelly Weaver
overcome with weakness and nausea,
I limp to my bed.
I rest my tired eyes,
and pray to god I wake up dead.
and light doesn't shine on any of my days
as I make my way through this foggy haze,
I try to look on the bright side of life
but all has been shadowed by clouds.
I didn't choose this life,
nobody did.
we were not told how hard it would get,
though I was just a kid.
I asked my mom why granny died,
why she gave up when pappy was gone.
and my mom gave me a very tight hug
and said that she just could not go on.
that's when I learned we could control our death
and god knows I tried a few times.
I was so tired of regret
I was so tired of goodbyes.
but here I am, to this day,
dragging my feet through life
but trust me, friend, this is better
than picking up that knife.
please stay alive.
it gets better.
 Sep 2016 Aprajita
Autumn Rose
Daylight filled
with gold was
broken like a
mirror by the
haunted mist
of midnight.

The crickets
were singing
their lullaby
on the late
summer breeze.

My heart
slowly listened,
As lonely as the
howling wind
outside my window.

And i knew it
was Autumn,
As the auburn leaves
in the forest fell,
so did i,
So did I...
 Sep 2016 Aprajita
Doug Potter
Eva comes home from work to where there are many flies
and slaps my brother side-headed because he left the back
door open,  she is bovine heavy and limps to close it.  We eat

Chef Boyardee Spaghetti and it is soothing like peanut butter
fudge or Pepsi-Cola.  Eva says do the dishes up boys,  goes
to bed and cries.  Me and brother go to sleep and I dream

of a burning house.
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