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 Sep 2020 annieohk
 Sep 2020 annieohk
The mirror in you
Shines hope in me
But only when you
What you were blind
To see
He wrote for a second
A line about me
And then changed his mind
The ***** little coward
Sat up cosy in my tree
I glared from my window
At the pen in his hand
I’m just another scandal
To sell a filthy rag
Not an ounce of truth in it
The swine just wants to lie
Then out he goes
Hurts his leg in the fall
I pick up his pad
And eat the page
Before I push him over the wall
The swine just wants to lie
 Sep 2020 annieohk
Derrick Jones
There will be dancing
On that joyous occasion
That moment
When I just
There will almost certainly be dancing
Of the body
Of the spirit
In that moment
When I breathe
When the clock stops ticking
When I quit keeping score
When there is no "more"
Or "next"
Or "because"
When there just
For more poetry and essays, follow my blog on Medium at
Thanks for reading!
 Sep 2020 annieohk
Samantha Babe
In the inch of despair
In the reach of the hands
The naked truth lies
The ray touches your back

You, against the light
Is the life I will live for
Grateful to someone ♥️
 Sep 2020 annieohk

A funny thing about forever..
--it never, ever ends..

and so   neither will we.

The spirit is free from
all of this-- it will  always
remain lit..

only the flesh goes dark  
as we  leave  its earth-laden husk, behind..

But the core-heart of Love's true ache  will always,
always Remain.

In the calling out to one another
of the lovers up and down the strand
In the sound of the waves and the cries
of the seagulls, circling the sand
In the fragments of the songs
carried down the wind from some radio
In the murmuring of the city in the distance
ominous and low..

I hear the sound of the world  where we played
And the far too simple beauty of the promises we made

If you ever need holding
call my name, and I'll be there
If you ever need holding
and no holding back,  I'll see you through-

Sky, blue and black
 Sep 2020 annieohk
natural, to wonder about faces
its the Human condition;
tuned in to see them.
I want to see the face of Jesus
even if i have to climb a tree
or the mountain of unknowing.
 Aug 2019 annieohk
 Aug 2019 annieohk
sapphire nights
spent with your body
pressed on mine,
hearts racing
stars aligning
moonlit promises
forgotten by dawn,
each bittersweet memory
a reminder
of what could have been.
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