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 Apr 2019 Anna Pavoncello
you're my microcosm,
my small world of dreams,
the love i never earned,
the smiles i need like water,
an ecosystem of wonder,
a factory of cloudy days,
waiting to rain crystals
and diamond droplets.

you are my microcosm,
my little world of dreams
where you and i touch with
no boundaries between us,
my microcosm, my universe
my little world of dreams.
When you find love,
open your arms wide.
Tell love that you’re happy it has finally stopped by to say hello.
Tell it to make itself feel comfortable.
Never ask how long it’s staying,
Because you may not want to know the answer.

When you find love,
It may not be at the time you think is right.
It may come in the midst of chaos.

But please, make sure you take the time to care for that love.
Make it feel safe, warm, and secure.
Make love feel better than it ever has before.

When you find love,
It may not look the way you thought it would,
Or the way you remember it.
It may be harder this time.
It could be darker, heavier, and more difficult to keep up with,
Or it may be lighter, and easier than ever.

It may be younger. More jittery and less mature.
Full of laughter and adventures.

It may be older, but still just as beautiful.
Calm and passionate, and always level-headed.

When you find love,
Tell it how beautiful it’s looking today.
Make love smile.
Make it feel better than it did the day before.

And once you find love,
Keep it in your grasp for as long as possible.
Never let it slip from your fingertips.

Love is kind.
Love is laughter.
Love is security.
Love is passion.
Love is beautiful.

Please, never let love feel any other way.
 Apr 2018 Anna Pavoncello
Like a muscular drummer drumming,
    the Big wind
It gathers itself, twirls its sticks
Then swooping suddenly lambasts its
Thrashes the coast, sways the trees
    and rocks the boats
Lathers into it;
Its cymbals crashing are the smash of
    the sea against the rocks
The trees running amok over the
    rising mountains.


With a draught of this air drawn in to
    fill my sails
To have the big windmills of my blood
And ******* out then across the bay
Up over the headland, out over the
    wide open sea
A Colossus emerging and none to
    stand in my way.
The sea comes alive on stormy days and gets into your soul
if our love was like the night sky
maybe it wouldn't feel so much like a bruise
perhaps we could still find the shooting stars
within the blacks and blues
This is the shoe where poetry lives
It walks with a tap and the occasional hop and skip
But on Mondays it drags a little on the way to the train station

This is the shoe where poetry lives
Ready to throw a kick but inevitably risking a stubbed toe
Harbouring the memory of a break and the months of limp

This is the shoe where poetry lives
Experimenting with an odd sock, denoting a qwerky outlook
And if you were to examine it's sole you'd find an uneven wear

This is the shoe where poetry lives
Grass stained from ventures along less travelled paths
And carrying scuffs from many climbed boundary walls

This is the shoe where poetry lives
And it sits by the back door ready for the next adventure
Silently jealous of the shoe that was claimed by the dog tonight
Where does your poetry live? And have you visited lately?

'pon your voyages through my mind
mingling with memories cruel and kind,
amongst the shattered dreams that do lay
'neath darkened clouds so distant away.
Amidst the chaos of random thoughts
strands of discord forged and sought,
chasing nightmares you must flee
the ugliness deep inside of me.
Be you close or be you far,
Please think of Me,
wherever you are.

© Pagan Paul (20/03/18)
you are tethered here now
by just a few threads
gossamer thin
that flex and strain with
each laboured breathe

soon  the last of  them
will  fray and break
and you will be free
to float away

to see and enjoy
new vistas
to be
by that, that drew
you down into the dark

then untethered
you will fly to the heavens
like a bird, small against
the blue, blue sky

or perhaps more akin
to a dandelion seed
be taken by a gust of wind
to a new environ
mayhaps, a cliff top
by a shining blue sea
and there to take seed
and grow again and again
whilst the sea kisses the sand
And now she in peace... my mothet died peacefully  as dawn broke on the 6th of April...
He sat in his chair with his back to the fire,
He deliberately sought to make the air chill,
His hand on the paper lover's pink with desire,
But his method of savagery not lust but the quill.
His starchy stiff collar was tightly ill-fitting,
His shoes chafed his ankles but he did not care,
His breathing was hot in the cool of the evening,
His fingers streaked ink through his long wavy hair.
He scowled at the pen and he frowned at the paper,
The writer accursed his impotent art,
He wrote with great ease those magnificent ballads,
But useless he felt at affairs of the heart.
He rose and he cast all the sheets of fine paper,
Into the fire and he winced at the heat,
He lit up his pipe, eyes smarting at the vapour,
And bitterly cursed this impossible feat.
For who but a fool smitten for a princess,
An admirer for now but soon to be queen,
When he just a poet and a poor one nonetheless,
And dandy Prince Albert just arrived on the scene.
He slouched at his desk and once more made a scribble,
Decided to write the biggest lie he could call,
For who but a fool would believe in such drivel,
“Better to have loved and lost than not loved at all.”
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