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 Nov 2019 Gidgette
Oh, soft mud
that bares
the fresh print
those tennis shoe

Moist and sloshing,
my feet sinking in
the muck that is
clinging to my jeans.

I am two hundred plus
pounds of heavy
slowly descending into
the brown ground
that gives way,
up to my calves.
So, there goes my legs
as I am ****** in.

I wonder if this
dark and monstrous
situation will cease,
will this earth beast
release me,
or will mud become
my quicksand
You sign up to Linkedin
you like to poke
your nose in
to other people's business.

I'm in Linkedin,
I clocked in
locked in
and now I'm
thinking of how to
get out.
 Nov 2019 Gidgette
TS Ray
I've been unicyclist before,
balancing myself on a tight rope,
juggling to perform when losing hope,
oh wait, its not my new slippery *****.

Can I wear a mask?
take the clown to task,
you needn't ask,
the smile will wear on
despite a tearing cask.

I don't need a ringmaster,
I keep my own show,
magically will pull through,
'tis true there is nothing that you owe,
except maybe a friendly hello.
TS. 2019.
 Nov 2019 Gidgette
Bob B
Rick Perry° has joined the cult
That calls Trump the Chosen One.
Sorry, but that's a game that should be
One with no trumps. Pardon the pun.

To give Trump such an undeserved
Title can only underscore
How much a person has to question
Perry's sanity all the more.

I can think of better titles:
Wannabe Strongman, Liar in Chief,
Security Threat, Hypocrite,
King of Corruption, or Causer of Grief.

But Chosen One? Let's be serious.
Could God really be so daft
To let the Chosen One be Trump?
If so, we've been given the shaft.

-by Bob B (11-25-19)

°Secretary of Energy for Donald Trump
my bunny
is my
tale so
they sweep
through cities
and farms
with toeholds
their throngs
yet cling
again to
their base
yet yet
baste harmony
in their
drive to
wrap the
vote strong
pirate politic
 Nov 2019 Gidgette
Silence is a place-
a state of being.

Silence comes from without-
within the beginning.

Silence is before birth-
endures after death.

Silence holds council-
with the silent.
 Nov 2019 Gidgette
if ever you find yourself

lost in a Messiah Complex...

hit the ground as if in a fire

and crawl.

till you smell the freshly

pinched **** of the earth...

reviving and fertile as it is.

if only because--you are not

what you think you are.

how could you be?
 Nov 2019 Gidgette
The real question
Real struggle of life
Is how
You will live
With it
Whatever IT May Be
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