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tell me again
how easy it is
to pretend to be
the sky
when the rain
keeps coming back
to me
Today marks another day that I woke up.
One more day I was able to smell the scent of fresh cut grass and early June.
      Where I was able to feel the gentle friction from these cotton sheets.
See the sun glistening through my blinds.
     Listen to the birds sing and my ceiling-fan hum a tune while all the air brushes down upon me in patterned strokes.
    Today marks another day where I am able to make sense of things.
Like the bold taste of coffee,
and a well-timed cigarette.
I often hear of people being stressed out;
Being so caught-up in this day-to-day "rat-race" we call life that they "can't find the time" to do what they love.
And every time I think about this, I find myself left with the same questions:
Is this really what "life" is all about?
How are we supposed to LIVE and  BE FREE if we can't find a way to take a breather every once-and-a-while?
To escape off into our heads or into our passions?
What is a life if you don't know expression?
Why have a voice if you never bother to speak?
If you feel something-
If you love it.
Then let it move you even in the most simplistic of ways.
Find time to stop and realize that this life is a gift.
No one asks to be born and no one wants to be taken away.
We need to appreciate every day and everything we have.
We'll never know when we could literally lose it all.
Las Vegas hit me like a
Jab on the jaw
Rome was an adventure

But I always felt more a
Stranger than
Here, where

Every face |even those of
Smitten tourists|
Carry the features of

"Friend". **** you, London.
Your every borough makes me
As warm as the arms

Of an ex you wish
Fear of tranquility
Social incompetence and
Tiresome wishes, dreams,
Fantasies of love
All bothered, shredded away
But gently like the breeze that
Strokes the clouds and
Broken petals of daisies—
He arrives rather humbly
Yet words of futures and
Springtime and laughter
Escape those gasping lips as
Hands that have seen a
Hundred lives pull and
Bother, shred away
But gently like the sea
If I have to find forever alone

I shall become a fierce animal when I find home

If I have to live a life where I don't feel alive

Can I deprive another to to end my dependence

If I have to find happiness

In the pursuit does that mean I search miserably

Crawling among daisies and daffodils

Just to be stung by bees 

Do those bees die feeling fulfillment

Does the floral arrangement leak beauty but attract danger

If I have to get you to love me

Would it be worth it

Trying sometimes isn't 

Forcing would be a better option

But I don't really mean it

If I have to make you smile

And I smile in return

If I have to turn you on

Does it seem to just appeal

If I have to break your heart

Will it be on purpose

Is it only that much worth it
If I have to 

Should you to
Only if I have to
I zoom out
Interested in seeing how
It'll all come together

Or not

I will observe myself
Crying into a pillow or
Onto her face

See my own heart either
Cave in on itself
Or take my arms for wings
And lead me up

Laughing like a child
In a carousel going only
Slightly too
Slow to be

To be broken

Without repair

Is a game without a token

To have been caught and snared

I've got a bad habit

We all do

A favorable habit

Let it forward and ensue

The smile is a trap

With all the warning signs

I guzzle the drugs

To take the plunge

And shift through the wreckage

Piece it together with perpetual guilt

We can't cure the sickness

When it's cold before you hit the ground

Let it snow let it snow let it snow

Hopefully the cold will numb it

As it did before

Then when summer comes to melt the ground

Pick me up as you did before

Broken and battered

Repaired and bruised

When I jump again

Maybe just maybe

You won't put me together

And help me again
Humpdy dumpdy
I crave honesty

Though I weep to it's side effects

I've seen the ******* and many lies

Can you tell from my bitter eyes

Accepting and tolerating

The truth with the lies

I'm turned immortal by a stone dragon

Cursed to be reborn from                     A phoenixs' ashes

Just to be held close

To know it never felt close to love

Because love never felt so good

Which is what made it an enemy

I turned my back to the knife right at me

Hoping another entity maliciously pierced me

Situations change but don't lie to me

This love is all that I got

And when the escapism fades

All I'll have is the shirt on my back
gullible situations
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