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 Nov 2016 AFJ
Darren Edsel Wilson
The hour was late, and
soon to be later.
The minutes devoured the seconds.
Leisure was my antidote to a long day's madness.
Then I found her, or she found me.
She cast a spell on me in the witching hour.
Her gaze was possessive of me.
Premonition was her touch.

I know not how she crossed the room.
What mattered is she was in my lap. Summoned.
Yet, was it I who lingered, nose at heel?
You can't question the magic.
We are the agents of fate;
we are deciding and directed.

I could never be a marksman.
I wanted her to kiss me: I talked about our parents.
I wanted to dance with her: I romanced the weather.
I wanted a way to reach her: I reach for her thighs.
Oh, how we all wish the target would welcome the bullet,
and to my surprise, she welcomes.
My defences evaporate into the smoke-filled air.
I take her hand. The edge of her lip curves.
That's all she wrote.

Sometimes, complexity is a burden, and simplicity is freedom.

A lifetime of unrequited passion was distilled in that night for us both.
We danced in controlled chaos: not knowing our bodies, yet fully aware.
Time ticked backwards and forgot to tock.
I lost my tie, she lost her sock.
Giggles, the sign of a fermented joy.
The joy of not knowing joy, true joy, and then having it.

It was love... wasn't it?
Yes, it was. It was not mature, sure, but it was. We knew it.
We sheltered ourselves from the world.
Time ticked forward and tocked with abandon.
I remember moments holding her, sharing in her warmth as she shared in mine. A communion for two.

I remember rings exchanged.
I remember the first fruit of her labor. Our labor.
A hand so small it felt like a stick shift.
Time ticked forward and, then

I don't know when we stopped talking,
but she was gone.

My tears, some semblance of oceans forgotten, dotted the clothes of my baby rocking in my trembling arms.
It seemed pain was my daily meal.
I faced questions I never considered possible:
Will she ever come back?
Will I ever love again?
What if I can't love again?
What if I feel this pain forever?
What if she's dead?

Our life replayed like waves lapping the shore in my distant mind:
How the upbeat jazz descended to slow rock tunes.
"Oh babeh, your lipstick kiss is foreva, it's the red rose ova my grave!"
Our cyclical steps matching, lighting fires in our hearts.
Our arms coiled around one another, as if we were falling from some hallowed place... falling in love is scary.

We try to smile and remember the madness when we're sober.

We forget the things that are important sometimes... all the time.
We forget so much that we become these chewed up, gnarled bits of humanity, searching for our souls when they are right inside us. Incomplete, sure, but there all along.
We have that hollow wanting.
That grinding hunger, that hot thirst.
I don't know the cure for certain, but, the memories seem to know.

Let's stop searching for happiness. That's like searching for flight. What we need is the wings. It's not youth, it's not money. It's opportunity. It's innocence: the belief that things are simple, because they are.

Innocence led me to Rosie that night.
Compromise in the face of difficulty stole me away.

It was years later that I remembered the pain.
Laura got off the school bus angry.
When I got to the bottom of it, she was in the wrong.
She dumped him... for nothing. Because she could.

Waves of despair bubbled up from beneath my present: the calling of the past.
I almost strayed from my resolutions.

I was left with the thought, "She's just like her mother,"
but I left that thought forlorn,
because the truth is, I raised Laura,
and so,
maybe I'm the demon calling the angels sick.

Maybe we're all demons.
It makes sense. We all feel we've fallen from grace.
The devil you know smiles from the mirror,
it wears your face and crowns you king or crud...

Starve it to death, hang it on your sterling bow and
sail for the waking dawn.
Abandonment can happen even when a person is physically by your side, but it's never as final as when they are not.

Sometimes, we're content with allowing that person to be there: physically. We let the rift linger and propagate itself. They were gone before they were gone physically. It happens more than we are aware.
Count the people on your hand that you knew last year who you don't associate with this year or by year's end; are you running out of fingers?

I marvel at how careless we can be. Fascinating how dispensable some we've known have been and how indispensable our selfishness sometimes *is*.
The children reflect this idealism... through bullying. A prevalent symptom of a virulent disease. Because the idea that people are dispensable begs the question of whom to accept. Whom must we save from the rigors of our own prejudice and deception... and whom must we condemn?

We all have our reasons. We're guilty of nothing except being human and to be human is to be guilty.

I had pages worth of text here, but I decided not to burden you... LOL!

As always, enjoy!

 Nov 2016 AFJ
CB Hooper
 Nov 2016 AFJ
CB Hooper
you’re terrifying-
the way you look at me
like there is nothing
else in the world to look at,
the way you smile
and it wrinkles around
your eyes,
the way you took my
hands in yours
and pulled me closer
until there was no space
in between,
the way you kissed me
and i felt it
throughout my body.
 Nov 2016 AFJ
 Nov 2016 AFJ
face composed
and thoughts well versed
making sure I fall feet first

seasons lost in heavy eyes
digging at the earths soft ties

touch grows cold
and words run dry
mixing up my days and nights

slipping underneath my skin
forgetting how to breathe again
 Nov 2016 AFJ
It's exhausting
Feeling vulnerable and angry all the time
A walking contradiction that pushes and pulls at my chest
Am I too strong or too weak if I hurt myself?
 Nov 2016 AFJ
Erica DeAngelo
Communication of shallow hearts. One to dream, and one to awaken with a sense of alcoholic poisoning. If bare sheets were to speak, they would only mumble, because they are pushed to a far loneliness.
She awakens to a breath of poisoned air. Locked in a hotel room; shallow heart’s only nightmare, but great wonder. Her wonder came as an angel proclaiming divinity. At the particular moment, rain came as her eye’s procured yonder to meet another’s. A mouth opens as her shuts. Stale alcohol filled the space between her and another.
A smell equivalent to depression, yet eager for a happy ending, in the hand of another. Quite a funny concept when brought to one’s mind. How one can explore any body they’ve laid their eyes upon. Hand in hand. One hand begins to slide. Just a minor adjustment can lead to such of intimidation and intimacy. Beauty itself could not define this concept.
She did not find this so. How can one remember a previous moment in life with such mistakes. He told her not to go. Frivolously she hadn’t listened. All passion was eradicated in what was once envied from strangers as they passed out on the streets.

The 20th of a warm May evening. The humidity made the air difficult to inhale for small breaths, but she had discovered a liking to it. Not that evening. Her mind blossomed for anything his lips began to curve for. An alteration in the air seemed to occur as she attained an umbrella in one hand. The other hand though, was occupied. But, not by a suitcase. Her minded consistently fled from the common “I’m packing my bags and leaving you” tale. Not a lie to tell, this was on her mind. Her hand continued to remain occupied, by a man on his knees.
See, the irony always struck Anabell..Ana, as he insisted sounded luscious just as the daisy he placed in her hair. As he proposed, one knee remained gently on the grass below. Serenity played in the air on repeat. In the present moment, tears darken the freshly replaced carpet. Two knees bounded to the floor. Possibly implied that the love was greater? How could the impact of just a body part create such an twist of irony in her mind?
Regardless, her hand resisted grip. “Good god..I love you,” he croaked against his damp eyes. “ Don’t put yourself on the dangers of streets. Please take the keys..Promise me you’ll be back tomorrow..Ana please..please come back.” She resisted to adjust her focus back. The door. It’s handle. What the rust that dominated over the once gold shine. Irony. She held a laugh. A laugh that centered on insanity and the saturation of her mental being. Ana’s one central focus was on the “yellow brick road” beyond that ****. The grasp was loose; almost nonexistence. As arduous as it had become in those minimal seconds, his eyes were there. His eyes were inadequate to an adjective.
Such a stereotypical concept in itself , but Ana drew circles pondering the topic. She was not one for anatomy, but those eyes. His pupils burned the color black. A blessing, just ready for one to study.  Any poet would blow a kiss to this concept. The beauty glossed over into the sky above as the blue became a shade darker by the minute once the evening was birthed. A hyperbole for the warmth given off by his eyes. The beauty she created from this scenario, aided to her own failure.
Ana destroyed her own thought processing. It conserved her sanity and if she were to follow, not a finger could reach the door.
She walked without a single regret. Whether it was uncontrollable impulse, or lack of one was capable of knowing.
 Nov 2016 AFJ
Shayda H
Remember what you said to me?
You said you wanted to hurt me.
After the mistakes I've made
with endless apologies
and giving my all to you
You said you wanted to hurt me.

I see you miss the comfort of the pain.
I see you still don't know how to gain.
You wont refrain from dragging me down.
You want to keep me on the ground.
After all I've done for you
how else can I stay true.
You beat me inside all black and blue.
I wanna hide
and you still want to die.

Throw your dagger
Nothing I've said went through your head
you twist your words.
I live my life in a blur.
We wanna be dead.
**** me
**** me.
I'm not alive anymore.

Every part of me is gone.
I'm so drained from turning you on.
There's no way I could have gone wrong.
If I cut the skin on my body
scars will show the pain you've caused me.
There's no other way than to be
a grieving soul to fill in the hole
that lies within your heat.  
After all I've done for you
how else can I stay true?
I am so black and blue
but I guess I'll try again next time.
There is no next time.
 Nov 2016 AFJ
Daisy Vallely
close your eyes…
let your light lids become heavy
like falling asleep in a bed of soft dreams.
quiet your mind with a deep inhale....
breathe with me, and hold for a simple moment
cleanse your mind with a firm exhale.
Focus purely on your breath. Breathe with me. (take three sets of deep breaths)
imagine no thoughts that bother you
ignore the noise that follows your foot steps,
the little buzzes of every day, like fruit flies orbiting succulent peaches
let the noise fly away like those flies, far away
Let go of those days where you find yourself worried…
there is nothing to hold onto that worries you.
you are a strong, magnificent, worry free energy,
clean and sparkling.
Envision your mind as a porcelain sink,
and the drain in the center pulls all the noise away,
until there is nothingness, emptiness.
let the darkness behind your eyelids engulf you...
it is warm, it is inviting, it is loving
in this darkness...
there is light.
See and feel this ball of radiant light ripping through the black
that tickles your skin like pins and needles
the most beautiful light you’ve ever seen...
be humble...
this is your love
manifested into an image
that presents itself to you
to show you all the love that your heart holds
it beats into your blood,
your veins,
your energy,
every inch of your physical,
your mental,
your soul...
feel that smooooth, delicate love swim through every morsel of your being,
it gives us light... it gives us life.
Create an intention… what do you want most?
Or perhaps, what do you want to give?
What do you… as nobody else but yourself…
want to embody? (take a few moments to gather and intention)
take a deep inhale... (inhale)
upon exhaling, release this intention into the universe...
everything you give will come back.
Let this intention become an extension of yourself
this is you, and you are this.
Now this part of you, the gentle intention, is part of the universe.
and you…
are part of the universe.
thank the cosmos for caring about your mind, body, and spirit, and giving you
this galactic love as you release yours,
and the cycle continues on and on...
feel the warmth of love kiss you tenderly,
let it swallow you and hold you tightly, like a cosmic mother.

you’re an infant again... in the arms of something divine,
feeling pure bliss, like happiness is the only emotion that exists.
happiness becomes organic, it is the ultimate source of life...
happiness becomes the light, and combines itself with love,
making the most beautiful offspring of purity and salvation.


you are new, you are love
let it run like a tranquil river from every one of your pours
hear the liquid love follow the current of your mind’s creek..

hold your intention in your heart, and let it radiate
let yourself be light
let yourself be love.


© 2016 D.M.V
This is my first meditation, I'll use this to guide humanity into spirituality and openness. If you want to practice this as a mediation, ask somebody with a soft voice to read this to you. Remember the virtue of patience, read slowly.
 Nov 2016 AFJ
Old Soul
 Nov 2016 AFJ
*Dancing lights
Only hurt my eyes

Screaming and loud music
Disgusting to my ears

Vodkas, cocktails and whiskeys
Never wanted to feel frisky

***, dope, cigarettes
I will only regret

Dancing, party, bar
Never wanted to go that far

Yes I have been to parties
But never will it become my thing

Maybe my past life has an old soul
Who finds comfort in her own hole

Yes, sometimes an anti-social
And sometimes interacting is crucial

So next time you ask me out
Make sure you know what I'm about

Coffee or tea, movies and books
Exhibits and museums let's take a look

A good music or a storytelling
A walk in a park or just talking

Pick me a flower, don't buy me a bouquet
Just hold my hand and always stay
An old poem of mine.
 Nov 2016 AFJ
In Hebrew, her name means devoted to God
She was consecrated,
An oath to God
But she never fulfilled her purpose, for she went astray
Endless and countless sins, undeniably a sinner
Living not according to the Almighty's will, but
Living according to her choice, so
Expect her to be, both good and bad

Imperfect she is, but it is what makes her human
Special, she may not be, but still out of the ordinary

Many times she was lost
Yet, still managed to be found

Not wanting to be astray, again she trusted the invisible hand
Afraid of what might she become, again she started to pray
Miserably she asked for His guidance,
E*nlightened, her faith restored, and now trying to serve her purpose
This is an old piece of mine. And yes Isabelle is my name. To all my friends here, I am officially dropping my pen name - Fallen One. Fallen One is very important and meaningful to me, and I will always be the "fallen one". But then, it will be freeing to let go of something that was holding you back for a long time.
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