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 Nov 2015 Aditya
 Nov 2015 Aditya
I floated and drifted
Passing through memories and thoughts
I held back tears
They slipped by
But new ones came into view
And I watched
I smiled
I laughed
I cried
I saw red
I hid behind the shadows
I voiced my opinion
I loved
I obsessed
I envied
I tested limits
I grew up
I developed individuality

I lived

I felt the emotions it takes a lifetime to gather

And I died
 Nov 2014 Aditya
i am made of...
ink and pen and paper... and so much more.
scribbled phrases on diner napkins.
post it notes stuck to walls.
scrawled doggerel in bathroom pens.
phrased ideology in lined notebooks.
spinnered words on lazerprinted A4.
scraps of inklings, on ripped butcher's bags and wrappings.
condolences in funeral books.
ideas capital lettered on cards,
pinned to cork boards.
epitaphs stonemasoned
into granite blocks.
fury arranged just so,
on parchment.
newsprinted with loose blurry, black ink on broadsheets
scribed by pointed stick on
firm wet sand.
notes on heavy cards, of love
and light bright shiny stuff.
discarded sentence startings, left crumpled, lost in a bin.
loss, written with red wine on white table cloth.
art, etched on vellum anciently old, suprisingly relevent.
tapped into tablets both stone
and techview.
blue and red markers squeaked onto white boards.
daubed on canvas with a fine sable brush.
tatttoo-ed upon ones flesh.
carved into wooden school desks.
pressed into moist clay by delicate fingernails.
marked so deeply upon a soul.
chalked to cement,
to stay for...
but a short season.
written for some very, (un)important reason.
courage to speak, sing, whisper, shout, cry, laugh, observe and ponder.
this is me....
i am a word written down.. any word, any word.
i am undeniable, desirable often incomplete
always open  always waiting
for some one...
......just like you ...
to open your heart let me in
to recognize a new start
to have a play, a scribble,
doodle, pen jive. to become
alive.... to thrive,
just begin with a single letter.....then another,
go on be brave...
..........grant me liberty....
 Oct 2014 Aditya
I'm cold,
so cold,
be my sun and shine on me,
be the energy to give me a gleam.
I'm selfish,
so selfish,
so succumb to my needs,
be my mother's ****,
comfort me and let me eat.
Now I am alive,
and you are cold,
but I still need more,
I will be so bold,
and leave you on the floor,
as my insatiable thirst for strength grows,
I will turn away and raise my nose,
for when you die it is not my fault,
you gave to much,
so take that worth a grain of salt.
 Oct 2014 Aditya
Dear World...
 Oct 2014 Aditya
Dear World

I'm no *Aphrodite

I have not the powers
of Zeus
I might be closer
to Hades
but I'm not so
I can't handle separation
just like Persephone
or handle rejection
like Narcissus
I'm not built like that
you see?
I don't dance like Callisto
nor frolic like Nereid
I would like think
I'm not so frivolous
as *that

I'm not one to look upon
a perfectly formed vista
and pronounce myself
Queen of all
but in a small voice
in the dark of night
I whisper

I'm not  Atlas  *either
I'm so tired of having to hold up my world :(
 Sep 2014 Aditya
Passing Smoke
 Sep 2014 Aditya
Hey kid, let's go waste life away,
create our lives by learning from each other,
being told not to go astray,
but we would never bother.
Let's go make one another,
create your life with the sins of mine,
spend nights drinking cheap wine,
while passing smoke with the night.
Like the secondhand smoke you send to me,
it is not fresh like the wine in my glass,
but stale like our love, which has come to pass.
Let us drink ourselves to death,
staring deeply into one other's eyes,
not taking a breath.
Until the last drop is drunk,
the last spliff smoked,
pass the smoke of the last hit,
each let off a cough as we choked.
Letting the smell slip off,
the drink drip out,
we fall asleep on our own side of the bed,
in between us lays our doubt.
 Aug 2014 Aditya
 Aug 2014 Aditya
I'm sorry for not being enough for you.
I'm sorry that giving you all that I had was so little.
I'm sorry for not being what you needed,
for loving you in spite of everyone's opinion.
I'm sorry for believing that we had a chance,
for trying so hard to be the one.
I'm sorry that I can't stay around anymore,
for getting tired of waiting for you,
I'm sorry that I'm giving up.
I'm sorry for crumbling down every night that I don't hear your voice,
for counting the days since I saw you,
for being unable to hide my sadness behind a smile.
I'm sorry for knowing this is the best for me and still wanting to run to you.
I'm so sorry that this is hurting me so much.
 Aug 2014 Aditya
I can't let myself think about you anymore
Or your hands
Or where you put your hands
Or the way it felt when you put your hands on me
Or the gentle sighs I exhaled because it felt so good
I'm thinking about how it felt
And That's Not Allowed
I can't think about that day at the amusement park
Or us getting lost
Or why we got lost
Because I put the map in my back pocket
And told you if you wanted it you had to get it
I can't think about the photo booth there
Or the reason it took us twenty minutes to take one picture
Such a bad picture of such a good day
I'm thinking about it again
And That's Not Allowed
I can't think about the car ride home
I can't think about when we stopped for dinner and your parents went inside to order
We stayed in the car
I can't think about that
I can't think about the countless movies we pretended to watch while our eyes were too busy getting lost in the moment
Or how it felt to have your lips pressed against my neck
The stubble on your chin tickled in a good way
Your neck tasted good
I hope mine did
I can't think about you telling me to be careful
Don't leave a mark
And me ignoring you
I wanted to leave a mark
I wanted a piece of myself with you
I can't think about the long hugs when your hands wandered down from my waist to my hips
And sometimes (every time) even farther
Or the way you pulled me closer
And closer
And c l o s e r
Until I could feel you
Really feel you
For the first time
I can't think about the first time I fell asleep on you
You were explaining the origin of your last name
Your stupid last name that I thought would be mine someday
I'm thinking about it
And That's Not Allowed
I remember where I was sitting when you told me you liked me
I remember what I was wearing when you said I was your favorite
I remember it
But I'm not allowed to think about it
I can't think about the way you smelled--
Like sweat and febreeze and something spicy I could never place
Or how soft your hair was
Or how rough your hands were
Or how I got lost in your eyes
Those big brown eyes
I loved them
But ******* I can't think about them
That's Not Allowed
I can't think about your voice
It was my favorite lullaby
Or the goofy side your never let anyone see
Anyone except me
Why me
Why did you need to break me?
I miss you
I love you
But I can't think about you anymore
That's Not Allowed.
 Aug 2014 Aditya
stacey renei
if i died tonight
i'd understand why.
i'd understand why we met.
i met you
so that i wouldn't
forget you

and if i died tonight
i'm sure i wouldn't forget
how you talk before you think
maybe that's why your words
are always jumbled and wrong
how you have to lift up your shirt
just so you can scratch your back
how most of the time you try
to make me laugh
and i act like you're not funny at all

we were destined to meet
just so i wouldn't forget you
and how beautiful of a monster you are
at then end of the day
you'd still be the nostalgia
i want to happen in the future
you are still the pain
i want to feel
hey. i know its been a while since ive posted a poem but yeah, heres a other one. hope you guys like it and feel free to message me on here, im fine with making new friends! really hope this poem trends and hit like. thanks.
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