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Dec 2015 · 736
Letter to Safari
Hello dear friend,
Saying this reminds me of the good old days,
I remember the time passed the wind ever blaze,
I still remember is like no place
The sails we made and treks we laid,
It was no doubt you were my friend,
All the way,  we spent together,
My recall for you, by the valley we sat,
Crossed the mud and dirt,
We achieved all through that.

I want you to know that you are still my friend,
By you forever i will stand,
There is no string without a strand,
Together we shall sing like a band,
This means to live and never to end.
Nov 2015 · 7.9k
I am not black.
Prince ea said it right,
That’s what the world calls me, but   it’s not me,
I didn’t come out of my mother’s womb saying “heey everybody, I’m black”,
No. I was taught to be black,
And you were taught to call me that, along with whatever you call yourself,
It’s just a LABEL.

See, from birth the world false feeds us these LABELS,
And eventually, we all swallow them, we digest and accept the LABELS, never ever doubting them.

But there is one problem,
LABELS are not you,
And LABELS are not me,

But who we truly are is not skin deep,
See, when I drive my car no one would ever confuse the car for me,
Well, when I drive my body, why do you confuse me for my body, it’s my body, get it!. Not me.

Let me break it down,
See, our bodies are just cars that we operate and drive around,
The dealership we call society decided to label mine the Black Edition,
And with no money down that is zero percent and no test-drive,
We were forced to own these cars for the rest of our lives.

Forgive me, but I fail to see the logic or pride,
In defining myself or judging another by the cars we drive,
Because who we truly are is found inside.

Listen, I’m not here to tell you how science is concluded,
That genetically we are all mixed in,
And that all human species doesn’t exist,
Or how every historian knows the evolution of all human beings that was invented in the 5th century  and it has worked perfectly.

No. I am not here to lecture.
I just wanna ask one question,
Who would you be if the world never gave you a LABEL?,
Never gave you a box to check,
Someone please answer that cause i'm still in the dark,
No. We would be one,
We would be together,
No longer living in the era of calling human beings people,
These LABELS that will forever blind us from seeing a person for who are,
But instead seeing them through their judgmental, prejudicial, artificial filters of who we think they are,
And when you let an artificial label define yourself,
Then my friend, you have chosen smallness over Greatness and minimized yourself,
Confined and divided yourself from others,
And it is undeniable fact that where there is division there will be conflict,
And conflict starts wars, therefore every war has started over labels,
It’s always us versus them,
So the answer to war, racism, sexism and every other –eism is so simple that every politician has missed it,
It’s the labels,
We must reap them off.

Isn’t it funny how no baby is born racist?
Yet every baby cries when they hear the cry’s of another,
No matter their gender, culture or color,
Proven that deep down we were meant to connect and care for each other,
That is our mission,
And that is not my opinion,
That is the truth in a world that has sold us fiction,
Please listen, Labels only distorted our vision,
Which is for  half of those watching these will dismiss it or feel resistance and conflicted,
But, just remember, so did the caterpillar before it broke the which shell and became the magnificent butterfly,
Well these labels are our shells and we must do the same thing so we can finally spread our wings,
Human beings were not meant to be slapped with labels like groceries and supermarkets,
DNA cannot be regulate everyday,
We were meant to be free and only until we remove them all,
And stop living and thinking so small,
Will we be free to see ourselves and each other for who we truly are.
An inspiration from the great Prince ea.This goes to everyone out there, as he said, "we are not LABELS, labels are not you and labels are not me, Labels are just labels.We must reap them off".
Sep 2015 · 1.3k
Welcome to the land of the soulless, here no souls rest,
We match to mourn another murdered in silence, where do our screams go ??,
Welcome to the land where dreams dry, and a mother cries for her son on foreign soils,
She did not send him here to die, would not let him come here
Had she known for who would hold her hand, or stroke her face,
Or fill that hole of empty baby space, or who will equate her of her grief.

Welcome to a place where people looses lives in urban streets,
Cops cry, say, begged him  not to die,
Defense says he fits the profile,
Righteous say, he never should have drawn gun anyway,
He never should have trap sun anyway,
What are we still doing here anyway still jury say, ****** is justified,
And cops went right to life, while that brother is still without his.

Welcome to the land where justice forgot,
Where we fight battles with the have not's,
Where our blood runs,
Where man sets suns,
Where our trust parts,
Where we come last,
Where  we are suspects by those who choose to lead than serve.

Welcome to the place where official open season has been called for all civilians,
Welcome to a land where we don't need a reason,
Welcome to a life of clipped wings,
Aeroplane dreams will cut your life short,
Our dark voice become dark spots.

No freedom songs sung here,
No key for cager,
No place for changer,
This is not a stage for rage here,
Its just confusion here,
Its just frustration here.

So welcome to the land of false hope, and no uniform,
Welcome to my last days of trust in blue,
Welcome to my homely city,
Can i help you ?
I have written this poem behind great inspiration of a sister, a mother, a friend, a role model in poetry Bassey Ikpi~Dialo. All the loses we have in life from our beloved ones leaves a grief in us,'s human nature.We must embrace where we came from, it here, it home,...welcome.
Sep 2015 · 1.3k
Standing in the middle of a boulevard, with a life of a farrow,
Facing right to the sky, like I'd  never see tomorrow,
Dropped me my blessings, like a beak on a sparrow,
Paved my own way, and a path to follow.

Stranded with my phobia, and some pain to swallow,
Gone was the life, left surrounded by my shadow,
Shrunk into nothingness, with a life to borrow,
I live for today, not only for tomorrow.

Flowing with my stream, and my pain so shallow,
Stood tall for myself, i am my own fellow,
Like a tree with no roots, that never had to grow,
I only live for today, and a little sorrow for tomorrow.
Sadness is something that we all live with in certain times of life.The point is not to live with sorrow,...Its how to outlive sorrow.Inspired by the conscience - a human nature.
Sep 2015 · 680
People come and they go,
They leave in us full of thoughts,
Stranded in the darkness, with a glimpse of a glow,
My vision of a mirage, to reap and to sow.

Here come, there go,
Days are deep, profound like a hole,
Strikes so hard, no difference with a rod,
Limping on the way, hoping to find the road.

Here come, there go,
Days are flipping out, bouncing like a ball,
Aiming in the box, just like a goal,
It's all so bold, life is a fraud.
I was inspired by m own struggle in life.The is a point in life where you get to see who is really part of your life and those who aren't. And life itself is just a stepping stone to our futures.It's all so bold.
Sep 2015 · 516
You have to wait,
Grow up, then date,
If you don't wait,
It'll be too late.

Most have dropped out of school,
They dated thinking they were cool,
They thought it would be safe to use the tool,
Only to find that it was just a piece of wool.

"I love you", are the words they used,
Little did they know that they are being abused,
Most of them just stay there confused,
Now they have stomachs that protrude.

She will live in shame,
As he lives in fame,
She was just been played like a game,
She ended up ruining the family's name.
I wrote this poem as a supportive character intentionally to use literature to help in the fight against early pregnancies to girls who are still in school and cultivate a sen

— The End —