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Life full of tragedies, but need just one reason to smile..
Things so complicated that no psychologist can define.
Love so original that no merchant can deny.
Somewhere down I am stuck with the strongest glue which stops me from confiding it to you.
The world is a lie to me, my only truth is you.
The day you told me you love me ,I gave away all my sorrows and pain just for you.
With the hopes in my eyes I was waiting for you the previous winter morning;
You appeared and greeted me with ‘I don’t love you anymore.’
I didn’t believe you and I still won’t.
I trusted you since the day your eyes started lighting listening my name and I trust you;
Because it again light up but with tame.
May the world sinks just like Titanic.
Too afraid to confront, I hid myself;
The pillows started to collect my tears;
The blanket protects me from fears;
The bed gave me the support which was to be given by you..
But oh, lord, you still didn’t take away the pain.
Things locked away in my heart ,
I waited for you to bring the key and listen to the beat.
But you never appeared which made my mind think
‘Do I deserve this?’
I trust you God and I trust you too.
You gave me a lot of agony but made me smile too.
But I challenged God ,
I’ll go through it;
I went, I passed it.
But I lost you, you lost me..
I convinced myself that there are many more guys in this world like you..
But this stubborn heart, never accepts the lie because it’s not meant to.
The bird wished to fly,
Up in the air so high;
Not that she didn’t try!
The merciful world ostantiously allowed her;
Spread her wings, ready to fly!
Little did she knew about the interminable rapaciousness of the beings.
She was pulled, rejected and dumped.
The bird still wished to fly!
Too afraid to get hurt again..
To afraid of the exposure..
Too afraid of the people.. the world which is made of.
Morning to night; night to morning,
She thought and thought,
‘What is my aim?’ ,she asked herself.
Confused about self,
Sad about people,
No trust left.
She decided and thought of the reason why she started;
Oh, she wanted to fly!
She stretched her worries into wings..
Yes, she flew!
The world dumped her.
Well, she did the same.
Poetry is, feelings coming alive with words
Inked with permanence, on paper
Words wrapped in unique ideas and creativity
Every piece is open to as many interpretations
Leaving the mind, wanting more
Prolific poetry flowing from every poet’s pen
Keeping the souls of other poets, replenished
Poetic liberty gives us poets, to venture beyond
Weaving a web of magic with each word
Poets drinks from the well of creativity
Every century has given a rich legacy of poets
Poetry is in nature, for we poets can feel
It’s omnipresent in every incident of life
Sometimes sad, or philosophical, or satire
Funny and full of Love, or even hatred
Poetry can dig the depths of feelings
To create mellifluous literature
We are all bound by the threads of poetry
Dedicated to all the HP poets.
Ever felt like life is unfair to you?
Ever felt like you've no true friends?
That the world is very cruel to you?
Got confused among who's your best friend?
Made bunch of friends but no one there in time of help?
Ever felt that way?
Ever felt mopey and dim-witted without a SLR , because everyone's busy changing their Dp's on FaceBook with one.
Ever felt like buying those 6 inches shoes ,though we'll never walk in it , but people got to see it ,right?
Ever felt like cutting internet connection from your house, because of that we're not able to achieve all the great conquests of life.
Ever felt like ,you've wasted all the opportunities life had given you and now you're futile , plus it's too late to start all over again?
Ever felt scared of telling that person that how much you like them?
Ever? Ever felt like you're ugly?
Ever felt like you're not one of those magical school guys or gals of Hogwards.
Ever felt like "No, you're not awesome." Ever felt like "I'm not in a relationship , am I that ugly?"
Ever felt like no one loves you?
Ever felt like the whole world is happy , but not you?
Ever felt like you **** in everything?
Ever felt like killing that person because he/she is flirting with the person you love?
Ever felt like to know what you're from other people's view? Well , that's life.
the smell of coffee and sweets lingers around the room
the sound of women and men conversing
the sound of responsibility
the sound of friendliness
the realization that everyone is scared comes quickly
as people talk about their lives it makes me realize
people are more scared then "Fine"
people go to collage to make their parents happy
but really all they want to do is live their life
instead of being trapped inside a school for 30% of their lives

I agree that learning is a huge part of life
but sitting inside a class room learning what its like outside just doesnt seem right
I believe that you should go out
you should make things happen
learn from the things that you do
not the things others do
open your eyes
The battle of love,
Is fought with love and patience.
You’ll be broken ,
With just memories left;
Shattered with happiness and sadness on the floor of mind;
You’ll die everyday inside to get it all back!
If it has started , it has to end..
I don’t want an ending.
I’ll fight through the dooms day.
But, I don’t want an ending.
Scared with the story coming to an end,
I want to die with story being narrated on my graveyard.
With proud I’ll be listening to this great tale of mine;
With harps and birds chirping in my immortal mind.
I’ll **** the king and the queen because the prince and princess demand to live.
The war has just begun my ostensible admirer;
The love is fair, but I doubt the war.
She hates me
With a fire so bright it hurts
She hates me
Her mouth curls and twitches in spurts
She watches me
Eyes like anvils, sinking into my soul
She sees me
Betraying all the compassion of a hot coal
She wants me
Dead upon her floor
She needs me
To bleed like others that came before
I'm grateful for what I have
I've been gifted with so much grace
Despite all the times I've been so bad
It has opened my eyes to true happiness
The ungrateful ones are truly sad
I'd like to show them all who I praise
In hopes that one day they too will be amazed
Oh, thoughts of You
are ever with Me
I hold You in My beating heart
You are as close to Me
as My very breath
Oh, how can I forget You My love
You give Me the strength to live My life
Oh, You have always been My deepest longing
When I sleep I dream of You
and when I wake I think of You
you are a dream that I long to dream
in all My waking hours
and when I wake I am so sad
to leave that lovely fantasy
Oh, You are a phantom of desire
there is a burning in My soul
that burns so brightly with My thoughts of You
an ardent desire lives in My heart
a love as old as time
and as young as a new born babe
Oh, I wish to plumb the depths of Your soul
why are You such a sparkling gem?
your mysteries are as deep as the sea
what gives Your pretty face its smile
and puts that twinkle in Your eye?
I am amazed
when You say My name
what tiny room in Your brain, in Your soul
held that name and brought it forth?
what makes You hold My hand?
and the love You feel?
Oh, mystery of mysteries
Oh, You are such a work of art!
such as a renaissance artist could never make
what Da Vinci could draw those lips
and what Michelangelo could paint those twinkling eyes
Oh, You are such a thing
as dreams are made of
such a beautiful unearthly dream
and You say, " But why do You love Me?
and not another?"
Oh, heaven and hell
and all the worlds in between
are within You
though I were to live
a hundred thousand years
I would have only begun to learn
what makes You You and not some other
Oh, You are beyond comparison
mystery to end all mysteries
Oh, My lovely dream
My phantom of unending desire
My soul is captured by You
I am drawn to You
as a moth to a flame
Oh, You are are My only and last desire
You My impossible dream
Oh, You are such a vision of delight
as though it were some drug induced haze
Oh, I cannot bear the thought
of Me without You
Oh, for such a bitter pain
as though it were a stone
scrapping against skinless flesh
Oh, such an impossible bitter love
to make Me think such thoughts
Oh, My love reject Me not
and condemn Me to such a bitter pain
kiss Me with a kiss of pure steel
and hold Me in an eternal embrace
and let Me live in Your arms
as the ages roll
and our love outlast eternity
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