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 Mar 2015 abby jordan
kyla marie
when I was younger,
my idea of pain was so very limited,
it was
a garden of roses
in a world full of thorns

one thousand skinned knees
five hundred sprained ankles
could not even begin to compare
to what I felt,
the day you left

my body was broken
my heart no longer belonged in my chest
my mind was dead,
and every single thought of you
the skin
that I hadn't already gotten to

and these pain killers,
have always worked for
skinned knees
sprained ankles

but not today

so I'm raising my dosage
to a few handfuls

hoping this pain will go away
 Mar 2015 abby jordan
kyla marie
cover me in your bloodstained bed sheets
that still smell like cigarettes and ***
from the night she left

press your ears against my chest
listen to my heartbeat
write a song to the rhythm of what keeps me grounded,
but all of the lyrics are about her

title it her name

we always talk about the ocean
and how listening to the tidal waves
can bring peace
to a restless mind

but we never talked about
the strength of waves
and how they can ware down
grounded rock
helpless grains of sand.
I wrote this on my fourth night of being hospitalized to the thought of you.
 Mar 2015 abby jordan
caught in the light
frozen in spaces
love filling places
electric fright

the moment before
expanding to singularity
undulating from uncertainty
wanting more

fallen hearts beat
feeling without touching
desire fuelled clutching
two halves meet
 Mar 2015 abby jordan
We are over, we are through
Funny how we promised to last
I guess we both meant
Only for a night
Finally gone is your ghost
I must say it was for the best
The memories we made
Will forever with me stay
They are sweeter than you ever were
Thoughts of you are killing me
I don't know how and why
This is just how you affect me
And I want this gone

Sometimes near
Sometimes far
You make me confused
On what we really are

I hate you for being like that
Don't know what you did
You have left with no goodbyes
But still haunting me with your mem'ries
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