That fire
I built it
I built it and I didn't even
This ice palace I
Built it and
I didn't even realise
This tar that's draining me
It's me
It's all me
My heart's deepest core
Isn't empty
Like I thought it was
It was frozen
Now that it's thawing
It's starting to hurt again
Like it did five or
Six years ago
It's not empty but
Like frostbite my heart is
Trying to regain its proper self
Call me by your vein
Your blood
Let it run unimpeded
Your heart needs to thaw
Before it can begin to
Thrive again
The poem is riddled with snippets of this moment, so let me remind future me: it is 3am. You've had another realisation. No matter what your experience was, it was still an experience that doesn't need to be labelled, especially not by 'how do I explain this in words other people will understand'. Your inner heart is thawing on and off. Love you. (Pers Ref: UG20CMBYN)