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 Aug 2014 Xander King
 Aug 2014 Xander King
I have fallen in love with the way your tired eyes
stare around blankly.
I have fallen in love with your smile,
yes, the cracked one.
I have fallen in love with the chills
you bring me.
I have fallen in love with the
silence you give me.
I have fallen in love with your scars,
your contagious pain.
I have fallen in love with your life story,
all the tears and hope you have ever had.
I have fallen in love with the way you avoid me,
when you look away instead of look at me.
I have fallen in love with you,
and I don't know much else.
I have fallen in love with you.
*I have fallen for you.
And you have given up on me, haven't you?

it's been a little while since i posted my last poem x)
Poetry is like gusts of fresh air
Harbinger of the soul’s catharsis
Flowing emotions through the pen
Concealed pain written across the pages
Healing the pain which was long buried
 Aug 2014 Xander King
I want to paint that smile on your lips and
hug you tightly and
kiss your lids and
tell you that everything will be alright.
I'd give you my shooting star and
make you believe that your dreams will
do come true.
 Aug 2014 Xander King
Le Lotus
One** word can hurt one heart
In one second for one whole day

Mind your words.
So its wouldn't hurt others.

Because sometimes..

...the pain lingers for years.
 Aug 2014 Xander King
I want to be selfish.
I want to tell you I started talking to you for a reason.
That I felt that spark-
that was no lie.
Being around you made me blush crimson,
and made my heart flutter in such a way-
that I had only felt once before.
I want to apologize-
for running away from the butterflies.
I just couldn't bear to watch them die- *again
Run from the monster
it's chasing with a blood lust
it's roars mingle with your screams
gurgled in your blood then it is on you
you fall to the ground
the jagged rocks pulling at your skin
you rip off it's mask to reveal it's
you **** awake from the nightmare
the gruesome image still fresh in your mind
you look in the mirror
and see the monster
you see me
and I am you
 Aug 2014 Xander King
two fragile hearts made up of glass
everyone could see right through them both
only they themselves couldn't see the reality

both fell for each other
and whatever falls
will end up breaking

now those two once-glass hearts
shattered into a million emotional pieces

now those two once-glass hearts
will never find their missing parts

now those two once-glass hearts
have turned into nothing
but back into crushed sand
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