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Forever together
Pssh yea right more like forever away
Better yet forever in pain
You don’t make me feel loved
You can’t make me feel healed
My soul just keeps getting shredded up
The longer I’m with you, the faster I die
I don’t want to die, so you need to instead
Will you die for me?
After all you said we have true love
Be honest though are you with me for love
Or do you stay with me for the money?
The connections?
The drugs?
The alcohol?
I’m yelling for you to get away
Instead you stay
I might just drown myself in the bay
I can’t stay near you
I need to move on
I need a new start
So please just leave
Get away from me before I hurt you
I don’t want to hurt you
You’re pushing my limits though
So please just go before I hurt you
I don’t want you to feel the pain I feel
I don’t want you to get hurt, like you’ve hurt me
So stay away
She’s torturing me
She keeps teasing me
Pulling me in then leaving
She plays these games
I don’t  want to play  them though they hurt my soul and heart
I just want to love her
I just want to make her feel good
I want to make her feel loved
She won’t open herself up to me though
She’s hiding behind a wall of masked emotions
I’m tired of playing hide and seek
I just want somebody to love
So come love me
I swear it was love at first sight
If I recall right there was a bright light
All around her there was a glistening shine
I wanted to shout out She’s mine!
Because I’ve had people stolen from me before.
It leaves me laying broken on the floor
It’s a strange kind of hurt
I feel the rage inside of me
At the same time I feel glad that their both happy
In the end though I know I want them back
I don’t think I could take it again
I just want the pain to end
Stop the demons from hurting me
I need her
This time I’m standing my ground
I won’t let anyone take her from me
So stay with me
Please don’t betray me
Please don’t leave me broken again
Don’t **** my soul
I beg you to stay with me
To spend your time with me
Is there any point in living a life of pain?
I'm struggling to find a reason and I'm going insane.
I'm so depressed I can't even find anything to live for.
Life's become such a bore.
Real words from a depressed guess you couldn't guess the person is me.
Today is world poetry day
I don't know why so few people know about this
Poetry is amazing, and so are all the people who make it
I think today is the day people should let the world know that poetry is awesome
Hello all you poets and poetess write away and continue to make art with words
Continue to make people feel amazed
Happy World Poetry Day everyone!
It really is world poetry day.
So your feeling down? Your feeling like you are nothing? See everyone has a thing called self esteem, it's how you feel about yourself, but a shocking 85% of people suffer from low self esteem. A disease where you have no confidence in yourself. Here's the thing YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Margaret Wolfe Hungerford once said, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" now I want you to think about everything you think of as imperfect or a flaw in yourself.
Ok? Now think about this, to someone that stuff is either non existent or what makes you perfect to them. This makes me feel better about myself already how about you?
Now I want you to think about everybody you've ever said hi t without them saying hi first, you could have been there rock, there reason to live all from saying hi. Have you ever looked at an ok drawing or painting and said "Wow this belongs in a museum." Do you remember how you felt, pretty good right like a surge of joy?  You are beautiful and you are perfect to someone

— The End —