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I fell in love with candlelight-
in my darkness, she shone so bright.
She danced the breeze, lit up the night,
her glow consumed my very sight.

But wax and wick both burn away,
and candlelight just cannot stay.
As sure as night turns into day,
that fickle flame will go astray.

But for a moment, through the storm,
she lit my world, she kept me warm,
then flickered out, as is the norm
for candlelight, its fleeting form.

I fell in love with candlelight,
for but a moment, all was right.
Her glow, her dance, consumed my sight,
and faded out at end of night.
 May 2020 Bob
 May 2020 Bob
The real poets
Are capable
bleed through
their verses

The only thing
I' ve ever wanted
was caress your heart
With my simple words
 Apr 2020 Bob
 Apr 2020 Bob
I am tired.
Not the mind kind of tired,
The bone kind of tired.
Not the eye kind of tired,
The blood flowing in my body,
kind of tired.
The kind of tired that originates,
Not in the world,
But in me.
The kind of tired,
The world will never be able
To get rid of,
For me.
Forgive me,
I need to take a nap.
This kind of tired is making me
I am not always like this.
But the world,
Right now?
Reminds me the tiredness that I am capable of.
hey man, you ok?
Yeah. Just need to take a nap. I just woke up
 Apr 2020 Bob
Letters from Lia
We are all victims
of failed society
They criticize
They hate
They judge
and we all just
stood there
and broken.
We are too numb
to feel,
We pretend to be deaf
about what they say,
We stay blind
of the things they did,
We are the outcast
of this broken world,
We remain silent
creating our own
vast world within
our enormous
we stand
taller than towers
There, our inner voices
speak the loudest
There, our sight
and imagination
is boundless.
I said
they will
all fall, and
I'd be too
oblivious to hear
all of their screams"
—they made me like this.
 Apr 2020 Bob
 Apr 2020 Bob
i never used to smoke
but since you left,
it’s the only time i can seem to breathe
 Apr 2020 Bob
You love me
Like a dog loves a bone
Or a cat loves a mouse

Which is to say
You love me for a while
Until I no longer taste good

You love me long enough
To carve tooth marks into me
But not long enough for it to stop hurting

You love me
Like a tree loves water
Or the sky loves the stars

Which is to say
You love me when you need me
When I am there and there’s no one better

You love me half the time
When there’s not too much of me
When I am accentuating your beauty

You love me
Like you love yourself
Or I love myself

Which is to say
You love me sometimes
Despite all of the pain

You love parts of me
The parts that are there when I’m happy
Or when I pretend to be happy

You love me
The way you know how to
And I love you the way I do
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