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 May 2014 Nameless
Libra scales
 May 2014 Nameless
maybe we were never meant to be.

maybe you did once love me.

it's that 50% chance

of uncertainity

that fail my relationships

 May 2014 Nameless
Daylight 4U2C
Like a bird caged in the sky,
without wings to fly.
 May 2014 Nameless
Daylight 4U2C
The stars do not just whisper,
they cry and yell and beg.
we are ill,
from this horror show we cannot unsee."
The land was filled with gas,
the stars,
too high to cleanse.
The stars are begging,
put this horror to an end."

Though on the other side.
The one that plugs their ears,
clipped noses,
zipped mouths,
and the society alive,
we say nothing to the stars,
instead we simply watch them cry.

I know we let you drop the shine,
and dazzles of tears
to our revolt and vandalized land.
I'm sorry we cannot let go,
and give you all demand,
but society has this image,
and it may not go away.

I'm sorry crying, yelling stars,
but no.
Not today.
 May 2014 Nameless
Lone Wolf
"What's that from?"
Oh, I um, fell...

"You fell?"
Ya, you know me
Such a clutz

"And you happened to fall,
On something hand shaped?"
Ya. What a coincidence right?
Teachers are so nosy... I said I fell. Yes it's a lie but shut up and go with it...
 May 2014 Nameless
Daylight 4U2C
I have a fairy by my side
Which says I must not sleep,
When once in pain I loudly cried
It said "You must not weep"
If, full of mirth, I smile and grin,
It says "You must not laugh"
When once I wished to drink some gin
It said "You must not quaff".

When once a meal I wished to taste
It said "You must not bite"
When to the wars I went in haste
It said "You must not fight".

"What may I do?" at length I cried,
Tired of the painful task.
The fairy quietly replied,
And said "You must not ask".

Moral: "You mustn't."
There are two things about this poem that made me want to post it.
1)After I say number 2 this seems rude maybe, but the way he wrote it was somewhat silly and made me laugh. Of course after much actual thinking I came to:
2) it seems like he's talking about sleep paralysis, which isn't a  commonly written about subject. I enjoy this poem and I hope others do too.

 May 2014 Nameless
Daylight 4U2C
I remember as a child-
peeking over the window,
to a ticking sound,
from a pitch black cloak,
hiding a creature on the ground.
A shadow of a haunting sparrow,
with a knife atop a pole.
I simply stared and giggled,
as I felt the lifeless soul.
Unsure of what to think,
I believe I heard a voice.
Said it, "I weaved a basket."
Then left he, a silent noise.
The atmosphere was like scent so taint.
"The basket soon has become a case."
The words were wispy and growing faint,
like the words were sent away.
I was hesitant to follow it,
and I don't recall why I didn't.
I found myself the sturdy floor,
and my friend,
'the cloaked one' was now no more.
I'm not really friends with Grimm Reaper. That'd be scary.
 May 2014 Nameless
Daylight 4U2C
I was deep in lucid sleep.
You fed me food doctor told me not to eat.
I didn't question,
but your motives to myself.
A landfill of poison,
and you mean it all for me.
Each rose another thorn,
each bite another death.
I was deep in lucid sleep.
My innocence I must keep,
is led astray for just on night.
Here I, to live, must fight.
I was going to write about a bad dream I had, but I ended up going in a different direction.
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