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 Oct 2017 Wick
Lora Lee
 Oct 2017 Wick
Lora Lee
in this
        of limbo
          the distance rises
               in curls of smoke
        a prairie fire
siphoning into
crisp edge
           of forest
          Inside my
uncloaked ventricle
primeval forces
turn my blood into
dusted gold
as they pump
        sacred texts
into my oxygen
      They roll your quintessence
upon my fingers,
            playing inside
     my psyche's  
wild ache
a spread of orifice
in spellbound mantra,
       as I spit out
            hairy thorns,
a holy purge of
Somehow ---
like a miracle,
I grow ripe seedlings
from deep within
            my womb
as I trip into
a universe rising
I take wisps
of your grace
as it brushes
the jut of my
astral collarbone
You are always
         grounding me
                    like this,
               my tongue
         over velvet
stance of warrior
        assuaged into silk
        Without you,
I might be
whisked off into
the periphery
of chaos
but instead
       I am simply
tied to
      the urgency
of the little novas
about to

While I wait
            I tend to
              the wildfires.
     to make sure they
                   are still burning
I keep my honey
wet and fresh
upon your
let my pores
drip moonpools
    into your glistening
wet of mouth
and only when
          it is time
I let the whole of
           me burst
into the
      fire -wrapped
tips of
suits the mood!!
 Oct 2017 Wick
Small bumps on the road,
the orange light from the street lamps glow
like a midnight sun
and I fell in love with the girl beside me,
sleepy and lovely
with a scar underneath her chin -
a childhood souvenir because
she could never stay still;
her hair free and wild
like her.

And I'm looking at her,
feeling the cold wind on my face
though I've never felt this warm.

Stupid and spirited,
I know I will give her name as the answer
when years from now a child asks me
about my youth.

Old man Bukowski said:
The flesh covers the bones
and they put a mind in there
and sometimes a soul..
I believe God
poured and poured
all the glorious things on her
and gave her a hand-made heart of gold.

And maybe this isn't going to end well
and well, all of this is forbidden,
like the apple
but still sweet
so never mind the toothache
or the possible heartbreak.
This is an old piece I edited because I already found the girl I've been writing about all this time.
 Oct 2017 Wick
I wish to seek for the perfect flower
To find a beauty as wonderful as you
An isolated yet bloom of joy
A tender and gentle lotus
Oh so fragile
I can see it glimmering
Sparkling an amusing sight
Oh so lovingly
But it is so far away...
Just like you
 Oct 2017 Wick
Brent Kincaid
Let’s pretend we were made
To be the two of us together
Let’s pretend not just today,
But tomorrow too, and forever.
Let’s pretend some cupid guy
Shot his arrow at both our hearts.
Let’s pretend we had no choice
That some magic made it start.

Let’s pretend there is nobody
On this earth but we two.
That neither of us has work
Or any chores we must do.
Let’s act the same as if
We were just two small kids
And build some loving memories
Of the fun things we did.

Let’s pretend that our love
Is all we will ever really need
And let this game of our hearts
And souls happily proceed.
And let’s pretend the two of us
Get to make all the rules
And people who don’t agree
Are just ordinary boring fools.

Let’s pretend there’s nothing we
Need to worry ourselves about
And that any problems that occur
We two can work them out.
Let’s pretend this is a world
Like the one in our fondest dreams
And see if we can make it be
Precisely as magical as it seems.
 Oct 2017 Wick
 Oct 2017 Wick
being in love
but not being together
is like chasing a mirage
in the desert
the hope keeps disappearing
moments later reappearing
is it really there
or are we hallucinating

 Oct 2017 Wick
Happy anniversary.

Can you believe
That it’s been a year?
I can still feel the first time,
Your hands danced on mine,
A soft presence, almost shy.
I could barely pay attention
To the film playing on television
Because there, right beside me,
A story was already unfolding,
One that was far more fascinating
Than any other mystery.

And it was.
Here we are, a year later,
The story continues to be
The most gruelling mystery
Of two people ceasing to be,
Of you & I never becoming we,
Instead, a strange, foreign word
To each other’s vocabulary.
I thought we both saw ourselves
In this picture perfect future:
Lying together on crumpled sheets,
Watching Sherlock on repeat,
Reading poetry and drinking coffee,
A state of being indescribably

We were never meant to be that.
Only a manuscript tossed in the trash.
We loved too little, and bled too much,
Too proud to break the silence.
Too scared to end the sentence.
So let’s scrap the ending,
And go back to the beginning:

Happy anniversary.
 Oct 2017 Wick
CJ Sutherland
A theory at birth the human mind is a blank slate
We teach our child to; love, live, hurt, and hate

  Prejudice judgments, we make them
often every day
Yet, we are embarrassed when our children repeat what we say

We blame others when our children regurgitate
Children are sponges they listen,learn, reverberate    

To say your child didn't here or understand You
Its' irresponsible to have that point of view

Music, TV , friends, inappropriate behavior is all around
Truth be told Christian values are hard to be found

Your child was a gift entrusted to your care
We live in a time when evil is everywhere

We are molding young minds into who they will be
We need to be diligent good against evil only time can forese
Years ago I was taking like two-year-old daughter to daycare and she was singing along Song on the radio  
"I love a good beer buzz early in the morning All I want to do is have some fun  I get a feeling I'm not the only one "
She was attending a Christian daycare that was  a wake up call
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