"Do we still believe in 'the one'?"
I Asked my best friend
The question adorning the moment
And I pondered...
Do we honestly think there is some man out there searching for us, just waiting to meet us?
Are we relying on destiny, for fate to sweep us away to meet him?
What if he walks by?
What if we never meet?
What if we have met, and he never knew us...
But if there is this 'one', would he want me?
Me, with my *****, hopeless heart
That has been so defiled by other men
That has been gassed to death by their meaningless words
That lies on the floor begging for one final breath
I beg of you, will he love my tired soul?
Will he numb the pain that pulsates through my being?
My spirit is so tired of this
Of broken hearts and broken dreams
I scream out and I wait
I wait for you
'the one '
I am naked and bare
No hidden pretense
And I sit here
Listen out for me
Because you'll here my soul screaming
Needing your touch...
The one, the one,
Don't be afraid of the dark
nor my disgusting scars and filthy, morbid heart
My Ragged and old heart
I need your touch...
The one, the one
Come back to me.