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1.7k · Nov 2014
Marie Nov 2014
There must be something in the rain.
That makes me want to cry again.
But my eyes are swelling red
And all that's left are words unsaid.
1.0k · Nov 2014
Marie Nov 2014
I fell in love with an illusion
With feats and tricks
That made my heart skip.
I was happy, so happy,
That words would not suffice.
But soon I found the magician's hat
Just full of trickery and deceit
The grandest act was on it's way
But it wasn't just for me.

I fell in love with an illusion.
831 · Jan 2015
Marie Jan 2015
Welcome to the institution,
Say your goodbyes,
And take your places.
Ready your head
For the days ahead.
For it will be tough
And maybe too rough
Even for someone
As bright as you are

Oh, little soldier,
I'm giving a warning.
A battle is coming
and nothing can stop it.
It's a war between
The heart and the mind
The triumphant should find
What's missing inside.
776 · Sep 2014
Love Songs
Marie Sep 2014
I'd like to hear my heart sing
Songs of loves about me
But I guess I can only hope
Cause I for one am alone

I'd dread the day that I know
That I will end up alone
For my prince lost his way
And found another girl

I guess I'll just sing some love songs
Of what it could've been
As my heart tries to piece
Some broken melodies
571 · Aug 2015
Marie Aug 2015
What lies ahead
I do not know
But what I know
Is that I want to go

Away from the place
That I've come to hate
Away from the place
That fills me with pain

It was once called a home
Our humble and loving abode
It filled me with laughter and joy
Now it's nothing but an empty void
Feeling a little depressed today.
504 · Nov 2014
Marie Nov 2014
There is a fear that lies within
Seething, breathing and living
It is with me day and night
Watching me with it's every sight

It creeps up me at night
Making me think of life
"You can never succeed" it says
as it echoes in my head.

It is crawling and moving
Living and breathing
Sometimes it is my friend
Most of the time, it is not

It goes stronger by day
Consuming me with might
At times I just surrender
for that is the only thing I can muster

And I am dying everyday
Trying to fight of the demon
That lives inside of me
That lives around me
321 · Nov 2014
Marie Nov 2014
Once there was a girl
Waiting for true love
She came across this man
Who showered her with love

Soon she was happy
Like a flower in spring
Dancing and blooming
Light and dazzling

One day she sat on the grass
And listened to something in her mind
"The wait finally over." She feels
"Could this be true?" She asks

The seed of doubt of doubt soon flowered
And she broke things of in an instant
Yet again she was left alone
Thinking, feeling if it was the right thing

Now she is filled with regret
As loud as the voices in her head
She should not have listened
She should not have left  

Now she is waiting
Waiting and waiting still

— The End —