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Jun 2019 · 291
Timber Jun 2019
--- comes at you like a dog flying in the door when you get home from work
Tackles you to the ground with as much force as possible
Impossible to get up with ---- around
You don't want to leave,
They make you feel loved
But also incredibly lonely
--- leeches to when when you're trying to leave
But --- also walks away from you *** it doesn't know what to do
He covers you in his drool of compassion
You also have to notice --- could eat you for breakfast if he wanted.
--- is the dog you're sad when your not worth
But --- is also an ankle biter who teaches you where to really be
---- is your best friend
--- is your worst enemy
--- is everything you love
---- is everything you hate
For my English class.
Jan 2019 · 454
Timber Jan 2019
Brittle and crackling
bones that snap and pop
your older now
someday you go
when time is okay
those bones dust away
slipping into the unknown
Jan 2019 · 448
Dont worry, Be happy
Timber Jan 2019
Sticky, molding floors,
Flies buzzing around the sink,
Not a single paper towel in sight.

The busy, hussle and bussle,
The shines and glares coming from everything in site,
No space,
No feeling,
No compassion.

You’re ears are bleeding
Mine are too
Freshman band *****
Honors is okay
Dec 2018 · 681
Dear Brother:
Timber Dec 2018
You’re gone now
So long
Farwell, Have fun
Hope you’re doing okay.

Trauern und geben.
Das ist unser rhythmus,
eine süße Symphonie, die langsam verblasst
( To grieve and to Give.)
(This is our rythme,)
(a sweet symphony slowlying fading out)

Actually, we are doing well, but you want
You arent home.
Dont pick up the phone
Please I your gone stay gone

in Teenager-Tendenzen eingepackt
du hast deine Seele für das einzige verkauft, was du wirklich liebst:
und Geld.
(Wrapped up in teenager tendencies.)
(you sold your soul for the only thing you truly loved:)
(liquor, )
(and money.)

You’re gone now
So long
Farwell, Have fun
Hope you’re doing okay.
Dec 2018 · 698
This is Just to Say.
Timber Dec 2018
Revenge is a absolute *****.
You were poison to my life,
an absolute glitch;
but i love you.

I'm so sorry for everything,
please forgive me,
everything will be okay in the end
i know.
i know i'm sorry okay….
i know.

Stay out of my life.
You ate my mac and cheese.
A small work for my Honars American Comp. and Lit Class.

— The End —