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No one prepares you for losing your dad
They don't sit you down and explain
All the things he will miss
All the pieces he won't shape
All the questions he can no longer answer

No one tells you how it will change you
or how his absence will creep
Slowly crawl it's way into the cracks
Mold you into this shell
Change the very core of you

Loss is a strange thing
It's something we never have an answer for
Something we struggle to describe
Yet it happens everyday
Every hour
Every minute
All the billions of people in this world
It only takes one to stop time
It's dark
The feeling of warm bodies around you
Whispers of excitement hang in the air
Anticipation grows inside of you;
it's only escape through the smile on your face
A soft sound begins
Lights flash on
Your world becomes multicolored
Close your eyes
Let the music breath into you
The crowd around you electric
as you all begin to move
Just small; swaying side to side
Then the beat drops
and you lose yourself to the night
They never tell you how to deal when things go right
How to accept that every little thing worked out
To just be happy
When you realize all these things
The simple interactions and choices you made
led you here
and that’s okay
Yeah, you’re a little bit broken
Weathered down by the trials of life
Maybe your eyes don’t see through rose colored glasses anymore
Or that person you thought would always be there is gone
At the end of it
You lived
Down to depths of hell and back
You made it through
and came out a little bruised
But all these millions of little things
In this vast world of complexities
All led to this
The final chapter
This is where the storybook ends
You; you found *you
A million little pixels...
that’s all that’s left of **you
Why, why, why do I always lie?
I bite my tongue
I go with the flow
Things don't phase me
But they do
Keep your mind clear
But your body is sick
All those fears you're dealing with
Are coming true
Looks like someone finally beat you
It was going to happen
You couldn't run away from it
Trying to make sense of everything
Can I?... Baby?
Go a little reckless
Maybe sell myself short
Stop holding back from these things
These thoughts
These actions
Go have a drink
Run back down my rabbit hole
My sweet little home of nothingness
I can't
I'm better than this
Am I really though?... Maybe?
You're lost
Maybe too lost this time
Playing with fire you're gonna get burned
Stupid girl you knew how this story ends
Maybe it'll be better this time
Make a choice
Be better
I can't
The darkness is back
Stop lying
It never left
Did it? ... Maybe?
In the end it doesn't matter
Nothing does
Why would it
It's all lies
You call yourself real
A real phony
I guess I'm just lost
I always have been
Never really learned how to love
Always worried about being free
Oh baby girl he's under your skin
So why keep letting him in?
Masochistic girl
I just wanna be okay
You're never gonna be safe
Tell me more lies?... Maybe?
We be trippin’
Into this position
No way out but submission
You can't break me
Can you?... Maybe?
I'll be better
I got my voice back
But at what toll
That dark person isn't about to just let you go
She's back for good
You officially lost yourself
Help me?... Baby?
Your life as know it gone
Now you’re floating around a box
Zero gravity
Who knows how many year have passed
Time is irrelevant
All you have is time
Time to think
Time to miss those you left behind
Time to regret
Time to wonder
Suddenly, something goes wrong
Crash Landing
Everything goes dark
A voice off in the distance
It’s drawing you towards a light
Do you follow it?
It sounds familiar but unfamiliar at the same time
You were alone in the box
Off to explore a new world
The last hope for the planet you called home
But still, the voice echoes again
Wake up
There she is
All wide eyed and scared
You’re in a white room
Strapped to a bed
Scarred and ******
So you did crash?
She starts to talk to you
Her voice still the same but something is wrong
She keeps assuring you
Trying to keep you calm
She can sense your fear
But how?
Your mind is foggy
There’s a feeling hiding in the back of your mind
Scratching to get out
This isn’t real
You look in her eyes
They’re black
She’s not here, she is something…
Something else
The voice is changing
A sinister tone takes over
The white walls start to fade
The truth of your reality sets in
You made contact
The adventure you set to achieve
But as your mind clears you understand
These others
These life forms
We are not their equals but their prey
And this new planet is Earth’s doomsday
This was a prompt on humans encounter life for the first time on a new planet
You’re broken
Maybe that’s why I hold on so tight
Just hoping that everything will be fine
Maybe we can fix each other
But the only person you can fix is yourself
So we fight
We strike
Lash out
Push when we should have pulled
And we hurt one another
We’re a little bit broken
I’m alright with that
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