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Phia Aug 2016
There are so many things
That I love about you
It will take too long to name them all
So I'll name just a few.
The first thing I love about you
Is the way you smile
It makes me feel at peace and such
I haven't felt that for a while.
The second thing that I love
Is the way you're always there
I can text you about the dumbest things
Like how I cut my hair.
The third thing that I love about you
Is that you make me feel strong
When I talk to you the endless nights
Never seem as long.
The fourth thing that I love about you
Is the way you say oh my
I don't know why but seeing that
Makes me want to fly.
The fifth thing that I love about you
Is the way you hold me in your arms
When you wrap them tight around me
I feel protected from all harm
The sixth thing that I love about you
Are the faces that you make
I'll do anything to see them again
I don't care what it takes.
The seventh thing I love about you
Is that you're gentle but you're strong
My life is a raging storm
But with you it seems calm.
The eighth thing I love about you
Is that you're really funny
You may not know it but you always
Make my days nice and sunny.
The ninth thing o love about you
Is that you never go away
But don't feel like you're stuck here
You're free to leave or stay.
The tenth thing that I love about you
Is I don't feel so alone
You gave me hope when I lost it all
That my heart can find a home.
That's ten things that I love about you,
But there are many more,
You don't have to do this alone
Of this I am sure.
For you
Phia Aug 2016
I've never seen a soul
Shine as bright as yours
You could give the stars
A run for their money.
Phia Aug 2016
If I knew this was our last goodbye
There's so much that I would say
I would start by reading you the poem
How you take my breath away.
Then I would say thank you
For not saying goodbye
And when you said you weren't scared of being cut
I started to cry.
Those words meant so much to me
Since I'd lost hope for someone who cared
But to me those couple words
Said if you need me I'll be there.
You made me feel like I matter
And that my many flaws do not define me
When you're around I can be myself
And it makes me feel happy
Your friendship means so much to me
So much more than I can say
And I really hope that this poem
Doesn't scare you away
But roses are red and violets are blue
My world was so ******* lonely
Until I met you
For my friend who means a lot to me.

How you take my breath away:
Phia Aug 2016
I would try to count the stars
If that would show you what you mean to me
I'd carve your face into the moon
For the whole world to see.
I'd cross the Sahara in search of water
If that will make you mine
I'll steal all the clocks in the world
And with them I'll stop time
For you I'll drive all night long
If that would make you smile
And hell if it came down to it
I'd walk thousands of miles.
I'll write you poem after poem and song after song
And I'll make them quite sappy
Or I'll make them dead serious
If that would make you happy.
I don't care what I have to do
I just want you to know
My life changed for the better
The second you said hello
My friend jack, means the world to me, I wrote this about him
  Aug 2016 Phia
Musfiq us shaleheen
From womb  to born
Every morn
Each breath
Even on the road of death
I’m alone
Walking with broken bone

While the Summer wind blows
In this narrow lane
Love flows in my wide vein
As the Streams of heavy rain
Alone else
Only the past tense

In the dark, I hark
A distant bark
In the dream there was
A beautiful park
With a few sign of paws
Yet I couldn’t find any cause

The Streams going down
While flowing in this old town
The Stone grew worn and torn
Rolling else alone
Like my broken bone
@Musfiq us shaleheen
Phia Aug 2016
I am an addict.
But not to drugs or alcohol
I'm addicted to my sadness.
I need to let it go, I know I do.
But I can't seem to let go of something
That was the only thing that kept me company
On all of those cold and bitter nights.
I am truly addicted to my sadness
Phia Aug 2016
People say,
Be happy,
But for me,
Happy doesn't write
Good poems.
I don't write well about happy things, it's the pain and sadness that I use to write.
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