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Oct 2017 · 964
Plants not Hot
Me have a big old spliff one day
Admirin the width and the girth of the J
But his plant not hot
Cause he's got no ***

So now ja gotta hit up a dealer
John Dunphy
Sep 2015 · 1.6k
League of Legends
Takin a spliff
after me ****
me got ta go runnin

for LoL is loadin
but me *** couldn't holdin
made while waiting for league to fackin load
On the twelfth day of Reggae Christmas
My boombastic love gave to me:
12 tangy totos
11 ragin' reefers
10 lightin' lighters
9 hefty island boys
8 bowls of cereal
7 dabs of oil
6 blazin' bubblers
5 smokin' spliffs
4 grams of purple
3 beautiful bowls
2 boombastic bongs
and a brand new marijuana tree.
The 25 Days of Reggae Christmas
On the eleventh day of Reggae Christmas
My boombastic love gave to me:
11 ragin' reefers
10 lightin' lighters
9 hefty island boys
8 bowls of cereal
7 dabs of oil
6 blazin' bubblers
5 smokin' spliffs
4 grams of purple
3 beautiful bowls
2 boombastic bongs
and a brand new marijuana tree.
The 25 Days of Reggae Christmas
On the tenth day of Reggae Christmas
My boombastic love gave to me:
10 lightin' lighters
9 hefty island boys
8 bowls of cereal
7 dabs of oil
6 blazin' bubblers
5 smokin' spliffs
4 grams of purple
3 beautiful bowls
2 boombastic bongs
and a brand new marijuana tree.
The 25 Days of Reggae Christmas
Dec 2014 · 6.8k
Herbal Scents
Me Nose knows da way she goes.
Da smells herb throws,
me Nose just knows.

Da smell kush gives.
Da way me lives.
Me Nose just knows.

'avin a ****
with a **** lovin' bloke.
enjoyin' da incense.
But me losing da essence.
Me Nose knows, but me eyes don't.

Me **** lovin' bloke,
who me was 'bout to ****,
was not a gurl,
just a lyin' shmuck.

He was not a chick
'cause he had a ****.
Me eyes now know
what me Nose knows.
By Herb I Mean Kush
On the ninth day of Reggae Christmas
My boombastic love gave to me:
9 hefty island boys
8 bowls of cereal
7 dabs of oil
6 blazin' bubblers
5 smokin' spliffs
4 grams of purple
3 beautiful bowls
2 boombastic bongs
and a brand new marijuana tree.
The 25 Days of Reggae Christams
On the eighth day of Reggae Christmas
My boombastic love gave to me:
8 bowls of cereal
7 dabs of oil
6 blazin' bubblers
5 smokin' spliffs
4 grams of purple
3 beautiful bowls
2 boombastic bongs
and a brand new marijuana tree.
The 25 Days of Reggae Christmas
On the seventh day of Reggae Christmas
My boombastic love gave to me:
7 dabs of oil
6 blazin' bubblers
5 smokin' spliffs
4 grams of purple
3 beautiful bowls
2 boombastic bongs
and a brand new marijuana tree.
The 25 Days of Reggae Christmas
On the sixth day of Reggae Christmas
My boombastic love gave to me:
6 blazin' bubblers
5 smokin' spliffs
4 grams of purple
3 beautiful bowls
2 boombastic bongs
and a brand new marijuana tree.
The 25 days of Reggae Christmas
On the fifth day of Reggae Christmas
My boombastic love gave to me:
5 smokin' spliffs
4 grams of purple
3 beautiful bowls
2 boombastic bongs
and a brand new marijuana tree.
The 25 Days of Reggae Christmas
Dec 2014 · 2.4k
Reggae Boy waiting
Me waiting for Reggae class to start.
Ohno I gotta ****.
Me grab me *******
and make a loud squeek
so beautiful, twas like art.
Reggae = art.
**** = art.
Reggae = ****.
Dec 2014 · 9.9k
Marijuana is Bad
I hate marijuana.
It is a class A drug for a reason.
It destroys your brain and brings anarchy to the world.

Me looks both ways to see if anyone around
ok mon, now dat da feds are gone, lets get ta business.
Me inhales me blessed ******

**** is cool. It's actually really nice.
If ya t'ink otherwise, den ya better t'ink twice.
Me gonna tell you, why Reggae is my life.
Me love Reggae so much me wish it was me wife.
Marijane is me love. Spliffs and Reefers too.
Kush makes me so hot you'd t'ink I had da flu.
Why should ya smoke herb? Me gonna tell you why.
When ya smoke heaven's grass ya feel like ya gonna fly.
Away from all ya problems. Towards a purposeful end.
Makes ya feel, so nice. ****, you will soon befriend.

­Everything Cook and Curry (Reggae term for "Everything is Fine")

If you are 911, you do not have permission to read this and can't use it in court. Sorry piggy.
Dec 2014 · 563
Me Night Out
'avin a night out on da town.
Tis me only chance to get down.
Me grab a nice looker.
Oops, she's not a ******.
Makes me head home wit' a frown.
She beat me up after I wrote dis poem.
Pray for me
On the fourth day of Reggae Christmas
My boombastic love gave to me:
4 grams of purple
3 beautiful bowls
2 boombastic bongs
and a brand new marijuana tree.
The 25 Days of Reggae Christmas
Dec 2014 · 9.2k
Lighnin' is just a big ol' lighter.
Strikin' down like a boombastic fighter.

One day lightnin' strike to me front.
Just far enough to light me blunt.

Most people say me was lucky dat day.
However, I was not. Me blunt blew away.
RIP in Peace blunt.
I'll always remember you.
On the third day of Reggae Christmas
My boombastic love gave to me:
3 beautiful bowls
2 boombastic bongs
and a brand new marijuana tree.
The 25 Days of Reggae Christmas
On the second day of Reggae Christmas
My boombastic love gave to me:
2 boombastic bongs
and a brand new marijuana tree.
The 25 days of Reggae Christmas
On the first day of Reggae Christmas
My boombastic love gave to me:
A brand new marijauna tree.
Sorry I'm a little late, but its better later than never.
Welcome to the 25 days of Reggae Christmas!
Dec 2014 · 1.2k
A Reggae Themed Limerick
I was dreamin' last night real well,
of kush that seemed quite swell.
Sadly, when my eyes did open,
my dream was then broken,
because my herb was not the smell.

The smell was poo.
I **** myself.
I need an adult.
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
The Boys
Me in da wrong place at da wrong time.
Headin' down da alley on me way to pick up me 'erb.
Suddenly, Big Boy 'pears round da corner.


Da Big Boy grabs me and take me lunch money.
'ow am I gunna get me 'erb now?
He beats me like me papa did.
Jus when Big Boy gonna trow da final punch...


Da boys arrive for battle.
Spliffs in der mouts.
Vengeance in der eyes.
TruckerWithAPassionForReggae grabs da Big Boy.
'olds 'im down n saves me reggae life.
Blunt Blastah Mastah punches da Big Boy.
Don touch me boombastic buddy he says.
DertyBeatzFromDaStreetz goes in for da **** with a ***** reggae kick.
Reggae Mon Offishal gets me kush cash back.
Me in da clear.

We killed a man, but our flame of friendship burnt bright that night.
Like our spliffs, the light was jus' right, mon.
I'd like to thank the accademy for my reggae king nomination. I'd also like to thank the reggae boys, because without you, my reggae dreams would never become a reality. God bless you Isis.
Me be 'avin a good time enjoyin' me boombastic trailer park home.
Den a tornado of Reggae come rollin' down da road.
Reggae Kids with a Reggae attitude.
Hooligans with a passion. My passion.

Da flurry of rastafarianism be tearin' up the houses.
Destroyin' mailboxes as dey 'proach me home.
Den, like lightnin' they be in front of me.

We like you, Reggae Reggie
They say
But we be as poor as a washed up Island Boy
I fear for my safety
So we gonna have to rob you

Me pull out a gun n shoot the kids.
****'n chumps tink dey can rob me.
No way Jose.

*******, bad boys

Life went on.
This really happened to me this mornin'
Dec 2014 · 3.0k
Haiku about Reggae
***** be burnin'
Reggae be movin' me hard
Smokin' dat dank herb
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
import becker.robots;
import becker.reggae;

public class ReggaeBoy extends Robot{

public ReggaeBoy(City c, int s, int a, Direction d, String label){
this­.setLabel("Reggae Boy");

public void bunUp(){

public void playReggae(int songNumber){
String musicFile = ("bobM.mp3,herbs.mp3,reggaeTime.mp3");
String[] musicFileSplit = musicFile.split(",");
reggae in code
Nov 2014 · 857
The Hit That Took Me Out
Reggae* blastin'.
I'm already lost.
Buddy pulls out his ****.
It'll leave me tossed.
Will it push me over the edge?
I take one hit. I fall off the ledge...

Hooo-ah. Woah Mang.
That was quite some hit.

Woke up the next mornin' covered in ****.

Moral of the story: Know your limits.
I smell like **** right now.
Nov 2014 · 783
Ode to DJ Ivan Frost
I really like it.
Yes, I really like it.

Baby I love it.
Makes me so excited.

I really like it.
Yes, I really like it.

Baby I need it.
Why can't I deny it?
Nov 2014 · 4.7k
Reggae Made Me Do It
Hello, my name is Reggae Reggie, and this is my confession.

I am a Reggae mon. My life is Reggae.
I love being a boombastic island boy, slouchin', couchin', and enjoyin' a splif of Reggae love.
I spend most of my time in my home, listenin' to dank Reggae.
Reggae always calmed my mind, until it told me to **** her.
I never would've don it, but sometin' changed.


Reggae told me she was a Reggae sham.
Listenin' to screamo on the down low.
That ****. What a freak.


I was mindin' my own business, lightin' that sweet, sweet Reggae ******,
Next thing I know, my hands are around her neck.
She begs for Reggae mercy.


Next ting I know, I'm in my Reggae basement, blood pourin' all over me.
From her lifeless Reggae body.
The smell of a dank mornin' fills my house.
I love it.


I snap out of it.
Realize what went down, downtown.
It wasn't me. It was Reggae.

**Reggae Made Me Do It.
The confession of a true Reggae lover
Nov 2014 · 6.0k
The Heart
My heart is filled with arteries, veins, reggae, capillaries.
The blood in my circulatory system is tainted by life. Reggae.
The truth in my heart
Nov 2014 · 474
REally *Great Guy i Am. lovE.
Me in a nutshell
Nov 2014 · 527
One day I grew wings.
Then, like smoke, I floated away.
Like kush smoke.
Nov 2014 · 2.2k
Reggae M.D.
I am not whole.
We are all missing a piece of our true selves.

Reggae M.D. is here to save the day.

My soul was cold and empty.
Now, my emptiness is filled with a green warmth.
An earthly glow.

My sight was blackened by the falsehood of reality.
Now, my sight is filled with the truth of happiness.
Empathy in motion.

My taste was enveloped by a shroud of insignificance.
Now, my taste has been healed by the light of sweetness.
The shroud unveiled.

My hearing was entangled with the hatred of the recent generation.
Now, my head is filled with Reggae.
Reggae is love.

Reggae M.D. has caused my life to blossom.
Akin to that of the noble durian plant.
A smelly fruit with hidden talents.

Reggae M.D. saved my life.
I am the patient of Reggae M.D.
Here is my tale.
Nov 2014 · 1.9k
the truth
the new rise
Nov 2014 · 2.1k
Reggie the Reggae Boy
My name is Reggie


Blessed art thou who love Reggae
Love Reggae. Love me.
Nov 2014 · 471
The Island
The hatred of my people is only matched by the love we give.
The islands of Reggae are green with envy and grass and love.
What can a reggae boy like me do on the island of hatred?
Embrace the Reggae. Embrace the love.
Reggae is the only answer
Nov 2014 · 1.8k
The truth be told

— The End —