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Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
Inexhaustible is growing in me your fear! I build a skeleton in my mind for every bagatelle nothingness! I am inexhaustible in me dwarf despair, unbearable dread! The fingers holding accusations to the Present are already pointing at me; my lion doubts are inexhaustible in me too - carving square signs on the mounds of the universe of the twilight, ghost midnight pillows…
In my soul I carry a little boy dissected for his memories; chubby, feverish grimaces on his feverish face! I hesitate to drop star ***** of tears! The Happiness you find may not even be reserved for me! I can't watch limelight's chirping babes anymore because I immediately capture my explosive temper! Pawnshops give laurels a five-minute reputation: intentional jerky free-mouths scare you to death!
Everyone prefers a thick mask of indifference to phlegm; I'm running on my back! All those who once stood up for their individual beliefs turned into an empty-eyed, canal-shaped, massed tadpole population! Pain also divides understanding sounds into Judas chalices! The events that have taken place look like black unopened baskets: instead of surprises, they give birth to an inherited complaint, unintelligible quarrels!
I am a heart with a shadow of pain: whoever knows me honestly can know his confidence I measure his humanity! Everything is out of control! The responsibility that People would have to glaze apologetic words settles as excuses! Milky-toothed wolves squeal and tear the incomprehensible ramparts around themselves
Norbert Tasev Jun 2020
I miss my nimble swan, my fragile tulip flower, the tous-sounding bee in the arms of roses! Especially your chirping, chirping voice: That I did not go after you in Karakan with Adonis methods, and I remained worthless s Luzer! - And now he is hurting and marching as an enemy of the Ancient One with remorse.

Reliable, radiant merriment: As a wife, your eternally immortal smile, the soft fulfillment of your flying steps. Even in schools - because I went to more than one at a time, I was lucky enough to experience the pants - I always arrived on time, and I didn't waste the breakable time on anyone!

And sooner or later the will will become my ability, my serious attachment, the conviction: He who deliberately robbed my precious Time, is a Thief himself! Until then: Only one, be faithful to yourself, and if you become expelled and lost, you always know that there is a possible rise from the yellow earth! And weeds, kufar-dogs, lotus-running, trampling on their victims are just petty power struggles s Tyrant will fail at all times!

You remember? You patted yourself comfortably into the tamed ditches of my oak shoulders when it happened - unfortunate way is my ruthless ankle, and I dared to say a foolish word to you: I would be happy to help you down countless serpentine snail ruffles! Two thousand somewhere, even at the beginning of the year!

Later, I tried to get to the root of the problem: Why do you miss me so always, even more irrevocably, even more strongly? Well only: The laws of the Heart are inexplicable, inexplicable! Testimony: An immortal ten doesn’t fit on the quality list - with great benevolence, two and a half! Just all the good and s hand kiss to you
Norbert Tasev Mar 2020
Then there were the scarred scarecrows, the wolves with their cheekbones - like a bunch of cubs, I'll tell you now! Thirst for revenge on indigestible ants, tortures for animals. There were defamation, unremitting, stinging rib-like fractures in the moral mud, and screams of mercy begging from far away in a scented school toilet!

And then there were satisfied sleeping tales that, "Well, everything will be fine!" And "Don't be afraid!" - and, with grudging fist-right and killer-eyes, we all became emigrants within our own morals: we adhered to our principles! There was little satisfaction, holy vow against the siserehada of bone-breaking slaps: We'll show you! And a lot of ugly beats have fallen on us like a bombshell! - Thick wires between our nerve strings burst with urges, in a harrowing, violent pace: "If you stay inside school, you're sure to end! Die! "
- And there was no mistaken sentiment that he was conceived in hell every day in the midst of deliberate ordnance and mockery; and the adult incomprehension has proliferated like the wacky **** in the other hemispheres! How did it become then?

Without the secret, well-meaning human-faced angels, I would smell it myself today and wouldn't give it a gift! I won non-violent, eternally infectious wounds during duels: the tears of my face were contaminated by so many nasty spit! And every single day, if given that I could survive, I could run in laziness, and with asymmetric obsession, as a beachless pursuer:

An uninhabited wound that craves understanding and shelter! Yet how unfulfilled is the tide of prayer for the deaf, the last rock of cooperative humanism ?!
Norbert Tasev Jun 2020
You are an anchor without me, a secret counterpoint. Without you, the secret daughter of Alpha s Omega - a chain link or a specially wounded half-nail in my conscience: Even now, I think terade with a multitude of micro-minutes - although I know I'm tearing the number in excess that in vain it was almost All!

Myself as a muddy ****, from which Enkidut was once carved out by handsome hands, I became one with you, I can't let the iron cat tentacles of your anchor rise from your harmonious island - it can't be the only Heart like a balmy night,

if the volcanic steam is there at night! Up in the cracked black-ink sky, milky cosmos maps with constellations tear inconsolable as they wander daily! "You're a nodding shadow without me, just a ballerina dancing silently."

I did not ask for revenge to be fulfilled: Accuse unfounded arguments, and relentlessly trample on me the glowing cops of your flame blast wherever you touch My destiny — you can hardly do anything against it — you are an organizing part! An instinct for life spitting from a blood fountain, and a gracious, halo Redemption! Everything changes:

Our wisdom ready to forgive — don’t deny it, we all drew from experience, and if you carved foolishness with words or deeds in disbelief to my head — I consoled you childishly naively if you had to! I kept the palaces of your tears in my handkerchief, and as long as you were full of joy or shivering wine, I took your hand. Without you, you can still be healthy. Trick me into the mud, Change changes
Norbert Tasev Jun 2020
To hide, to escape. Cheap and not-ripe with the weights of Tomorrow on my limbs, painted green and blue by the squeaky revenge! You should hide — yes, sneak into the deep secrets of blessed-hearted mother-in-law. Stretch out as long as you can the unknown safety net to protect and protect you! - Or in diligent mole mode, digging denser caves of tunnels underground: Field worms,

perilous beetles may be accepted as unknown guests, my real lack cannot be complete, it cannot be Whole: My voicing conscience plays with me questions and answers every day and recognizes my lack. - The weight of the task is what pulled back: The responsibility of pen and paper recalls more and more, pulled back into the sobering consciousness; I can't leave yet, and I can't be part of the Nothing I am considering yet,

in whose country I would be transformed into a degraded ****, under persistent, non-sluggish patience! The law of hiding binds me, forces me to forget my retaining human reality, and in the abyss of my selfishness I can find my own way out! The wounded, battered coder of the days is just lurking,

in your persecution mania, whoever is behind you in the invisible is still obsessively, drug-killer? I deliberately hid myself in my heart with my treasures of compliments - if possible and always remember me - I could not even count and face my soul,

budge! The momentary self-esteem and self-confidence are bold in me, and now I know for sure - I would jump in vain:

I can never enjoy your unfulfilled, blissful love with you again!
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
They hate the vigilant guard today! Gnats also work out of whim! The official decision may seem a refutation! And a stray current of alternating tendency still circulates in the brains of Man, and it is possible that some sacrificial baptisms will always remain if the martyrs have all retired! Enduring the siege of angry friends and unfaithful cedars is still harder than settling down compromisers in peacetime! The secured path of escapes can rarely be open; honesty rebels cannot be taught by rival ant crowds to prosper!
Who is disobedient and soft can not feel good in the sun! The possible route of intrusion was shattered; full of debris and who replied that the brave had cut him barefoot with their blood beads to the insecure holding the unknown! The room for maneuver for Free Thinkers is also increasingly limited; inanimate hordes also drag themselves with ****** backs! Idiots' promises of beauty are plagued by common sense! The inflation-adjusted budget keeps a slight cure and stadiums are inaugurated during lightning visits, but all?!
Bream females are onions, with a-body still sweating themselves in the gym! Life is hanging on me like a skinned porter, and I should defend myself if I can! I always have to live the story and the idea on my own - that is why I am and will be a billion-year-old, apostate Aggatya! “There are still puffy wind-shadows, and I’m getting caught up in them as I waste myself in the flow of an unchanging, rooted coral island when I have to defend myself with a murderous conquest! I could never come to terms with Celebrity’s cheap rims!
Even now, if possible, fat trout chase me richly in front of me; sometimes i need to see I have no way up
Like a head onion that is just peeled as layers if they want to get to the more real essence at all - so we are more inner, with our more in -aimed at all, our eyes; Our goodwill and disguised plans - barely noticed - as if we had already been deliberately observed. In the rolled, symmetrical noises, the unreasonable eternity of the soul, the sincerity that is often attached to each other's heads, is almost hardly heard or clear.

The secret Violin key seemed to have broken the gates and launches to rust, which opened to the gates; Why is it that nowadays souls are bassed as inherited Asians, and the West seems to be farther away?! - and who the omniscient noisy has passed with a panic, and now they have been silent for a long time.

Because the contradictions are now facing, instead of trying the negotiable compromise of the compromises, the brainwashed skulls, which have been ****** in by the elamic, lasting brutal show of tabloid media; "Whoever digs to someone else" - and while the Mantra reporter and small -style influenced, even the laughing, laughing accomplices are more likely to change questions to make their doubtful answers reliable!

And because this is how this russian is moving, a tricky one world seems to be completely natural, that one will sooner or later be compromised and sells itself in a bribe!
Norbert Tasev May 2020
In my happy Marsyas youth - since I am not much more hairless now, Love existed only as mutual fear and dread! Selfish love was Judas kiss Nothing else! The secret rupture lurked in his mouths, and in the moments he offered, the tongue remained silent so that he could mow down his relentless theses! The Eye blew tears, and the fear of the house rooted in our feet,

that in a fraction of a minute we became traitors to the sure Universe - and we didn't regret it, because it was good: We did the first ****** then! The silence whispered secrets over our heads: Our punishment is returned as stigma wounds by the eternity of our day! And where the wooden bridges of the heart were scorched by the compromising betrayal, there were vultures ranching! And because fragile existence has now begun to destroy the remaining stumps of the heart - all stateless

rehearsal: Momentary immortality ended sooner with the Act; We let ourselves be defeated: We cannot control our human brains, our complex and upset emotions. And that Mercy and grace are truly Human-hearted? Doubt and hopelessness endlessly carry out Prometheus' distrusts: There is no and cannot be a sure point in Life - one cannot know the laws of invisible decisions. It only vegetates with its life among those who exist meaningfully!

- In the end, we get out, - this time surely from Existence, that we did not dare in the eyes of the cathedral instead of the truth of our words; Whine confessions: Your lack is chasing suicide for sure, with stubborn stupidity about how much I love you! - I finally stayed what I was:

 Eighty-five percent of his body is a hairy-bodied forest dweller, to whom Being has immortally given a single nymph look, and who, because he had a slightly unfavorable physique, could only message in poems instead of the War of Kisses!
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
Locked in the destined bone cage of the Universe, our everyday life promises a lasting struggle; torment-beating, comic We long for the pleasures of being and want even more! The mature, immortal presence will soon be lost if we choose only cheap, earthly pleasures! A suffocating lack of self-confidence and an overcrowded social Sisyphean loneliness always flourish in the placental doubts carried out among the rattling ravens of worlds!
Our world-shattered, wounded-dreams are rarely if they can come true! Our haunting nights are all stolen by our battle sweats! Your deep soul hears the melancholy-hesitant echo sounds of the created, murderous silence! How much more selfish, stubborn weight can you still have? To the expressable mercy hurts the teeth of all of us, to relieve the soul-tearing beast-pain! It carries dreams and desires as a pillar weight, but the creative thought, from which the Redeeming Difference falls on you, is even further away!
Because as soon as the defiance of remembrance comes, somehow the Southern Company Future always becomes senile! This introverted, contemplative consciousness looks at this ******* I give and take; blurred, confidential They sell their Loyalists as used underwear for a petty greeting of consciences! They can rarely scrape humanity for themselves from the pathetic sediment of Indifference, a secret moral pedestal! They would also easily drill into the offered, mild-paying Hope - if it depended on it - they could hope for a proper reward for their career!
In every new opportunity, the Death-flirtatious competence of humiliation weeps alone! - Sensationalist, foolish ideas to radically increase the number of degrees are accumulating and multiplying in the hives of obscure minds; little girl-faced mannequins stand as grinning canaries; sacrificial porcelain doll sense
Norbert Tasev Mar 2020
Waiting… The victim of this crouching animal, his juicy ***** trophy, is looking for his victim when he is about to attack. My Room Island is orphaned, I am exploring the causes of the Universe and possible answers! A clumsy, overly curious knock on my faded window, and now, like a buzzing condemnation circle above my head! "I was hurrying over his protective arms, gently letting go of the swan's silk skin," with insane patience and secret blind faith. With stupid naivety, I had to believe that I still have time. Happy to crouch,

I was able to escape in the city which became ruin and which was deserted. I lay in my bed in the depths of hugging mattresses, cuddling pillows and gradually stuffed my head like suicides on a long journey that is sure to be no return! I wanted a home-made, loving heart that was fluttering

in the storms, the calmly waving ark of the One, who convinced himself of the ugly truth - He was the True: I would have demanded the loyalty of kisses as a true right - the tears of the dew are borne daily!

Every day I feel closer and closer to the suffocating Anti-grip: I can hardly see anyone coming; who shakes, who goes out - bun with tulips wreaths ***** girl's heart is already purring in her husband's chest! - Deer-eyed, ***'s vulnerability caught me and didn't let me down like a child painted with a twilight

I cried for his lips: I was writhing in self-pity, and the ghenna-spines of incomprehension daily damaged my soul! - With the smothering of stars stifling the night! A ******* male overlooks the dream-like landscape, still waiting for the meaning of foolish fried pigeons. - Be aware that the Holiness of the True Word is an obligation to advertise
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
Ordinary space carries you out and rushes away from everyday worries! In his distressed anxieties, the redeeming peace can hardly be persuaded by others who hear the consolation that passes through the night-broken dreams: "There will be nothing wrong!" "He looks like a hesitant little child who confesses sin in us!" Messianic hopes have been replaced by extravagances! An active human mind is playing with trickling pieces of thought, while your new plans are sure to be born!
In the depths of instinct, the love of the Universe and the joys of appearances were once being prepared to create new degrees of hope with our common will! We rushed through the superficiality of our modern age with a driven soul; secretly, superstitious eyes don't even miss the precious minutes, when the heart and the taste of the universe-cherishing kisses are pounding to a beat?! A terrible, prickly fog is raging in us! - Choking parallels, bitter anxieties do not spare the cage-silence either; silent sore wait anxious out of ghost eyes!
Stars little joy how to staple the secrets of the eyes?! As a roar of steps, the troubled Spirit first knocks and then echoes as a footprint of hearts! You digest your members yourself! It is no longer possible to start with cheap promises conceived in the filth of times! A runaway memory seems to never want to remember enough again - it immerses itself in the lake of Léthe-forgetting rivers! Throbbing anticipation of hope-gold is ringing in vain all in vain!
On the extinct platform of dead tracks, the rusty assembly of hope is wasting
I couldn't believe that anything could exist after the great nirvana-nothing; When, as tiny nuclei, more than millions of cells molecules, the heart-wounded heart is decomposed on a millions of molecules, the shipwreck souls screams the pain of the last prayer, before they finally get out of captivity. The uncertain life serpentine trails are still invisible beyond the life they have begun, but still felt and present.

Without gap continuing, the constantly self -proclaimed human thought builds a stairs; How would a human infinite story have continued if we dare to step down a minute-to-minute fragment of the impossible venture that is ridiculous to some of them, or the eternal love, which is supposedly only once in our lives, as it is an arranged series of other repetitions.

Now, everyone can only push the memorial box, but doubt that it will open it, because it is so many times not only free will but also the law of humility; For common pleasures, he could no longer remain free tickets or quotas. Tomorrow's deliberately blind hope would be unexpected to demand wandered Jusses, and still do not understand who endless dances are going around?!

On the path of our destiny, we stumble upon it, as time as time as time as time as old as agitated and soulful. The rebellion of the masses can never be thank you enough, a pathetic merit for the otherwise complicated history complex.
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
What a fertile serenity. Maybe a time of immortal fulfillment, that’s why he’s so content. Harmonious move here now. cherished unnecessary activity as a caring parent of Time! - We're still here; in the realized immortality of the Universe, imprisoned, in each other's hearts, in their consciences.

Walled in the prolific tunnels of our blood vessels. - It's unnecessary to talk here, it's not appropriate. Then come the gray-worn everyday, - voices enviable and jealous of our happiness. Just living for each other, hoping; to forget the Heaven of Existence - the most important moral act: To live and appreciate love, to live as long as possible!

How many hopeless, transient moments chewing on the eternity of error: more and more certain can be given by the unconditional oath of allegiance of a given emotion! The pounding messages of hearts live side by side like ripe apples in the secret gardens of Hesperides!

And when it suddenly cools down, it tears to pieces like an empty, meaningless ******* with the given love, omnipotent emotion, maybe inside and inside, we'll just be like the undead! We all embark on a long journey of emotion: Deceptive, empty promises, free return: where perhaps the answers to promised kisses can be bribed!

"The broken insecurity, the impasse of trust, should be left behind me." It is a great blessing and a rare fortune to confess the sincere Faithfulness, which shakes the blood globules of molecules in the tunnels of cells. With true faith, a raised head, yet human humility!

The Spirit and the Heart want to play drums, effervescence, boil like cauldrons, merge, and merge into one, if we dive into each other's planetary eyes!
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
With your delicate hands you no longer caress me: because I have been waiting for you to cheer me up for all eternal and holy times! Now every holy place where you have ever left the delicate exotic line of your feet empty and landless. You were a skillful and small, mischievous princess, while your morals were tolerated in vain by your side! Behind the eternal disguise of your smile is an unmatchable and proud love.
Your jokes jingled like glass beads, on my knocking heart: And we had no idea what was flowing and sparkling between us; youthful folly, or just immortal transcendence? The unspeakable, superstitious minute was beautiful too, wonderfully beautiful!

And again, gloomy months and years are coming. He keeps his dark Joconda's eyes for someone else as a ******* of his harlot, and the call "girl" doesn't fit her anymore! Female maturity illuminates the priceless essence of a mother’s smile! He never asks me for a child blessing from now on. - The immortal emotion was among us in disguise, and only we could be quiet enough not to listen to you.

attractive, magnet's word! And the tyrant love mutually annihilated, shattered, and deceived us! If you still need a little, human feeling, think about it and always listen to the will of your heart whispering the law! With secrets and ideas - don't be afraid - the Infinite will address you!
I wish we could have guessed the truth and our common secret sooner! Alas, but no longer why should the Heart rejoice, if you can no longer be here, where can I waste my pain?
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
Then the Night will come and if you don't take care of yourself, your feeling precious heart will turn into a gloomy darkness and bark! Your tense drumming on a pounding petal will not caress you for a living Angel's mouth, boiled into faithful kisses, and the mischievous touch of swan hands will not caress the labyrinth, complex yarn of your veins dancing with rope dancing! "The bloodthirsty Sun, proud and proud, runs above you like a hungry vampire, and people who promise roast pigeons a gift of pride when they fall ready to flee in the test of Honesty and lurk like shifty!" You should finally trust Someone, even if they are abusing the secrets of your acquaintance - even then!
You can know the Truth about yourself if you are justified, it is still by your side; reliable so hard! - In the useless, restless depths of human hearts, a murderous Silence spreads and lurks! "We cannot know Responsibility!" "Let the innocent scapegoats be punished for our sins." And his discarded existence was voluntarily offered as a column prey, it was destroyed for the benefit of others, and it became a recyclable flower ***! Like the dead before the ritual wash, the prisoners before the interrogation - you cannot sell selfish cones in your faithful heart! - You still have a stubble of flames loyal to you, a directional torch - as a new cellmate, you can't save the link compromise, because you have become a rogue, and you can be a bribe on your own, you can betray your vulnerability!
And who knows about himself that he has voluntarily lost by serving a higher and perhaps noble one - he feels: he cannot sink in vain
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
Man always throws away his lost self! And as snakeskin, it immediately clings to new ideas, more bribing opportunities! What could be on the other side of compromising, hypocritical puffy faces? Everyone who called himself the Emperor of Life in the crosshairs of another court Celebrity-fool cameras! Another witty smiling wedge of idiots! What is in place of noble principles, redemptive ideas? On the battlefield of destinies, like the bowling puppets grinning, there are lines of teasing failures!
Could there still be boastful Hope on the chilled Bone Mountain of the Dead?! Every ****** sermon is just another trap of dogma, a sacramental deception! Only by the law of the heart can we be truly Good and Humane! Shards should be found in never-up-not-mapped restless souls, if they could! Those who look through the surface of things can never watch vigilantly the rose chalices drumming deep in their hearts!
Money and fame have become creatures above beings! Who would be ready to break out of their earthly rest and want to find the redeeming harmonies of the Universe? It will be easier to discover a precious Star in the dust of everything! He sets out with the solitude of the brave on the helping wing of Angels; He looks at the alley of worlds and caresses: could Humanity have remained on earth? "Dancing to suicide cowards on top of glass tiles that are shattering like shards!" Trademarked, alamus jaws among V.I.P.-party faces would look for themselves, search but are afraid to look inside themselves to find the answers!
Every TV channel produces idiot cans up to its pre-fabricated core and the vulnerable man can hardly believe the wax faces grinning under the Witch of Honesty.
Norbert Tasev Jun 2020
Everything is getting insignificant. As diamonds and treasures, King Darius tosses wastes of ******* into the abyss of doom. Sadly, I look more and more indifferently at how a Man who carries values, carrying a weight-shifting column, ruins himself only from values: You can get cheap discounts from compromising wordings! - Duration of existence - maybe

it is only a secret until one fingers and sees the crowded connections! It's all a crazy problem, and an insatiable will to decide: Should I go to look for a job in a free, bright, and fatten the subsidies of pointless juicers from my lean bread, or

should I trust myself to a foolish Fate, who, like a fasting shipwrecker, will sooner or later put him near the shore? "We can only be silly, hangover figures in the year-round rotation of Being, and the age of shameless plate lickers, cheap John's sole lollipops is coming - it has long since arrived, only Man refused to remember!"

And seventy, cheap consolations, minute human beings snuggle into sudden, erupted careers like rhyming chimpanzees until they could get enough: And he who sat as lazy crickets on his laurels so far is now also dreaming of the juicy gas of finals!

"You, my dear friend, can't even dream of this - letter-formers of your own kind will only be praised by mortal Time with skinny laurel wreaths if they have long been dipped in the useful twigs of their bones."
Norbert Tasev Mar 2020
Like when a human face is a whimsical, duelist, feudal hurt because he has to bear a vain spit in a responsible manner - he should be engrossed in humanity and morality, penetrating to the heart of something of great importance. To examine and observe how the material of acceptance of new lovable, unknown love leaks into the inner personality as one of its possible alternatives.

It is secretly embedded, spiced up with a bit of gossip, imposing a profound Calvary of our daily lives. Can honest evidence be used to take evidence or DNA samples ?! From the distorted romance of grimaceous faces, is it possible to notice a sense of contagious nervousness that is almost consciously striving to make a difference?

Between monotonous thrusts and purposeful throbbing, it would be good to have something that grabs and obeys deceptive morals, pseudo-morals. With ultra-violet X-rays, it would be nice to observe the nirvana-lethargy lurking behind Kharübdist, who found happiness behind him.

From the Heavenly Smiles that always send to somebody else's whitish flower petals, it would be good to filter the ability of deep-felt, complex vision; which does not condemn hastily, but always accepts, understands, comforts the other selfish Golgotha ​​in troubles with prudent purpose! - From the glittering luxuries, the needy cult man, the prophetic hermit, will gradually dream of himself! Embodied ideals nowadays have smilies and artificial plasticized practices!
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
Something intimidated trembling stone, they may have smuggled a crumbled ancestral fragment into me at the beginning of my birth: wounded sunsets dipped in blood gold like hesitant Sisyphus keeps carrying me until cheap blood bills are imposed on my head - now something uncertainly trembling to the brim! Where precarious, barren and bleak beaches greet you, and Man can dwarf a bird-seeing eccentric!
More and more distressing tiny stones are scratching, tossing in me - I'm afraid the wounded part of my self can hardly be back again Whole, collapsible balanced! I still face myself many times in the face of a wolf: I will be a Neanderthal stone penetrating to the depth of my soul's disappointed well, once everyone has left and once his rich ******-biting emotions have been wiped out by breaking dilentants, trendy whims!
Instead of dog-bited tissues, I would cling to the healing tremors of redemptive kisses if Someone still recognized I needed to be lifted up to be in my fall - to be on par with others! - I watch as everything and everyone is running around, arrogantly, or in a hurry; this is how the Heart Relationships, which were believed to be eternal, break down, because the sacred handcuffs have rusted on their hinges - but somehow we should live and prosper, because his wound, who has suffered as a result of our being, is healing!
Inviting Indifferent Attracting Interest Has Nothing To Do! My disappointment often happens to win over me! - The dimness called lost is sprouting from my sad eyes; The shadow of death and haunting is more and more circling above my head if I let my mood triumph: I already understand something because I feel and only the Someone to be found would be left!
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
Something intimidated trembling stone, they may have smuggled a crumbled ancestral fragment into me at the beginning of my birth: wounded sunsets dipped in blood gold like hesitant Sisyphus keeps carrying me until cheap blood bills are imposed on my head - now something uncertainly trembling to the brim! Where precarious, barren and bleak beaches greet you, and Man can dwarf a bird-seeing eccentric!
More and more distressing tiny stones are scratching, tossing in me - I'm afraid the wounded part of my self can hardly be back again Whole, collapsible balanced! I still face myself many times in the face of a wolf: I will be a Neanderthal stone penetrating to the depth of my soul's disappointed well, once everyone has left and once his rich ******-biting emotions have been wiped out by breaking dilentants, trendy whims!
Instead of dog-bited tissues, I would cling to the healing tremors of redemptive kisses if Someone still recognized I needed to be lifted up to be in my fall - to be on par with others! - I watch as everything and everyone is running around, arrogantly, or in a hurry; this is how the Heart Relationships, which were believed to be eternal, break down, because the sacred handcuffs have rusted on their hinges - but somehow we should live and prosper, because his wound, who has suffered as a result of our being, is healing!
Inviting Indifferent Attracting Interest Has Nothing To Do! My disappointment often happens to win over me! - The dimness called lost is sprouting from my sad eyes; The shadow of death and haunting is more and more circling above my head if I let my mood triumph: I already understand something because I feel and only the Someone to be found would be left!
Norbert Tasev Feb 14
Perhaps no one can be completely on the lookout, because, in vain, we would have become a petty, pathetic life. As a miserable, Hugo's manipulation, calculating interest, and we are clever at any time, bravely as they deliberately throw their principles and ambitions.

We started the conscious Nirvana-Nothing maybe today, and we never really asked ourselves: did we lie truth to ourselves, or just the love that was played into the universe with our wounded hearts?!

Even if we had pure crocodile tears towards each other, they had long since run into heaven as a pale glass *****; At night, a crouching, anxious-shaded farm beat themselves on the deficiency of themselves, which we could only guess about the passing of a brother-in-law.

From human eyes, like broken shirts, a star was severely knocked; They are uncomfortable with the whole that consumes the whole. - Now are we now necessary for permissions to take permanent breathing, and if one, say, steals a little Rákóczi winter salami and half a pound of bread is going to be in the Cotra?!

Those who have often waited for us in uncertainty and convinced that tomorrow could be a little lighter, later they will leave us unexpected and leave permanently. Because for a long time, the rogue cards have been played if they only feel soda to easily open the abundant money purse.

We boil boring, distorted, petty revenge, when we subside, we have the incredible instincts, we sprinkle salt on our wounds, and let it hurt!
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
How ungodly is this land that wildly Hyena's footprint Angel can barely enter ?! The inner soul-night falls to ashes, the pain sizzling into your soul screams! Because the moment thickens to an explosion; every barren Face is another cunning mirror from which we can fall out of our dreams! Those who can guess the plague of the Jackal of others can be fooled to run! Teasing the columns of light, the pathetic Giants of Indifference spit on the Present! Cosmos-space homestead in broken hearts as the only guest!
The one who sets out on the essential path behind mirrors wanders with a cherub face to see what really matters! - The breath of unavoidable questions obscures you! - Maybe Love is a hand grenade ?! The nuclei of the Universe unite in volcanic eruptions in superstitious moments! The tunnel is torn through the moonlight by lasting fear! Man, the eternal One-Inventor, bleeds in performance on angry scales! Existence: A recurring, flawless mistake that can be made many times?
And who makes more, more harmful mistakes ?! No one can protect you! Is that why I opened the borders of my palms ?! - Out there now knocking on closed-door societies you want to seek refuge! "Rings of the year on me and angelic shell-hahota!" - Vigilance over commonplace issues; desert sand has been thirsty forever! We call Death to ourselves in different forms every day; a proud and delicate game that can eat even raw meat and is constantly swallowing!
Only the sure, calculated End who doesn't run away from it can understand! "Time always vomits in its own fright - that's why I may be scared every day of the ghosts of my selfish shadow!
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
How ungodly is this land that wildly Hyena's footprint Angel can barely enter ?! The inner soul-night falls to ashes, the pain sizzling into your soul screams! Because the moment thickens to an explosion; every barren Face is another cunning mirror from which we can fall out of our dreams! Those who can guess the plague of the Jackal of others can be fooled to run! Teasing the columns of light, the pathetic Giants of Indifference spit on the Present! Cosmos-space homestead in broken hearts as the only guest!
The one who sets out on the essential path behind mirrors wanders with a cherub face to see what really matters! - The breath of unavoidable questions obscures you! - Maybe Love is a hand grenade ?! The nuclei of the Universe unite in volcanic eruptions in superstitious moments! The tunnel is torn through the moonlight by lasting fear! Man, the eternal One-Inventor, bleeds in performance on angry scales! Existence: A recurring, flawless mistake that can be made many times?
And who makes more, more harmful mistakes ?! No one can protect you! Is that why I opened the borders of my palms ?! - Out there now knocking on closed-door societies you want to seek refuge! "Rings of the year on me and angelic shell-hahota!" - Vigilance over commonplace issues; desert sand has been thirsty forever! We call Death to ourselves in different forms every day; a proud and delicate game that can eat even raw meat and is constantly swallowing!
Only the sure, calculated End who doesn't run away from it can understand! "Time always vomits in its own fright - that's why I may be scared every day of the ghosts of my selfish shadow!"
Norbert Tasev Jun 2020
Where will the cherished dreams, heartbreaking ruptures, whipping volcanic eruptions, and the tingling vow of allegiance between your swan-white fingers go? Wasted seconds of chilled, petrified tears? And where will the peak power of flaming kiss revolutions, the complete colonization of the soul, go? Where will your amber-light night-brown hair stay

have I learned to enjoy the scent of blessed silk with content while weaving your curls into the rich and tidy wreaths of buns? I took a line - you can believe it - of many sorts of galadic sins, between two extremes just a complimenting boy in a love affair - I did not deserve a cheeky rejection from a deer-eyed girl, at most only in full

I respected, complimented him, above all I loved His selfless sincerity - From the distance of the seasons, everything suddenly changed: Senses, desires, and imaginations became hypocrites, faithful to a false occasion; And at the same time, the Human Heart is hardened because of the surges of inalienable, unforgettable immortal memories that have raised reefs to hold captive the eternal and eternal

moment, footsteps knocked out of cowardice, low and cheap rules of the game of interest and interest answers! "Now it may be: My mourning for you has neutralized all my memories." However, I cannot forget a copy of your dear angel face. You may have been captured, forever completely!

for there is a single paved, sure path to vulnerable and broken hearts: the power of love, the truthful consolation of tears! "Something isn't right yet. I've forgotten the better, truer, and happier half of your conscience than yours - at least it wouldn't have been this desperate moment: I'd need you already, and now I don't know where you are yet?"
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
My body takes the form of a prehistoric man, my tufts of hair are distasteful jungle cave drawing; even deliberately and slowly stumbling, I stumbled into Times as a strange eccentric! I deliberately frown at my worried forehead - as before a far-reaching task - so I can still think calmly! If those who wanted to know me sincerely looked into my eyes, who sinned with tears and whispered with True Pearls: I could watch my reborn sunset within me!
Based on pre-designed cat-and-mouse war plans, we have the ability to make a living; who else can listen to my whispered words of help ?! Millions of wet glass ***** are resting in the chubby cracks of my face, and many hopeful smiles often seem lost. "In this present age, it is as if the crow, the jackal, who is digging his eyes, is farming on the same rotten beam!"
And this repressed tremor echoes constantly in me, as if my Soul was bursting deep in its tormented excavation somewhere in its little bagatelle cavity somewhere! Now, as always: I try to escape from everyday challenges with rules and the rituals of selfish rites, if I can't count on Someone who will lead by hand with charming redemption! In dim mirrored silence, I am still wasting in front of prohibitive barriers and I would wait my turn until doomsday!
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
The winged tower of snow-white ice ghosts in the crystal clear, annihilated air; the ****** Spirit dropped little by little into the wedding of petals! You would have to return home if you could get into a homosexual existence! crouch in melancholy silence into the placental fog of maternal, bean-redeeming kills! Kharübdisz, the gaping underworld, his vision-mouth stretched, seems to be strained: the living is searching among the excavated fragments of memory, living alive! Crippled, paralyzed-bandsa of Ordas' saw teeth Death pulls back from the presence of the past! It can be hard to find redemptive antibodies in the forgetful amphorae of minds!
It used to be a happier sunshine Why tomorrow disappeared wandering in the afterlife?! - On the scales of our birth, you measure the beginning and end of Alpha and Omega with Sisyphus' pettiness! Even so, the afflicted Spirit bounces back from its vulnerable, avitt soul; in the present, another imagined danger can often catch up! The old guardian era always repeats itself in black and white! There is no way out of deeply winding, spirally balding roads! Eltiport, as a fat worm, we are all already on the fringes of our round; in a miserable world that has long degenerated for itself, in a fragmented world, questions backfire with an eternal, aimless rotation!
Where does the word of human humanity stay?! The bigger fish were sitting at the expense of others, a tor company tormenting themselves with chirping, business-like pedlar vigets! "In a wooden box that can be locked like a pebble, like a ark of the covenant, our fatal heart throws three more fates for the last time!"
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
In my eyes, childish fears wander in alarm; my rustling petty faith in my late manhood makes me cry! Terrible resentment is spreading in the trenches of my gray, bleeding soul! Substantial intent is starting to gather! As a prisoner, I am forced to stare around grid days! As a sick chest, I shudder around myself! I feel an unmoved resignation in missed opportunities that don’t support - but haunt me!
My expectations are already wasting time! My selfish decay is also sharpened by needle-sharp teeth, it hurts more and more, it chews and chews! - A despair terrifying in my beating heart like a series of new tachycardia landslides: destructive, loneliness of consciousness seeps through the cracks of annual rings! On cold nights, mold-and-white wax puppets, like prostitutes, exploitable indifferent people stutter on each other! - Fates, limited by their destiny, calmed down, battered by tragedies, are Being walking towards the unknown!
Between my crouching contemplations, there is an eternal, mischievous piece of moment: while the fierce law of Executioner times stays with me! Maybe even someone can wait for me to continue! The everyday robot continues to run within the wrinkled boundaries of Being! The completed imperfection also has a separate law! The distant insecure always fills itself with a semi-obscurity: that’s why it can happen that I always come back to myself, I turn back!
The Avar-rotten smell of fermentation ventilates me; the plundered tears of my face are trickled and torn by a blade-edged wind! Every minute I start to realize my stubborn guilt, and between my doubts, the remnants of faith are becoming more and more weak!
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
The man of today is resourceful if he shortens the long-promising day with a furfang! You know, it licks in a drift, but with a pale self-tanning cream it evokes the luxury of being available in a small country! It was and will be old, heartbreaking, intoxicating nostalgia, if you can imagine making its fences out of sausage for everyone! His blood boils up quickly and if you don't take care of yourself, he collapses tachycardically in the air-conditioned solitude of gyms and falls to the ground! Amazon fairy blues smile, posing above him: the shoulder species of their displeasure are immediately rearranged too!
Life-lie collections are inaugurated in careers also deliberately seduced! Being is the battleground for everyone; every little style of revenge comes from an instinct of balance! "Many people who didn't sell themselves spend the night in the rejection salon!" Accidental splinters settle in teary eyes or unpleasant itchy pimples on the backs! The Alien left by man is being thrown out everywhere! Everyone is playing and selfishly polishing their own well-being! "Whoever is attacked by sincerity of sincerity is perhaps even self-critical, and is almost always blind when they meet the True One!"
Shrewd, careeristic ants already cross each other's paths, if anything is said about their prevalence! It will be the nebula flower that develops under the bulbs, deliberately culminating in the contagious gloom of time! Sleeping rose in a glass coffin with a very hard-chewed cheekbone, and first of all, it asks everyone for a mandatory income! His heart-fidelity pretty much no longer binds anyone! Confessing the Truth in self-defense and staying in the Land of Goodness Nobody is always the hardest! - In an motionless, *****-gray mirror of water, an orphaned little child stares at us in his fears.
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
Goodness awakens in a draft, lends water to a chubby face, and goes to serve for Literature! It is not listed as a deliberate surplus in the public consciousness! At times, it is surrounded by unworthy dishonesty that, as a Columbus scout, he stands out among piles of manuscripts! He never forgives the Past lightly; misery-grievance travel with him! Snarling Celebs look out of the overheated testosterone air in gyms! They judge lightly and waste their obesity! Chirping, cheap kittens laugh and scam Judas money again; puffy whimsical presenters print the jagged, brainwashed text; infected idiots peak their minds instead of their heads in place!
Very useless years follow in the marshes of the surface; free-thinking thinkers are nailing it modestly, and they may know that the Truth may come to light one day! "Defiant, gnashing of revenge - fearful - would hardly be enough, even the Sunbeam is wilting into a pitch-colored pool of honey!" Stepped by the selfish fear of hopeless romantics! Everyone is already surrounded by the saltiness of money and the desire to bear the one from whom you can still profit!
Expensive Treasure is becoming less and less common among nurses today! It is no longer possible to build a card castle from the camp of sour disgusts and malevolent critics! Sloppy leeches would hide in their circles on a leech; all-pervading cloak-turners, slender pribes! Among fiery, light-blooded women, it is increasingly difficult for the eternal Child to stay afloat, who is hurt by his selfish vulnerability! Soft willers even caretakers decide their destinies and further careers! In lukewarm scandal chronicles, you can rarely even have a Happy End! - Even with a little evil, a lot of everyone can catch up: a volunteer emigrant is in captivity wrecking a shipwreck
Norbert Tasev May 2021
The world is rocking in a web of indifference and phlegm! He jerks at the disliked Celeb zombies; you would think jerking your solid mind as a spear! Your secrets that you have survived to Man would gladly destroy you — your fisheye examining in chilled loneliness — yet you can't pierce! Indifference sprinkles him on fame with a sizable forgetfulness! Excess collagen showcases bounce off the plaster from silicone-glued kittens like scales; why is it appealing, however, that many of them do not notice the Essence during the external cicoma? Rather, it strangles this foolish-walked world with man’s son’s idiocy with the intention of burying crops!
Yet on the wall of absurd stupidity the Mind bangs; the thought often revolves around like a ******* like a deceived drug! Play with everyone in the insidious Indifference! The heart of being is tormented by a wormy monster and the wounded Golgotha would already laugh at the torment to see his fate with pity! - A postmodern generation is chewing on fluffy pies! - Lambs born today, with their free gym passes, are rushing to Goddess laurels while the wisdom of the understanding and the power of the beating heart is lazy in their heads!
They fall into ecstasy at the sight of the very first kneaded gorilla: slackness and a shattering career desire are already wading through everyone he reaches! Torturous lusters scramble to scratch each other's cheeks! And with Lucer's red ****-clicking whips echoing the devastating evil! "Only the Thinkers are awake in the draft at the bottom of the potholes!"
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
The world is rocking in a web of indifference and phlegm! He jerks at the disliked Celeb zombies; you would think jerking your solid mind as a spear! Your secrets that you have survived to Man would gladly destroy you — your fisheye examining in chilled loneliness — yet you can't pierce! Indifference sprinkles him on fame with a sizable forgetfulness! Excess collagen showcases bounce off the plaster from silicone-glued kittens like scales; why is it appealing, however, that many of them do not notice the Essence during the external cicoma? Rather, it strangles this foolish-walked world with man’s son’s idiocy with the intention of burying crops!
Yet on the wall of absurd stupidity the Mind bangs; the thought often revolves around like a ******* like a deceived drug! Play with everyone in the insidious Indifference! The heart of being is tormented by a wormy monster and the wounded Golgotha would already laugh at the torment to see his fate with pity! - A postmodern generation is chewing on fluffy pies! - Lambs born today, with their free gym passes, are rushing to Goddess laurels while the wisdom of the understanding and the power of the beating heart is lazy in their heads!
They fall into ecstasy at the sight of the very first kneaded gorilla: slackness and a shattering career desire are already wading through everyone he reaches! Torturous lusters scramble to scratch each other's cheeks! And with Lucer's red ****-clicking whips echoing the devastating evil! "Only the Thinkers are awake in the draft at the bottom of the potholes!"
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
My Spoken snap clock struck my heartbeat! I should pull it up until dawn tomorrow! It would be good to hand over his clicking harassment to Someone who feels deeply with me that he exists; he keeps his waking breaths for me! It was as if the sun were rising like a bright honeymoon for us - the glowing Universe had sweated true pearls on us! Simultaneously divided in our molecules from the pound of blood-flesh Love!
I fall asleep now as if he were always with me and wrapped up with his angel wings when I was awakened by the disappointed minute that called for my new things! "Every missed vanity grinds a pounding throbbing in my heart: my nectar blood rushing sharply up like a knife whips it up like the ticking of Death in people!" Final countdown started with birth! Hesitant with poppies, dodderer uncertain revolving among you!
If I Dare to Do and Confess the Curse of the Present: I am a Coward and a Selfish if I am always worried! I could be a bolder and more reckless lion tamer; I'm afraid many people will just forget that I don't have to speak to me unnecessarily anymore: and the rule of Doom will whisper and ruin my initial career as a whispering, calculating drunkard! "Iron-barked diamond stars, with their celestial tears, ruin the sky glorious in the dark darkness!"
I've looked apart! In whom could I find the second half of my existence? My choice was shot and failed! I have given the treasures of my heart sincerely through anxiety and confidential Faithfulness! Instead of friends, the weedy, flattening Betrayal has settled into my everyday life!
Norbert Tasev Mar 2020
Even after the mass psychosis of unanimously proclaimed mono-bookkeeping and stadium-building, it was not enough for plaster to cry on the snow-capped walls of life-saving public hospitals and nurseries, to swell in tears of crushed wings! "And while the past may be decisive and at the same time, the present is increasingly lying, false."

Hateful, liar-like, ***-licking oligarchs lick each other as a war of delicate pinch dogs. They fill their personalized colors with stories written in selfish ways, and Paul's great reversal will take place again. But there would be quite a few nice and admonishing examples on the sacred altar of corruption: Can't you really feel overwhelmed by the fact that you have been sacrificed for their petty career greed ?!

They have become intentional ******* juveniles for sale; a miniature community that has finally come out of a small Europe is calling for stalled industrial and technological development. And the hunger ticket is still cool if any of us decided to go shopping. In the upcoming circus, the despot porcelain master has already presented his latest vision. There is no interference, no open resistance. You can easily jump on the promised million dollar bonus!

Just no rush, and most of all, no reckless, frenzy! If many believe the cheat-negation promises of non-existent jobs and jobs: Who knows ?! "Exposed, theatrical, rope-like, we can even hear plenty more about the fierce struggles of parallel legends ..."
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
In dazzling winter, like a cowardly creeping animal, with padlock-dreamed dreams, he waits in silence for helping friends, but no one comforts him! Preserved fear sits in the depths of desperate hearts, and ladies, paraded ladies laugh at their polite chivalry when they greet them with hand kisses! His future is still confused; they were carried full of fog and the opportunities for him to prosper were stolen from under his feet! He would roar, almost so wounded by his humiliation shake, but his mouth would turn blue into the fall of silent shackled tears!
He lives here as a strange herald; just referring to yourself! Dagger-raised business hands raise a dagger against it, even the coolers tread the trajectory of in ambush! As a begging vulnerable, he loses his fertile silence in a storm of misunderstanding; it has broken its way with words that have become rotten, vile mortality is fighting for itself and many are entering into their everyday bribery! Happiness will be a guest of Happiness even on night-long nights! "With a destiny-closed soul, you must always enter this calculating world on your own and know if you are burning a candle from two halves, if you cannot step through the steps of a needle!" Like the treacherous orphanage of willow trees - a shivering fear overwhelmed who feared this World with fear!
Benevolent shadows in the Universe bend like dark petals, their digestive trust is fueled by omniscient Loyalty! A translucent drawing will be set in stone for many useless dreams; pure instinct will protect your being like another bastion extreme! "With free faith, though, it can be just a silent point," he stumbles further and further.
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
Wounded eternity is on its way: you are stepping over the broken loneliness of the heart, sharing your pain only alone! Your skin is sore and cumbersome! As a child of Sisyphus with fear, he is dragging himself! He who has endured the existence of moments, the crap of humiliation is now helpless and hysterical! Guarded by innocence and now thirsting for sincerity - but he doesn't even know where he left himself!

He was turned against him by foamy-mouthed, green-eyed devils, flattering contemporaries, greedy enviers - only his loneliness, his single handcuff uniqueness lasts forever: The last refuge that shares fertility and madness! He needs a purifying loneliness consciousness, a secret incognito Being! "This is how you walk with wounded eternity, cumbersome and half-naked at every step!"

Words he faces cannot heal him, only selfless help! Something bias suddenly moves in the hearts, and the treasures of Humility tremble in omniscient stellar eyes! It is more difficult to walk and weigh the boundless unknown - isn't it!

The wounded consciousness can only bubble in the hearts, rage - never calm - rocking at most in the shelters of mothers! The boundless emptiness settles on everyone quietly and awkwardly! Humble loneliness also expands. It grows its unstoppably proliferating nests; consumes its victims with slow cruelty!
Norbert Tasev May 2020
Now only the puppeted dawn awakens: The flakes that have cooled from the wounded sky are falling and wandering with the changing Time: Nature is still taking a blind spot while still betraying itself and has long sinned! The incessant carrot, broken skinned and cursing wound means no more people to accommodate! There is a petty envy of perpetuating disasters, pointing at each other: Just because the killer-simple blessing came unexpectedly from heaven! The heart: as a wounded pincushion, it still endures the vicissitudes of existence, and the grandiose Order itself believes: It has done everything it used to

imagined and what he designed as fun with vidor-satisfaction! Reality is still whining with its sufferings, - many people do not take part in futile struggles: with loudspeakers and ore sermons, pseudo-speakers reassure the non-existent: "We have done everything with human possibilities!" "Only the hopeful opportunity is overdue!" In recruiting words, trust has long since disappeared!

The brain is forced to listen, and convulsively forgets the gehenna flames of permanence! Human dignity descended into a castable **** — only a lack of eternal fidelity and trust — because we were afraid. We could maniacally dread the uncertain Tomorrow, in which the skeptics deliberately whispered: How can we not help? -

we received the trust and handshakes that remained in the fly with a thousand promises: In the depths of hearts, the shining patrol fire was seldom smoldered: Prickly, murderous daggers rumble on snowdrift battlefields - one cannot know, one cannot stand alone! Would you have lost the eclipse wick? Where did loyalty, the sure appearance of reality for each other, go? -

In the distance, an ever-fading echo is heard on the sufferer and the call for help - maybe no one is listening anymore! Even the last renegades returned to the mountains and show only wounded silence…
Norbert Tasev Feb 2021
In the interactions between the human body,
as he is mesmerized by a smile of Heaven,
his eyes stray as flirtatious Angels stared at Jacob's ladder!
You have to move from hardship to hovering
and you don't feel that everything has happened in vain!
Eyes superstitious with respect to
the weight of the earthly Eden are bound,
and the refuge — apart from the Universe — is all uncertain!
The psychological fire of attraction pulls
our wounded souls back into the Present!
"There can be no shadow of impending Death, only fear!"
The enchanting rainbow of eyes can only be
blinded in faithfulness in love!
In the depths of dusk, how does a Star of Bethlehem guide us?!
- What is left of your fatty breast milk on urgent request?
You would eagerly **** the life-giving kisses of Being that
has bound itself to you with its love!
An orphaned stalactite cave has also become
the donated teary eye that sees everything awake!
Scattered fates remained in the scattered knots of Destiny!
The bone-dry wave depth of Silence addresses you
as a minute; the rhythm of the drumming echoes in your ears!
Only your dear can guess where you are!
With two arms, you would surely embrace the peace you find;
you would not be so vulnerable to Nirvana's loneliness!
"The roaring basket of skulls is sprouting today,
instead of sparkling intellect!"
Instead of kisses, a thickened membrane is strained
on the withered boards of worn-out palate floors!
The seductive Light tolerates under the jawbone…
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
In the interactions between the human body, as he is mesmerized by a smile of Heaven, his eyes stray as flirtatious Angels stared at Jacob's ladder! You have to move from hardship to hovering and you don't feel that everything has happened in vain! Eyes superstitious with respect to the weight of the earthly Eden are bound, and the refuge — apart from the Universe — is all uncertain! The psychological fire of attraction pulls our wounded souls back into the Present! "There can be no shadow of impending Death, only fear!"
The enchanting rainbow of eyes can only be blinded in faithfulness in love! In the depths of dusk, how does a Star of Bethlehem guide us ?! - What is left of your fatty breast milk on urgent request? You would eagerly **** the life-giving kisses of Being that has bound itself to you with its love! An orphaned stalactite cave has also become the donated teary eye that sees everything awake! Scattered fates remained in the scattered knots of Destiny! The bone-dry wave depth of Silence addresses you as a minute; the rhythm of the drumming echoes in your ears!
Only your dear can guess where you are! With two arms, you would surely embrace the peace you find; you would not be so vulnerable to Nirvana's loneliness! "The roaring basket of skulls is sprouting today, instead of sparkling intellect!" Instead of kisses, a thickened membrane is strained on the withered boards of worn-out palate floors! The seductive Light tolerates under the jawbone…
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
For even today the fearsome Great Time is cursed and has come for me; the floats of my bones also shiver with reality! Maybe it was my fault today, I can't research that by emigrating to Hermit, I couldn't break away from you even then! Only those who have tried to love vulnerable can know this caressing feeling! Has the cohesive bond that has chained us to Reality as a solid point broken?
The joy of Heaven once came with you and disappeared like smoke! I would speak to you now who you still misunderstand, because your incomprehensible pride is greater than your giving petal heart if you understood at all: you were guilty of misunderstanding and intentional abrasion! Little Mythcaster with a recognized Artist just can't get along with anyone! "Who bored you in my surviving ruins of my days? Orphans left me lost in my desperate situation, when you knew I could take eternal Friendships seriously!"
I ask: There is no compulsion! Can there be anything beyond the social curiosity of the universal cultures that connects you to it? Do you light a light or wear it down forever and next time you meet in the scattering of urns are you curious Our souls are reunited ?! We can still sit deep in ourselves if we print broken rice texts for each other! As an understanding Friend in trouble, you should talk to me so that I can boldly unravel the still cherished chaos of My Being and not stumble again in the next dam moments! "Hold the paw of my Enkidu hand in confidence, for you can understand it best. D help me get through my distressed, turning days!"
Sounds burst into me
I want to get out of my chubby body, which has been left to me as a traditional gift from my birth! I no longer regret not succeeding in losing weight - this is the only way I can experience the truer character of people! We should point inversely curve mirrors at each other voluntarily, just as no clown or comedian can laugh forever while his eyes are bitterly teared inside! The outside world would still need a lot of acceptance as an acceptable, teaching lesson!
I would like to be shamelessly prudent and homophobic when the Venus hills of the Universe are revealed to me and I then back away hesitantly and first enter after long requests! I could learn my destiny from budding, immortal moments! - I have hated it a long time ago that everyone can be excited as a novelty by themselves and only! I would also like to believe, cherishing the dream that is found, that a dear Angel will find me and, as a good love, surround me on a babysitter with his giving passions!
The timeless Present is a ring and many times I am Boring! The pitch-silence of my mortal life can rarely be penetrated by the extinguishing candle world, the Comet Light that wants to heal! - I would like to finally stand up and confess myself: See me without layers, and try to get to know me caringly! "I am preparing for the night in my consciousness - I would spread the free wings of my self-consciousness for a long time so that I could fly into the earthly smile of donating stars, so that I could cling to it for the last time!"
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
I saw wild, human-hearted animals roaring in the filth of filthy crumbs of the crumbs of discarded chips-bags, - of the infected carcasses of garbage cans, and I thought the Order was now dictated by wolf laws. Miserable human wreckage did not understand what might have happened to them: They also took away the order of begging humility!

Humiliating each other to the ground, chanting motherly curse words, they cut their ugly words into each other’s eyes - while spitting themselves out too! They are still saving their stranded shipwrecked lives, their own recyclable waste bungalows. But there are those who have become messengers among them and its outburst is foolishly impossible. He jumps on a bridge, he thinks, all-shift firefighters are just bringing down: A new world of precious human life!

A few more stand next to him and comfort him, “Don't be discouraged buddy! You can even wait for the hand tomorrow! ” - They see only a gentle and tolerated suicide chased close to human subsistence; social debris, insignificant harmfulness, the sword of Damocles running above him, which may have been permanently cut off -

now he has regenerated nails and fangs! Unemployment benefits, secure work, a credible standard of living, empty congruence, word-thirst - it's all incomplete, almost all connections have been lost!

And even jealousy, old-fashioned envy, like a leech worm, erodes the drops of precious juice from the war of the needy. - Among the wreckers, silents call on the wise men to speak.
Norbert Tasev Jan 21
Everyone knows by now: Mouse nibbling pulverizes the brain, reason, and culture, and every shrill, shrill sneaking around becomes unfathomable in the cauldron of souls. Everyone gets a vigilant donkey's head, and more and more often the simple court fool can only be absolutely right.

Stuttering in the soothing sheep choir is now becoming more and more popular. Minutes's field of vision is getting narrower and narrower, the superficial success of minute-man blue. Discounted autographs and superficial gestures are handed out by the privileged and the deserving. Even sweet mistakes lose themselves on purpose. More and more people are claiming that they have the right to be successful or to earn a lot of money as an influencer. In a black-and-white world, simplified things can easily become complicated.

Now, foolish brutes and wild animals enjoy themselves and parade in abundance. The embittered odious words that once spiced up the cozy night with an idyllic, sweet romance - now, in bitter, stripped-down habit, they are deepening further and further in their own, selfish underworld. That a real lady could so easily succumb to the sight of a macho testosterone Titan after a single candlelit dinner. He can't give a compliment yet, but he drives a Porsche or even a Ferrari if he feels like it; and the soul-seeing willow poet may fall on his face sooner.

Now fewer and fewer people can climb to the heights of the Heaven of emerging Being; fewer and fewer soul-seeers could remain on their feet, just like the truer, more immortal believers in Allness, who could still feel the vulnerable joys of Being in the midst of the materialized world!
Norbert Tasev May 2021
Skeleton-armed trees threw a dagger at seeing it cringe! Wall-to-wall! Seeing that he had touched the World as a fallen blind spot; unexpectedly a shard-tiled tile enters its mirrors and hangs on the edges of Being! On Golgotha nights behind the eyes, you don’t know when the guards can come hand in hand with the Watchers! On their foreheads there shines the ticket of the human desire for the ceaseless right! The invited Death grabs us when all living things are undressed and the ash-swallow bodies of skulls fading in empty eye rolls are soulless! He fell to the ground in a split space, dug into a hut and returned!
Because every vision deteriorates into the fog if we don’t pay enough attention to its voices! They speak for you from the ******* of Wounded Time; as a mortal, your naked loneliness is better accustomed to; perhaps even the immortal Universe can be destroyed at any time if the pulsating heart-petals are trampled! "Now the sobered Indifference is breathing and living on our worn-out, prostituted allegiances are no longer ours!" Our little boy's orphanage is constantly calling home as homesickness! We became prey on a cheap, otherworldly feast - we wander among ghostly summoned orphans!
We do not yet know who will return to our lives with love? "We already live there behind all the things that can be challenged, our silence is swallowing up dumplings of silence, even the Silence of Times carries signs on you;" your every day is more treacherous and more liar than your nights! People’s pride hides stigma wounds on your face every day and they don’t see how important sincere Friendship would be if they looked behind your mask! - The Savior closes the Dear radiance behind my lashes
Norbert Tasev Feb 19
The lasting change is now even better to avoid; It is now an increasingly naughty, stagnant, miserable, vocal promise speeches, and how superfluous, self-denying sermons. Anyone who thinks that obsessions that are persistent have a baby's face, is a long-term fool; The soul seemed to become a dark pyramid, which, if no one speaks to him, would absorb his victims as a gaping gap.

It is as if brain-washed people were now so impressive, texting the heavenly mantra that starts with the "sausage from the sausage" that "some people" are more aware of the petty lies. -As if it could not be easily, to say, loose-and-leaning, neither the unbearable color changes of the seasons, nor the meaningful treasures of the human life that look like dust, which are always unique and unrepeatable among the expanding tissues of time.

In the coated city, even the diplomas are now resting; Permanent disillusionment has long been ahead of the noble feelings. Like the occasional, stumbling drunken, hesitated, hesitant steps are marching with the disturbed, dilapidated Calvary of the century, and the Yorick-Mountains of Yorick.

Slowly, the rich people will be invited to the moon region of the wealthy Skafander collection V.I.P.- partying and shopping, as the ozone layer on the planet seemed to be destroyed early, and only those who have a separate permission can only be breathed.

Perhaps it would be better to continue everything with new pages and from the front if we saw the red-dark moles-tunnels in the depths of gloomy moles ...
Norbert Tasev Aug 2020
Surely no one knows anymore that in my eyes, in the form of abundantly flowing streams, the flood has broken its way many times. That I was bitterly annihilated and put my little love memories underground! No one already knows where my untouchable paradise and the eternal gate of my heart have been: Prison bars are surrounded by martyrs of stalks of rosehips and are spreading richly!

Autumn dewy and mystical mist is now this earth, and in the extinct apocalyptic puddles floats on the surface of suicidal tears the lucky ones who live up there have long since moved, and only loneliness cries, still at night. Where skeletal branches vibrate trembling and shiver every sober Estonian

dictating human brain. But perhaps nothing has been lost yet, and it is not so easy to forget a busy hope that can confidently create Tomorrow during the day! "But the happier, happier minutes as trout wings immediately fell into the throats of depths!" "I can see the sunlight getting pale now!"

And the fleeing memories keep moving away from me, running. Anyway: Surely no one knows anymore how long it was, and it was bitterly difficult every day! With the consciousness of those sentenced to death, roaring on the edge of the schoolyard and when no one saw spit humility, kneeling down, rhyming for a chance to: it was enough of a series of beatings, tangles, tossing Morality into the mud! "No one asked, 'Can you help me?' - that instead of judgmental struggles, the universal humanism of peace should have been explored.
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
In the complex fullness of moments, even a hesitant step can tread on a butterfly carelessly! With a swirling, frightened rainbow wing marching richly into proud freedom! Hesitantly tumbling, the lonely silence can also hurt: the eye perseveres searching for punctuation engraved in a wall, while the claw rays of the accompanying moonlight appear on a ominous veil of nights! We also deliberately closed the proud sighs of our eloquent words to our hearings!
In no man's land a wreath of thorns has been woven out of sorrow! Wounded resentment is more easily absorbed into the depths of the Spirit; the burden of accents can permeate every well-groomed, spicy sentence because it is throbbing and present, like a sick plague! As a child orphaned by ugly deeds: I am embarrassed with terrified eyes at the same time, and I do not know if you will be complimented by a merciful, angelic goodness in the manner of Don Quoijotek. "I can only let silent anyone I sincerely want!" My melancholy pleasure, immersed in lethargy, would still be good to share with the babysitter; in the captivating Universe, we could all be together even in the moods we can experience, and it would be unnecessary to further complicate the rules of our secret childish rhymes in a hundred ways!
The smallness of our details is often heard through the purities of decipherable communications; the latent curses of envy-jealousy are already crystallizing in the marshland of hateful temper! There is no longer much meaning in the word consolation, where human intention alone can make up tempers! - Disembodied anxious, great dreads in the depths of eternal-childish souls: the smell of rotting rot flows in prodigal hearts! Even in my few minutes of imagination, it was enough to marry misleading lies! It is better to get out at the very beginning from the protection of conceivable emotions, and let the snowman alone melt into the beautified memory of summer
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
In the complex fullness of moments, even a hesitant step can tread on a butterfly carelessly! With a swirling, frightened rainbow wing marching richly into proud freedom! Hesitantly tumbling, the lonely silence can also hurt: the eye perseveres searching for punctuation engraved in a wall, while the claw rays of the accompanying moonlight appear on a ominous veil of nights! We also deliberately closed the proud sighs of our eloquent words to our hearings!
In no man's land a wreath of thorns has been woven out of sorrow! Wounded resentment is more easily absorbed into the depths of the Spirit; the burden of accents can permeate every well-groomed, spicy sentence because it is throbbing and present, like a sick plague! As a child orphaned by ugly deeds: I am embarrassed with terrified eyes at the same time, and I do not know if you will be complimented by a merciful, angelic goodness in the manner of Don Quoijotek. "I can only let silent anyone I sincerely want!" My melancholy pleasure, immersed in lethargy, would still be good to share with the babysitter; in the captivating Universe, we could all be together even in the moods we can experience, and it would be unnecessary to further complicate the rules of our secret childish rhymes in a hundred ways!
The smallness of our details is often heard through the purities of decipherable communications; the latent curses of envy-jealousy are already crystallizing in the marshland of hateful temper! There is no longer much meaning in the word consolation, where human intention alone can make up tempers! - Disembodied anxious, great dreads in the depths of eternal-childish souls: the smell of rotting rot flows in prodigal hearts! Even in my few minutes of imagination, it was enough to marry misleading lies! It is better to get out at the very beginning from the protection of conceivable emotions, and let the snowman alone melt into the beautified memory of summer!
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
I look at your tender and delicate swan hand: While humiliating and carrying loads, the delicate tiny cam-cathedrals tremble, bowing like diligent bow nerves! Your flexible and fragile fingers were broken as a patient killer by loneliness and weakness!

Caressing, babysitting mother's hand: Oh! If only for a moment, but how many times would I have leaned on the hilly ***** of your lap to make it like your blatant child, your blessed artificial hand, to fall asleep with a caress! You had a intoxicating touch, a magical, soothing miracle!

Curious and whimsical fingertips, which if you were tense and blushed the rose-redness surprised how would you respond now? Proudly, with no self-giving, or with a blessed giving as a possible reparation for having walked your own way and for leaving your unfortunate, molasses boy in a pickle?

When I look out for the perforated, aggastyan mountain hermits of the distant Bird Mountain, they interrogate like diligent investigators for whom the given evidence is not enough! I should **** a glorious photo of your memory in myself, forget it here! Alas! The bitter heart is so hard

which clings to the captivity of dreams! Even the falling trees are cleaning up, getting ready for the eternity of winter! The fine mist, as a colonizing settler, settles slowly and for a long time, building a nest on the hill.

Past and present are now stepping in at the same time, and can’t the countdown to existence allow for one last, fatal encounter before our fleeting meat vault becomes a feast for underground rodents? "I kept watching your hard-working, brave, and willful hand — like someone who had suddenly forgotten something and was now researching and watching more and more boldly" to keep his priceless treasure with him…
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
And then, in that unspeakable, superstitious, at once frightening temper: The biological current of immortality crashed into our bodies like the lightning-giant mountain giants of lightning. Then my two vibrating and seeing pupils began to ram and vibrate silently, the heartbreaking prayer “send heart to heart”! Hair dumplings pinched the jungle of my chest and pierced with the spikes of your bush

their rosy, believing faces tickled, but you didn't mind! Love made you obsessed, and you would have traveled to the stars if you knew you could still find Him there, you could reach Him! - Wavy, gentle amber tendrils stretched into raven-night silence like fishermen throwing a net:

They could keep and encircle the prey: Hairy boy-animal! Infected with half-heartedness! "You have gracefully driven your marble neck over my shoulders, your idyllic daydreams have opened New Worlds to me." A mischievous goodness cheated on your eyes in two eyes, I also learned the secrets of your sigh!

Oh, but still! Threatened Depression into the Kharübdis Gorge, you were afraid to follow me among our inevitable transgressions! In the meantime, I have always called for you: If you chased and stranded the desert, lonely loneliness. If my body was reduced to boiled-cancer by bombarding rays, and if I screamed at night while seeing nightmares because you weren’t by my side to shake my boss with your swan hand!

And if you sometimes hit the ****** trombones of your temper, you know, I forgave them all! Just ask yourself the eternal, irrevocable question: Was your hurtful swear word right while you acted on the laws of your heart?
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
I accept more and more convulsive loneliness every day; as a violent shipwreck, the iris-like planks of rotting trees can even be a life-saving remedy! On hesitant intentions, everyone washes their own hands and conspires again! Promises received as gifts from others are similar to vague piles, ambiguous-tapping intentions! Dew diamond beads make it harder and harder to clean the shutters on wounded faces! Echoes of echoing silence echo inward; the invisible-silent light-shadows ring around him; a self-procrastinated moment is a fleeting waste in the footsteps of my whimsical will!
My eyes, which are often examined, search for the dreams of dawns: they search, scan for something elusive, unattainable, so that the sincere Truth can come to the purity of Winter! Our timeless earthly existences carry the jacket shadows this way: their selfish sight-honesty is often revealed! The wallpaper of the little boy's sadness weighs heavily; sobbing in your longing, teary eyes, the stigma of my half-orphanage would cry out one last time! My rumbling ventricles, which are constantly punctured, can also look like convex cavities!
My silent killer is my demanding drum, and every second there is another incomprehensible countdown bomb that is making an explosive! More than a thousand organized thoughts flow through my active brainstorms, and yet the existing, feasible Future - even after so many years - is increasingly welcomed by the shadows of uncertainty

— The End —