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5.3k · Aug 2014
Better Safe Than
Simon Forsythe Aug 2014
When Daniel said
"Russian Roulette"

"Russian Roulette"
Is exactly what Daniel meant

If only somebody had have warned all of us

In memory of an unfortunate young man whom I never got the privilege of meeting. He was one of countless people suffering from depersonalization disorder, and he lived in my area. Not too long ago, he went off the road while driving. I am not sure if it was on purpose or not, and I will probably never know.

There are reasons why marijuana should not be a legal substance. People seem to believe that the herb is harmless. While it is true that it is (mostly) physically harmless (actually, it can physically alter the structure of your brain), the emotional/psychological impact that marijuana threatens people with is extremely harmful.

In a Youtube video, Daniel describes smoking **** as "Russian Roulette," and states that it is not worth it.

Please note that I am okay with people smoking ****. What I am not okay with is that children are being told that **** is not dangerous. This glamorization is my reason for hoping that marijuana does not become legal in Canada.

Those who have not heard of depersonalization/derealization should do some research. Thanks for reading.
3.0k · Nov 2014
Last Grapevine
Simon Forsythe Nov 2014
If I offer my      kindness,

                      Accept    it.
          ­         Embrace    it.
             Take care of    it.

If      you      don't, someone else will.
1.8k · Aug 2014
Simon Forsythe Aug 2014
Baby, there's love between our eyes
So much love in disguise...
Incendiary, sparkling, tongued-out, pint size
But I won't be some tricked cuckold blindfold *******
1.3k · Nov 2014
Shiny New Treble Clef {10w}
Simon Forsythe Nov 2014
The happiest I've been in a while. Still pretty sad.
938 · Aug 2014
When Will We Confess?
Simon Forsythe Aug 2014
The ideals of society
Are not composed
Of the ideals of
Collective individuals

The ideals of society
Are composed
Of the ideals of
Collective individuals'
922 · Aug 2014
Rhythm Is {10w}
Simon Forsythe Aug 2014
Never found in increments of broken hearts on tattered sleeves
886 · Nov 2014
Be Yourself {10w}
Simon Forsythe Nov 2014
Can I ask you a question?

Do I like you?
886 · Nov 2014
Cold Hands {10w}
Simon Forsythe Nov 2014
Those who know me most tend to hate me least.
798 · Nov 2014
To Take Away
Simon Forsythe Nov 2014
There's dirt
Under your nails
Coating your knees
Keeping at bay the assembly of a surging communal light
Saturday, May the 4th
At night

The dirt under your nails
Coating your knees
Made loss for us all
659 · Aug 2014
Simon Forsythe Aug 2014
My gaze as

Through the view of my rear passenger window
You disappear into a home where thoughts or murmurs of me are
Seldom conceived the same way

You walk away is never the same once
Simon Forsythe Aug 2014
Where should I begin?
With her obnoxious audacity
Or her silky, drawing skin?

Her superficial ideals
Or her 'I'll never drink' thing?

Her inappropriate affect
Or maybe with him?

He who had faltered, bringing the future down with him

A selfless decision now appears to be a selfish song
451 · Aug 2014
Still, Tomorrow, Six? {10w}
Simon Forsythe Aug 2014
Better were the days when the nights did not weep
425 · Dec 2014
There She Goes
Simon Forsythe Dec 2014
Started to think.
Simply could not sleep.
Started to drink.
Simply could not sleep.

But that's okay.
I'll be laughing in just a few weeks.

And you'll miss the man who'd give anything...
In just a few weeks.

Because it will be clear in the light of new days
He isn't half my heart, in half the ways.
409 · Nov 2014
Minor Things, Major Keys
Simon Forsythe Nov 2014
It is ordinary that, with passing time,
Hers becomes mine.
It could be
      Last year's wine
      Or wrinkle lines
Either way, I will stay

to toast to those lines another day.
403 · Aug 2014
Simon Forsythe Aug 2014
Scene-less, seamless regret
It wasn't what was coming that hyped my fear
What was had been misconstrued
Becoming bionic hits so hard
Simon Forsythe Aug 2014
Come back and I won't make another one, ever. Please.
339 · Aug 2014
This Departure
Simon Forsythe Aug 2014
You don't have to tie my hands together
To tell me that you're leaving
Departure's never easy, but goodbye's a sweet thing
So tell me that you're leaving
308 · Aug 2014
Simon Forsythe Aug 2014
What time I leave for work really depends
On if I'd rather listen to music alone at home
Or alone in the parking lot

— The End —