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Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.

The living of life will eventually reveal
those who are true friends and those who are not . When the truth is made known, it cuts deep.
This comes from a very recent experience in my life.
Have friends but make sure that
they are true.
Should I cover up my sadness
With a cherry facsimile smile
Should I hide my tears
Caused by my wearily travelled miles

Should I put aside
This feeling of hurt and pain
Let you think all is well
As inside I go insane

Should I talk to you
And say to you all is fine
While within my heart I ache
And anger floods my mind

Should I just be quiet
Endure the pain and slowly die
Or should I become exposed
And let you see me cry

I do not know exactly
What to do or say
I just wish these troubles
I have would go away

I do not like being this way
It's such a burdensome task
To hurt so bad inside
And be expected to wear a happy mask

From the distance I can hear
The glorious drumbeats roll
Far far away
In the eternal home of my soul

I can feel the air
It is warm as in the spring
I hear the golden bells
As in praise to Christ they ring

I can smell the scents
Of flowers of honeysuckle on the vine
And of the pine trees standing tall
Aromas so divine

I can taste the sweetness
Of water clean and pure
In a land that knows no night
Of this I am sure

I can see the beauty
Of mountains rising high
Piercing through the snow white clouds
Up into the azure sky

Looking into the horizon
I see the things which I seek
My saviour, love and joy
And heavens eternal peace

In the distance I also see
Loved ones that I have known
With JESUS our precious Saviour
In their far away eternal home

These things to me are real
And I cannot wait
For these things I see
Through my eyes of faith


I was thinking of heaven today and what it must be like there and how I can't wait to see it.These thoughts came to me so I wrote them down in a poem.I know that heaven is far beyond anything I can attempt to imagine or describe, but the things I love I can't help but think will be there pure and untarnished by sin. The thought causes me to think how beautiful heaven must be, and with each passing day I long for heaven more than the day before.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
His shadowy brim tipped down and in
No face to place, no trace of chin
Revolver cradled loose and low
Cylinder whirs, chambers roll

Trench coat long, dark, and lean
Black boots gleam with choicest sheen
Right hand rested 'round bony grips
Left hand fans and never slips

Who are you?
What do you want from me?
Why are you here?

Your purpose is hidden
Your message unclear

Never a word muttered
Not even a sound
It's always the same
When you come around

Got to find my keys
Get out of this place
I'm weak in the knees
My heart's losing pace

Jump in the car
Pedal meets metal
Check my rear-view
For signs of that devil

At the stoplight
A peripheral glance
A sideways glint
A figure askance

Shotgun rider
A figment with a plan
The devil may care
But my mind made the man

©Jason Cole
 Jul 2015 Sherri Harder
AK Bright
What is it that holds the oceans back
or makes the flowers bloom
what is it that hangs with precision the sun
and makes it to chase the moon

What is it that makes us savor love
and makes our minds to dream
what gives a baby his first breath
and just the right air to breathe

What makes us long for something more
Contentment, a school boy's crush
We chase it around 'til we think it's cornered
But it always escapes in a rush

We're all searching for something deeper
Something beyond our mortal power
We won't find it in our vices
Or atop the Ivory Tower

I found the answers in eternal hope
And everything unseen
My treasures lie on the other side
This life is but a dream
 Jun 2015 Sherri Harder
 Jun 2015 Sherri Harder
Getting hurt means you’re
starting to become stronger
We may feel weak at first
because of the suffering
But one day, we’ll realize
we had enough and that
You don’t need paybacks
to be happy with your life.
 Jun 2015 Sherri Harder

I ran out of words
so I stopped at the store
and searched every aisle and row

Pushing my cart
with a wobbling wheel
just trying to keep with the flow

Chocolate chip cookies,
a magazine stand,
broom handles right over there

Two percent milk,
light bulbs and duct tape,
prices galore to compare

But there were no words
at least none I could use
to write you a poem today

No phrases on sale,
not a verse on the shelf
or flowery thoughts on display

So I bought a pen
and a Big Chief notebook,
there was nothing else I could do

And I scribbled these words
as I walked to my car
that simply said I do love you
You sound
rigorous but gentle
to me, my love

—Bach, probably

in a sweeter
musical incarnation


I will be your devoted listener
through the centuries
and beyond
by Luca Shivendra Om
© Luca Shivendra Om
 Jun 2015 Sherri Harder
RH 78
Shop fronts, curbs and pavements.
Bin men wear hearts on their sleeve.
Coffee shops, bakers and jewellers.
A homeless man searching reprieve.

Adverts and billboards shine bright.
The cleaners have swept the streets bare.
Commuters and tourists combined.
This city called London we share.

Marching to a steady beat
Marching to a steady beat

The pavement are veins
People the blood
The city the heart

Pumping the beat
Pumping the beat
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